I am Smith

Gabriela Lopez

About Gabriela

Class of 2023

Denver, Colorado

Sociology, Ethics

Board Member and Tour Guide, Gold Key

Latin American Students’ Organization

Smith Students for Reproductive Justice

Intern, U.S. Department of State Virtual Student Federal Service Program

Scholarship Recipient

Why Smith?
I wanted to come to Smith because I was comfortable in settings that are majority women, and I liked Smith's open curriculum. Smith has been a community where I have been able to come into myself as an individual. I am so happy to watch myself grow every single day.

What has financial aid meant to you?
My award has allowed me to explore a brand-new world of academia and has set me up for future success as a Smithie.

“A Smithie is never just a student: A Smithie is an advocate, a friend and a passionate person dedicated to improving the world.”

What does being a Smithie mean to you?
A Smithie is never just a student: A Smithie is an advocate, a friend and a passionate person dedicated to improving the world.

What are you studying?
I’m a sociology major, but I love to take classes in many different departments to learn the most I can.

What do you enjoy most about Smith’s campus?
The nature. Campus is beautiful year-round, and Smith always creates opportunities for students to get out and enjoy it. I take advantage of the kayaks in the boathouse in early fall, and make sure to take walks around campus and by Paradise Pond when the weather allows it. The twisty paths around campus make every trek to class a small and beautiful journey.

Do you have a passion project or activity?
I have loved my time as a tour guide at Smith. I’m especially proud of the way I have been able to connect with prospective students and their families, sharing what I love about Smith and helping them find the right fit for themselves. Sometimes the right fit is not Smith, and that’s absolutely OK. I’m grateful that I get to be a part of their journey to find their home away from home.

What are you looking forward to this year?
I’m planning to study in Spain this spring. I never thought I would be studying abroad, but Smith has made it incredibly achievable. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that will change me forever.

What are your hopes for graduation?
I want to graduate knowing that I was true to myself at Smith: that I studied what I was passionate about, applied to opportunities because they truly interested me and made friendships that were genuine.

After graduation, I hope to attend law school. I would love to have a career where I work on meaningful projects and help people’s lives.

Why should donors support financial aid?
Your contribution will begin a domino effect for a student that will change their life forever. The confidence I have in myself today I owe to Smith donors.

Contact Us

To make an endowed gift or to learn more about supporting financial aid at Smith, please contact Betsy Carpenter ’93, associate vice president for development, at 413-585-2052 or ewcarpen@smith.edu.