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Smith & Northampton

View of Elm St. From Northrop Gillett


Smith College is proud to be a vital part of Northampton and a partner in its success. This information attempts to capture the extent of the college’s economic, civic and cultural participation in the life of a city we value and celebrate.

Contributing to the Local Economy

Smith is Northampton’s largest taxpayer.

Approximately 35 percent of Smith’s 1,576 employees live in Northampton, Florence and Leeds, contributing to the local economy.

Annual payroll (wages and benefits), fiscal year 2021: $131,489,000

Annual payroll (wages only), fiscal year 2021: $101,350,000

Grants from federal and private sources support research, teaching and outreach, fiscal year 2020-21: $12,533,556*
*The grants include CARES Act funding from the Department of Education.

External grants to Smith faculty and administrators—from charitable foundations, corporations, and federal and state agencies—support research, teaching and outreach projects at the college. These grants create jobs, support local educational partnerships and have other direct and indirect impacts on the local economy. This funding also helps Smith College make its resources—the museum, botanic garden, libraries, theater, and research facilities as well as the expertise of faculty and staff—available to community members and the general public.


Construction spending, Fiscal Year 2021: $39,614,247

City of Northampton

Water, Sewer and Stormwater Charges, Fiscal Year 2021: $577,264
Permits: $34,120
Inspections: $17,100
Real estate taxes: $429,698

News from the Grécourt Gate


Smith students are partnering with local organizations to create the Northampton Community Resilience Hub, an important new resource for the community.

HUD: Smith College Supports Affordable Housing in Downtown Northampton

Smith is actively engaged in numerous projects to strengthen and encourage community development in Northampton, including downtown revitalization.

Summer School for Smith Students—as Teachers

Smith graduate education students are participating for the first time in a city schools program aimed at helping children with disabilities stay engaged in learning over the summer.

ValleyBike Electric Bike Share Offers Eco-Friendly Transport

Smith students and employees now have discounted access to a new, regional bike sharing program. ValleyBike offers 500 electric, pedal-assist bikes to 50 stations throughout the Pioneer Valley.

Smith’s Technology Donations Help Area Schools, Nonprofits Keep Pace

When Northampton students return to school next fall, dozens of Dell and Apple desktops and laptops will be waiting for them. The systems are being donated to the city through Smith’s long-running Technology Donation Program.