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Emeriti & Retired Faculty

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Emeriti and retired faculty members are valuable participants in the Smith community. They continue to actively contribute to the intellectual and social life of the college through their scholarship and publications, contact with students and alumnae, and their collegial relations with both current and retired faculty members.

Emeriti Advisory Committee

The Emeriti Advisory Committee provides a direct means of communication between emeriti faculty and the administration. The committee serves as a forum for emeriti faculty ideas and concerns; makes recommendations about policy changes relevant to emeriti faculty; and provides advice to the president, provost and planning committees about issues relevant to emeriti faculty. In planning for retirement, faculty members often have questions about their opportunities and choices for shaping the next phase of their intellectual careers. The advisory board can assist with information and guidance.

  • Marjorie Senechal, Louise Wolff Kahn Professor Emerita in Mathematics and History of Science & Technology
  • Janie Vanpée, Professor Emerita of French Studies
  • Hélène VisentinChair, Associate Dean of the Faculty/Dean for Academic Development

Events & Activities

Emeriti Events

Dewey Hall

2023–24 Event Information Forthcoming

Out But Not Down (OBND)

Throughout the academic year, the Out But Not Down group generally meets monthly and enjoys a series of speakers and lunches. Membership is automatic. A letter is sent to recent retirees and new members are introduced at the group’s October meeting. Members also gather for an end-of-the-year dinner in May. There is no charge for membership or meals, and spouses or partners are welcome to accompany emeriti.

OBND Schedule

During the 2023—24 academic year, the meetings will be held in person at the Conference Center monthly from 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. Members of OBND will receive announcements, with an invitation to RSVP, by email.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023 "Generative AI for Fun and Pleasure," presented by Nicholas Howe, Professor of Computer Science, Jordan Crouser, Associate Professor of Computer Science, and Pablo Frank Bolton, Lecturer in Computer Science
Tuesday, November 14, 2023 "Hrothgar and Beowulf: Reflections on Geriatric Decision-Making," presented by Craig Davis, Professor of English Language & Literature
Tuesday, February 6, 2024 “The PLACE Lab: Centering community-building, art and justice in the field of plant physiology,” presented by Jess Gersony, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences
Tuesday, March 5, 2024 "Who Owns the Moon and Other Issues Related to the First Lunar Settlements," presented by Salman Hameed, Charles Taylor Chair and Professor of Integrated Science & Humanities School of Cognitive Science, Hampshire College
Tuesday, April 2, 2024 "Creating a Calling-In Culture at Smith," presented by Loretta Ross, Associate Professor of the Study of Women & Gender
Monday, May 6, 2024 End of year evening dinner



Officers 2023–24

President: Suzan Edwards
Vice-President: Dennis Yasutomo
Secretary: Patricia Sweetser
Treasurer: Charles Johnson

Emeriti & Retirement Resources


Provost/Dean of the Faculty

College Hall 206
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063

Phone: 413-585-3000