Casey Berger

Assistant Professor of Physics and Statistical and Data Sciences

Casey Berger

Contact & Office Hours

Fall 2023

Group office hours
Monday 10–11 a.m. and
Tuesday 1–2 p.m.
(McConnell 214)
And by appointment

McConnell 301


Casey's research is in applying high performance computing and machine learning methods to many-body quantum systems. Before coming to Smith, she was a postdoctoral research associate at Boston University in the physics department and the Hariri Institute for Computing. She earned her PhD in physics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she was a Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellow and a William Neal Reynolds fellow in the Royster Society of Fellows. Before that, she earned bachelor's degrees in physics from the Ohio State University and in philosophy and film and television production from Boston University.  

She also works on issues of diversity and equity in STEM, with an emphasis on improving representation and support of women, LGBTQ folks, BIPOC, and other underrepresented groups in STEM. When she's not doing science, you can find her working on her novels or outside running, hiking, or kayaking.