Hans Hansen
Lecturer in Classics
Hans Hansen is a lecturer in classics. He received his Ph.D. from UNC Chapel Hill in 2016. Before he started teaching at Smith, Hans held a post-doctoral position at Radboud University, where he worked on the Anchoring Innovation project. His research focuses on Greek poetry of the archaic and Hellenistic periods. He's published on Theocritus, although nowadays Pindar takes up most of his time; in addition to several articles, he's currently working on a book-length commentary on Pindar's first victory ode for the young pancratist Phylacidas. Cultural memory and intertextuality are central concerns of his work. One of the real attractions of classical studies is the opportunity to apply modern theoretical lenses to ancient art, and Hansen is especially interested in the insight that pragmatics, text work theory and conceptual blending can shed on lyric poetry.