R. Jordan Crouser
Associate Professor of Computer Science

Contact & Office Hours
Bass Hall 107
Ph.D., M.S., Tufts University
A.B., Smith College
Jordan Crouser is a visual analytics researcher and semi-professional data wrangler. He is passionate about learning, and his teaching philosophy is grounded in three simple principles: each learner builds and rebuilds her own body of knowledge; people build the things they care about; and people keep building when they can see that they’re making progress. In the classroom and in his research, he encourages students to challenge their working models of the world in service of problems that matter to them.
His research program investigates the complementary nature of human and machine computation as used in visual analytics and other human-machine collaborative systems. These systems make use of the human visual system, as well as our capacity to understand and reason about complex data. He has published his technical contributions in the areas of visualization theory, human-computer interaction, educational technology, visual analytics systems and human computation. Prior to returning to academia, Crouser spent two years doing research and building analytical tools at MIT Lincoln Laboratory.
Crouser earned his master's in educational technology and doctorate in computer science in 2013 from the VALT: Visual Analytics Laboratory at Tufts University and is also a proud member of the Smith College class of 2008. In his spare time, he enjoys board games, cooking and bicycling.