Olive Mckeon

Lecturer in Dance

Headshot of Olive Mckeon

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Office hours by appointment.


Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles

M.A., New York University

B.A., Hampshire College


Olive Mckeon is a dance researcher informed by Marxist, feminist and psychoanalytic methods. Her articles have appeared or are forthcoming in TDR: The Drama Review, Lateral, Performance Research, and Dance Chronicle. Her essays have received the Founding Editors Award from Dance Chronicle and the Sally Banes Publication Prize Honorable Mention from the American Society for Theatre Research. She holds a doctorate from the University of California, Los Angeles, completing a dissertation on historical materialist approaches to San Francisco modern dance history. Her poetry chapbook, Communism is up there and we are down here but it is happening now, was published by Timeless Infinite Light (Oakland). Her poetry has appeared in Black Box: A Record of Catastrophe, Tripwire: a journal of poetics, the Elephants, Armed Cell, and Open House.