I am Smith

Julia Fondiller

About Julia

Class of 2021

Westchester County, New York

Sociology Major

How are you involved with the Jandon Center?

I first got involved with the Jandon Center during my first year at Smith when I became a long-term Big for Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS). My relationship of three-plus years with my little was so rewarding and reminded me how much energy and creativity children bring to the community and to life. My junior year, I joined the Community Service Organization (CSO) board as a short-term project co-chair. In 2020, I was elected to be the chair of the CSO board. I have deeply enjoyed the opportunity to continue growing our program and facilitate change in the Smith and Northampton community.

What have you noticed about your community?

BBBS has shown me the impact that encouragement can have on a young person’s journey. Children play such a large role in shaping this community and beyond, so I am thankful that I got the opportunity to learn from my little and her friends as they shared their passions for music, dancing, and caring for the environment with me.

Who/what inspires you? Or who/what do you think we should know more about?

I am very much inspired by family and art. Access to a supportive community and the ability to create, share and learn about all types of art is what has helped me grow the most these past few years at Smith. I encourage people to try a new or different art form from what they are comfortable with. Now, during my final semester at Smith, I am taking an introductory drawing class. It is often challenging, but the final results are so rewarding. I encourage everyone to step out of their comfort zone—you may surprise yourself with what you can learn or create!

“Access to a supportive community and the ability to create, share and learn about all types of art is what has helped me grow the most these past few years at Smith.”
