Visiting Poets

Alison Deming

Alison Hawthorne Deming

Poet, essayist, and environmentalist, ALISON HAWTHORNE DEMING stands at the crossroads of art and science. Winner of the Walt Whitman Award for her first book, Science and Other Poems, she has published three collections since, as well as four books of nonfiction, including the recently-released Zoologies: On Animals and the Human Spirit. Praised by Booklist for combining “aesthetic splendor with serpentine intellect and wry humor,” Deming’s work has won her comparisons with Gary Snyder and Terry Tempest Williams, as well as a slew of prizes. She teaches creative writing at the University of Arizona where she also works with the Institute of the Environment.

Supported by the Center for the Environment, Ecological Design and Sustainability (CEEDS), the Environmental Science & Policy Program, the Departments of Psychology and the Landscape Studies Program

Poetry Center Reading

Fall 2014