Visiting Poets

Bianca Stone

Bianca Stone

Bianca Stone is a writer and visual artist, and the author of four acclaimed books, including a collection of poetry comics, and, most recently, The Möbius Strip Club of Grief (Tin House, 2018), which The Kenyon Review praised for its depiction of a “womanhood [that is raw, raging, sad, and beautiful] in which we can find some sort of personal freedom from all the grief of simply living. A womanhood that will last long after the current trends have lost their shine and we still need to be heard.” Stone lives in Vermont where she is the co-founder and director of programs for The Ruth Stone House, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting poetry and letterpress book arts.

Visual Poetry with Diana Khoi Nguyen and Bianca Stone will be held on Zoom on November 16, 2021 at 7 p.m.

Poetry Center Reading

Fall 2021