Visiting Poets

Sara London

Sara London headshot. Photo credit: Dean Albarelli
Upkeep (Four Way Books, 2019) is a collection that finds its way home through loss. In these poems, SARA LONDON eyes grief as a living thing tended by daily rituals of memory and healing, and her work is imbued with both humor and hope. Poet Tom Sleigh says of Upkeep, “London’s work embodies what Seamus Heaney once called ‘the steadfastness of speech articulation,’ in which her care for language is continuous with her care for other people and the world.” London is also the author of The Tyranny of Milk (Four Way Books, 2010) and her poems have appeared in numerous publications, including AGNI, The Hudson Review, Poetry East, and The Iowa Review. London is a Lecturer in the Department of English Language and Literature at Smith College.

Poetry Center Reading

Spring 2020