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Smith eDigest
The Smith eDigest is sent to all campus email accounts on Tuesday and Thursday each week during the academic year and on Tuesdays during the summer. Items for eDigest are limited to official Smith business and must be submitted by 5 p.m. on the day prior to the next edition’s distribution.


News & Events for the Smith College Community

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Most news stories dating back to 2011 are available in the new Grécourt Gate, and older stories will appear here over time. If the story you’re looking for is not yet available, please refer to the news archive.

News Archive

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Celebrating Staff Champions

A fall event celebrated “champions for Smith students” by bringing together students, staff and faculty who are helping to foster a sense of belonging at Smith.

  • Campus Life
  • October 29, 2021
Staff and students picking up glass mugs

People News October 2021

Podcasts, research grants and career promotions are among the recent accomplishments of Smith students, faculty, staff and alums. Read about them in the latest People News column.

  • Campus Life
  • October 27, 2021
sun shining through a tree in front of the Smith Campus Center

Smith College Will Replace Loans with Grants in Financial Aid Awards

Smith College has announced that it will eliminate loans from its undergraduate financial aid packages, beginning in fall 2022, replacing them with grants from the college. This historic expansion of the college’s financial aid program represents a new annual investment of $7 million, projected to bring the college’s total aid awarded next year to more than $90 million.

  • News of Note
  • October 22, 2021
Grecourt Gate emblem against blue sky

Meet Cromwell Day Speaker LaTosha Brown

LaTosha Brown, an award-winning civil rights and voting rights activist, is the keynote speaker for this year’s Cromwell Day celebration on Thursday, Nov. 4.  Her address on “Reimagining American Democracy” is at 1:30 p.m. in John M. Greene Hall for students, faculty and staff participating in the college’s asymptomatic testing program.

  • Year on Democracies
  • October 20, 2021

Teaching Award Winners Share Insights

Three faculty members who are recipients of this year’s Sherrerd Teaching Awards—Maren Buck, Gaby Immerman and Michelle Joffroy—share insights about their experiences as educators. An awards ceremony will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 26, at 4:30 p.m. in Sage Hall for those participating in Smith’s asymptomatic testing program.

  • News of Note
  • October 18, 2021

New Season, New Stories

“Stoop Pigeons,” a play about life in a mostly Black and Latino/a city neighborhood, launches a Smith theatre season centered on plays by and about women, people of color and gender and sexual minorities. Performances begin on Friday, Oct. 22.

  • Smith Arts
  • October 15, 2021
Director gesturing with an open screenplay in her lap

Smith College Welcomes New Faculty Members

Twenty-one new tenure-track professors have joined the Smith faculty this year.

  • News of Note
  • October 14, 2021
Grecourt Gate emblem against blue sky

Selma Tir ’20: Shedding Light on Circadian Rhythms

New research by Selma Tir ’20 and Smith professor Mary Harrington suggests that regular exposure to dim light in the evenings may affect your liver functions.

  • Research & Inquiry
  • October 12, 2021

Now, Not Never!

Two years ago, Lori Tharps ’94 was at a crossroads, content in her life as a tenured professor but longing for something new. After attending her 25th Reunion, and hearing similar stories from classmates, she took a leap of faith, upending her comfortable life in pursuit of her true passion. These days, she couldn’t be happier.

  • Alumnae News
  • October 7, 2021

‘A Seamless Blend of the Historical and Modern’

Writer and librarian Jess deCourcy Hinds '00 explores what the reimagined Neilson reveals about the future of libraries.

  • New Neilson
  • October 4, 2021
Illustration of a hand with red nail polish turning a page between a library shelf with books and the new Neilson oculus

‘An Extraordinary Time to Be a Scholar at Smith’

The new Neilson was built for both the production and presentation of knowledge, provost and dean of the faculty Michael Thurston says.

  • New Neilson
  • October 4, 2021
Illustration of two overlapping people holding a book, whose pages are bursting forth with landscapes and arrows

‘A Setting Worthy of Their Excellence’

Smith’s collections finally have the home they deserve, says recently retired English professor Nancy Mason Bradbury '74.

  • New Neilson
  • October 4, 2021
Illustration of a white student reading near the Neilson sunken courtyard.

‘The Library as a Microcosm of the Campus’

A research library is a hub that generates and distributes intellectual currents, associate dean of the faculty Hélène Visentin says.

  • New Neilson
  • October 4, 2021
Illustration of an orange person with green curly hair and two pink people with lots of sketchy idea icons

Prof. Loretta Ross: Powerful Testimony

In testimony before the House Committee on Oversight and Reform on Thursday, Sept. 30, Professor Loretta Ross joined other prominent women in sharing stories of their experience around abortion and in urging continued access to health care and reproductive rights.

  • Research & Inquiry
  • October 1, 2021
Loretta Ross

Centering Intersectional Feminist Scholarship

Sitting at the juncture of women’s studies, critical race theory, and global studies, Meridians: feminism, race, transnationalism is a double-blind, peer-reviewed academic journal founded at Smith under the leadership of former president Ruth J. Simmons.

  • Research & Inquiry
  • September 30, 2021

The Insider’s Guide to the Lewis Global Studies Center

In this, the first of a series of stories about the academic centers that help shape the intellectual life of the college, the Smith Alumnae Quarterly spotlights the Lewis Global Studies Center.

  • Campus Life
  • September 28, 2021

People News September 2021

Prestigious fellowships, award-winning compositions and community service honors are among the recent accomplishments of Smith students, faculty, staff and alums. Read about them in the latest People News column.

  • Campus Life
  • September 23, 2021

Meet the 2022 Smith College Medalists

Four extraordinary alums will receive the Smith College Medal at Rally Day in February, in recognition of contributions to their communities and the world. This year’s medalists are Jane Lakes Harman ’66, S. Mona Ghosh Sinha ’88, Deborah Archer ’93 and Jessie Banhazl ’06.

  • News of Note
  • September 22, 2021
Closeup of the Smith College Medal
