Reason #20 You Should Visit
Local music venues
The number of fellowships and employment stipends is limited, and all applicants are strongly urged also to apply for scholarships and loans.
In accepting one of these appointments, the student agrees to remain for the duration of the appointment.
2021-22 Stipend: $14,400
MFA students in the department of dance receive teaching fellowships and teach the equivalent of three undergraduate studio courses per year. Each fellow receives a tuition waiver for all but one of the required graduate courses.
2021-22 Stipend: $14,400
Teaching fellowships are available in the department of biological sciences. They combine fellowship aid with practical experience and an opportunity to gain competence in a specialized field of study. Each teaching fellow receives a tuition waiver for all required graduate courses.
Research fellowships are granted for work in various science departments as funds become available; stipends vary in accordance with the nature and length of the appointment. During the academic year, the research fellow usually carries a half-time graduate program.
2021-22 stipend awards vary
The Department of Exercise and Sport Studies awards stipends for work in athletics and ESS. These stipends vary in accordance with type of appointment and amount of funding available. Recipients generally carry full-time course loads and may receive varying levels of scholarship assistance.