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Strategic Plan 2015

Detail of the top of the Grecourt Gates


In early 2015, Smith College embarked on an ambitious strategic planning process, seeking the best ideas to shape the college’s future. The Committee on Mission and Priorities, comprising faculty, student and staff representatives, served as the steering committee for this effort, which took place as Smith prepared for its 2017 accreditation review by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). The plan, “Lives of Distinction and Purpose: A Plan for Smith,” adopted by the board of trustees in October 2016, is the product of the Smith community’s best creative thinking.


The strategic planning process began in early 2015 with a call for proposals, open to all faculty, staff, and students. Proposals identified new initiatives, adapted or extended existing programming, or replaced/ended existing work. The plan that emerged builds on the achievements of The Smith Design for Learning (2007), the vision of The Futures Initiative (2011) and the momentum of the Women for the World campaign, positioning Smith for continued innovation and strength.

February 2015 Call for strategic planning proposals
Spring–Summer 2015 Proposals reviewed and coded by Committee on Mission and Priorities (CMP)
September 2015 Strategic planning retreat
January 2016 Preliminary draft of strategic themes presented at all-faculty retreat
February 2016 Campuswide strategic plan “playback” sessions
Spring 2016 Strategic plan draft reviewed and refined by CMP and cabinet
May 2016 Plan presented to board of trustees; plan circulated for campus comment
October 2016 Endorsement of the plan by the board of trustees

Committee on Mission & Priorities, 2014–17

  • Kathleen McCartney, President, chair
  • Katherine Rowe, Provost and Dean of the Faculty, vice chair
  • Nancy Bradbury, Professor of English Language and Literature
  • Julia Collins ’17
  • Patrick Coby, Esther Booth Wiley 1934 Professor of Government
  • Koumba Dem ’18
  • Robert Dorit, Professor of Biological Sciences
  • Elliot Fratkin, Gwendolen Carter Professor of African Studies (Anthropology)
  • Dwight Hamilton, Vice President for Inclusion, Diversity and Equity
  • Michael Howard, Vice President for Finance and Administration
  • Nicholas Howe, Professor of Computer Science
  • Cade Johnson ’16
  • Barbara Kellum, Professor of Art
  • Kimberly Kupinski ’15
  • Courtney Lannert, Associate Professor of Physics
  • Elisa Lanzi, Director of Digital Strategies and Services, Smith Libraries
  • Donna Lisker, Dean of the College and Vice President for Campus Life
  • Robert Newton, Professor of Geosciences
  • Joe O’Rourke, Spencer T. and Ann W. Olin Professor of Computer Science; Professor of Mathematics and Statistics
  • Bill Peterson, Associate Provost and Dean for Academic Development
  • Beth Raffeld, Vice President for Development
  • Jeffry Ramsey, Associate Professor of Philosophy
  • Kevin Rozario, Associate Professor of American Studies
  • Alan Rudnitsky, Professor of Education and Child Study
  • Rebecca Shaw, Associate Dean of Students
  • Dano Weisbord, Director of Campus Sustainability and Space Planning

Strategic Planning Working Groups

To align and refine ideas, the Committee on Mission and Priorities (CMP) has formed working groups to consider strategic planning proposals that address common themes. The working groups, including membership, are as follows:


  • Danielle Ramdath, Associate Dean of the Faculty, Committee on Academic Priorities (CAP)
  • Margaret Bruzelius, Dean of the Senior Class and Associate Dean of the College
  • Floyd Cheung, Associate Professor of English Language and Literature and Director, Sherrerd Center
  • David DeSwert, Associate Vice President for Finance
  • Gretchen Herringer, Registrar
  • Anne Houston, Director of Teaching, Learning and Research, Neilson Library
  • Cade Johnson ’16, Committee on Mission and Priorities (CMP)
  • Zaza Kabayadondo, Design Thinking Initiatives Co-Director
  • Thomas Laughner, Director of Educational Technology
  • Alan Rudnitsky, Professor of Education and Child Study, CMP
  • Dano Weisbord, Director of Campus Sustainability and Space Planning

Creative Campus

  • Barbara Kellum, Professor of Art, Faculty Council
  • Jennifer Chrisler, Vice President for Alumnae Relations & Executive Director of the Alumnae Association
  • Andrea Hairston, Professor of Theatre
  • Alexandra Keller, Professor of Film Studies, CAP
  • Borjana Mikic, Professor of Engineering
  • Jessica Nicoll, Director and Chief Curator, Museum of Art
  • Beth Raffeld, Vice President for Development


  • Katherine Rowe, Provost and Dean of the Faculty, CMP, CAP
  • Donald Baumer, Professor of Government, CAP
  • Nancy Bradbury, Professor of English Language & Literature
  • Julia Collins ’17, CMP
  • Robert Dorit, Professor of Biological Sciences, CMP
  • Dwight Hamilton, Chief Diversity Officer
  • Gretchen Herringer, Registrar
  • Nicholas Howe, Professor of Computer Science, Faculty Council
  • Minh Ly, Associate Director for Assessment
  • Audrey Smith, Vice President for Enrollment


  • Donna Lisker, Dean of the College and Vice President for Campus Life, CAP, CMP
  • Rebecca Hovey, Dean for International Study
  • Beth Raffeld, Vice President for Development
  • Kevin Rozario, Associate Professor of American Studies, CAP, Faculty Council
  • Janie Vanpée, Professor of French Studies
  • Marianne Yoshioka, Dean of the School for Social Work

Research Experiences

  • Bill Peterson, Associate Provost and Dean for Academic Development, CAP, CMP
  • Patricia DiBartolo, Professor of Psychology
  • Susan Etheredge, Professor of Education and Child Study, Faculty Council
  • Nathanael Fortune, Professor of Physics, CAP
  • Elisa Lanzi, Director of Digital Strategies and Services, Smith Libraries
  • Kevin Quashie, Professor of Africana Studies
  • Hélène Visentin, Professor of French Studies, CAP


  • Michael Howard, Vice President for Finance and Administration, CMP
  • Laurie Fenlason, Vice President for Public Affairs and Strategic Initiatives
  • Robert Newton, Director, Professor of Geosciences and Director, CEEDS
  • Jeffry Ramsey, Associate Professor of Philosophy, CMP
  • Amy Rhodes, Associate Professor of Geosciences, CAP
  • Becky Shaw, Associate Dean of Students and Director of Residence Life
  • Dano Weisbord, Director of Campus Sustainability and Space Planning
  • Cate Rowen, Executive Director of Institutional Research and Educational Assessment, resource to all working groups