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Engineering student in class

Departmental forms are often required when pursuing course work that deviates from the approved engineering curriculum. The following page provides a centralized location for required forms.

The plan of study identifies the coursework needed to complete the major/minor and allows each student to document a path toward completing the major/minor. Students review, update and discuss their plan of study with their adviser each semester.  

Capstone Design Intent Form


Request for Extra Time

Study Away

Special Studies

Students who wish to register for Special Studies (EGR 400) are required to complete the college’s Special Studies/Advanced Studies Registration Supplement form that is available on the registrar website. If a student plans to use the Special Studies (EGR 400) as a technical-depth course then the student is also required to complete the Petition for Technical Depth courses (see below). For more information, see the Special Studies tab.

Course Approvals


For additional information on transfer credits, please see the Credit Guidelines on The Academic Program page.