College Conduct Board
The College Conduct Board ensures that students uphold the standards for student ethics and conduct outlined in the Student Handbook. The board hears cases of alleged infractions of non-academic rules and makes decisions about the outcomes of cases. Academic infractions are handled by the Academic Honor Board.
The board is comprised of approximately 17 members with an approximately equal number of juniors and seniors. The board hears cases in teams of 5 members constituting a hearing board. Every hearing board is assisted by an adviser who is a member of the student affairs staff. The Conduct Board uses the code of student conduct and the policies of the college to evaluate the cases before it. The members of the board shall deliberate and reach a consensus on the decision of more likely or not to be responsible for each separate violation the student who is the subject of the complaint has been brought to the board for. Thus, the burden of proof is more likely than not to be responsible for committing a violation.
The code of student conduct expects that each student's behavior and actions will contribute to a community characterized by individual integrity, respect, and a concern for the implications and repurcussions of student behavior. Some behaviors are particularly problematic, and these are summarized in the handbook under Provisions. Students are encouraged to be familiar with the examples provided by this section, but to be aware that this list does not constitute an exhaustive or complete list of prohibited conduct.
Summarized from the Smith College Student Handbook – Code of Social Conduct
Membership in the College Conduct Board is open to juniors, seniors, and Ada Comstock Scholars who have completed the appropriate number of credits. Appointment to the conduct board is coordinated by the Conduct Board leadership. There are between 12-17 positions in the board, split between junior and senior class members.
Call for Members
The application for Conduct Board membership is currently closed. For questions about the conduct board, or the application process, students are encouraged to contact the chair of the conduct board.
College Conduct Board 2022–23
Elena Reshetnikoff
Sarah Bradford
Addy Dwyer
Victoria Flores-Almazan
Charlotte Garner
Molly Gingras
Reese Gittelman
Laurel Kruger
Hannah Krutzer
Hadley Ott
Phounam Pin
Annie Rafferty
Phoebe Rak
Denique "Abbie" Tulloch