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A Message to Alumnae About the Admission Policy Study Group

February 19, 2015

Dear Alumna:

In November, we announced the formation of an Admission Policy Study Group. The study group is charged with giving thoughtful consideration to whether Smith should change its admission policy to reflect society's evolving understanding of gender. Its recommendation, and the board of trustees' ultimate decision on this matter, will be taken in the context of Smith's unwavering identity and mission as a women's college.

The study group's work is well underway. We are grateful for the input we have received so far from more than 1,000 members of the Smith community about transgender students at women's colleges. The range of opinions expressed by students, faculty, staff and alumnae underscores the importance of this task and inspires us as we consider a policy that is right for Smith and supports our mission of providing exceptional students with a world-class education.

We are committed to a review process that is both deliberative and inclusive. Therefore, in the coming weeks, representatives of the study group will host a series of virtual listening sessions in which alumnae can share their thoughts about this important topic. These representatives will host several call-in opportunities to enable alumnae from various time zones and regions to participate. To register, visit Members of the study group will also be engaging with on-campus constituencies.

If you are unable to participate in a call but would like to share your perspective, we invite you to do so via this web form. Additionally, you will find suggested topical readings as well as information about the study group's activities on the Admission Policy Study Group website.


Kathleen McCartney

Elizabeth Eveillard ’69
Chair, Board of Trustees