I am Smith

Daisy Vargas

Daisy Vargas
About Daisy

Class of 2018

Phoenix, Arizona

Neuroscience major

Gold Key guide

Head resident of Park House

Nosotras co-chair

First-Generation Student Alliance

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Interested in the health professions? Smith students undertake challenging coursework and are encouraged to think critically about what they are learning and to apply new skills and concepts. This is excellent preparation for any health profession school.

I transferred to Smith for my sophomore year. I thought Smith would be financially out of reach, but it wasn’t; I’m here on a generous financial aid package. I’m a neuroscience major, and I intend to go to med school.

I’m hoping to go abroad and study at Les Sciences á Paris for my senior year. There is a yearlong program designed especially for students in the sciences. This is what I’ve always wanted to do: When else am I going to get a whole year in Paris?

My parents emigrated from Mexico, and I am a first-generation American and the first one in my family to attend college. For me, going to college was always an expectation, and I also wanted to travel. My dad always told me that my ticket out of Phoenix was through my education and through my research. He was right. Through my neuroscience research, I have presented papers and visited a variety of cities in and out of the country.

“I don’t think I would be a premed major if I weren’t at Smith.”

I don’t think I would be a premed major if I weren’t at Smith. I get all the support I need. This year I got a travel fund grant for a nine-day interterm service trip to Nicaragua with the Smith chapter of Global Medical Brigades. In my two years at Smith, I have already done so much. I am so grateful that I have had these many opportunities.

Daisy Vargas