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Mass Messaging & Communications Protocol

Smith College strives to be responsive to its community in the event of domestic or international crises. Responses to each incident will be guided by individual circumstances and will be informed by the following principles:

Campuswide messages

In general, campuswide emails from the president, dean of the college or other members of the president’s cabinet will be reserved for those situations either domestic or abroad involving our faculty, students or staff on site. The primary purpose of these messages is to notify the community of participants’ safety.

Individual and group messages

When appropriate, the dean of the college or her designee may reach out individually to students with families in affected areas to identify and offer forms of campus support. The vice president for alumnae relations will reach out to alumnae as appropriate and report back to the president’s cabinet with relevant information.

These guidelines recognize that the college may not know the precise whereabouts of students, families or alumnae due to issues including, but not limited to, availability of residence information or short-term travel plans.