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Changing Your Name


Faculty, staff, and students who go by something other than their legal name can update their first name in Workday. In addition, they can upload documentation to initiate a legal name change. The name you use in Workday will automatically appear on or in the following:

  • Smith Google account name (the full name that displays when emailing someone, for example, or on a calendar). This is accessible to people outside of Smith with whom you communicate via your Smith email.

  • Online Smith Campus Directory, which is accessible to people outside of Smith. 

  • Moodle, which is accessible to Smith and Five College students in the same course.

It may take up to 24 hours for your name change to appear in these systems. For detailed instructions on how to update your name, search “name” in Workday, then select the appropriate help article.   

Members of the Smith community can also add their pronouns in Workday for other Smith students and employees to view. At this time, your pronouns will not appear in other Smith systems, such as Moodle or the Smith directory. Pronouns added in Workday will appear on course rosters for undergraduate and graduate/SSW graduate students. Search  “pronoun” in Workday for instructions.


Smith Network Username and Email Address 

Students, faculty and staff who wish to change their Smith network username and email address may write the IT Service Center at for assistance.


To update the name on your OneCard, begin by updating your name in Workday. After one business day, email to schedule an appointment to get the new card. At your appointment, the staff at the ITSC (Stoddard Hall 204) will ask for your current OneCard. They will dispose of that card and give you the new one. There is no charge for exchanging your OneCard to update the name listed.