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The goal of the Smith College endowment is to provide significant, stable support to the College’s annual operating budget and to preserve the inflation-adjusted value of Smith’s assets to support the College’s future activities.  We invest with a long-term outlook to provide enduring support to the College in such key areas as student financial aid, faculty recruitment and retention, academic programs, and facilities.

Totaling $2.5 billion on June 30, 2022, the endowment is managed by the Smith College Investments Office, under the supervision of the Investment Committee.

Investment Committee

Members for 2023–24

  • Deborah DeCotis, chair
  • Andrea Auerbach, vice chair
  • Lisa Black
  • MaDoe Htun
  • Anne Martin
  • Alison Overseth
  • Sarah Willie-LeBreton
  • David DeSwert, non-voting member

Smith College Investments Office Staff

  • Lisa Howie, Chief Investment Officer
  • Brian Dwyer, Director of Operations
  • Caroline Thomas, Director of Investments
  • Corey Walker, Director of Investments
  • Jack Manning, Investment Analyst
  • Megan Feulner, Executive Assistant and Office Manager