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Career Communities

Three students talking

Multiple pathways, grouped by industry interest area, introduce you to a variety of careers and ways to gain experience. Tailored industry-related programming provides access to current hiring trends, job market outlooks and contemporary knowledge so that you can make informed choices.

Explore Careers

Build Your Network

By some estimates, nearly 80% of opportunities are found through networking. Building a network of professional relationships is best started before you’re seeking an opportunity, even from your first year, and will continue throughout Smith and as an alumna.

While it’s not appropriate to ask a networking contact for a job, internship, or housing, by connecting with people in your field of interest you can:

  • Hear advice on getting started and advancing in a field
  • Learn about career-specific resources and get the names of others to talk to
  • Find out about opportunities before they’re posted

Reach Out

Informational interviews—one-on-one conversations with people whose careers interest you—are a great tool to start building both your career knowledge and your network.

Networking works! You’ll discover most people like talking about themselves and their career paths and offering advice to those starting out.