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Transfer Credit Policies


Credit Equivalents

Smith accepts the number of credits granted by another college or university unless the school is on a quarter system, in which case the credit is multiplied by two-thirds (that is, a 5-credit course from a school on the quarter system is equivalent to two-thirds of a semester credit, and transfers in for 3.33 credits).

Transfer Grades

With the exception of grades received for domestic exchange programs and study abroad, grades for work completed at other institutions will not appear on the Smith record. All grades for courses completed through 12 college exchange and Smith-approved study abroad will be recorded on the Smith transcript but will not be calculated in the Smith GPA.

Work completed elsewhere will not be counted for Dean's List or Latin Honors GPA but can be counted towards the Latin Honors distribution.

Grade Requirements

Credit will only be considered for transfer if the host institution awards academic credit and the grade earned is equivalent to a C or better. Students on academic probation must earn a B- or higher for a course to transfer. Grades of pass/fail, satisfactory/unsatisfactory or credit/noncredit earned in courses completed at other institutions are not acceptable for transfer toward the Smith degree unless the transcript clearly states that the minimum level of performance for that grade is a C or better.

Latin Honors

Students may use transfer credit to fulfill the distribution requirements for latin honors. Upon the initial evaluation of transfer credits, the registrar will determine and assign the appropriate category to each transfer course. Students may apply to have unclassified transfer courses considered for distribution credit.

No transfer or exchange grades will be counted for Latin Honors GPA.

Although transfer credit may be awarded for the first semester of an introductory language not taught at Smith, Latin Honors distribution is awarded only upon completion of the equivalent of the full year of introductory language study.

Interterm/Winter Session Transfer Credit

Interterm/winter session courses taken at other institutions will be considered for pre-approval when courses do not overlap with the Fall or Spring semesters at Smith. The number of credits accepted for each Interterm course (normally up to 3) will be determined by the registrar upon review of the transcript. Any interterm course designated 4 credits by a host institution must be reviewed by the class deans and the registrar to determine whether it merits an exception to the 3-credit limit. Students may accrue a maximum of 12 approved interterm credits at Smith or elsewhere toward their Smith degree. Students may not take more than 4 credits during any one interterm at Smith or elsewhere. For transfer students, interterm credits completed prior to enrollment at Smith College are included in the 12-credit maximum.

Independent Study

Independent study courses that you wish to have transfered to Smith must first be evaluated by the appropriate department at Smith. You should present a copy of your work to the department chair and request that it be reviewed. If approved, the department chair should contact the registrar.

Language Study

Many language departments at Smith require that students complete a full year of introductory language study before credit is awarded. You may earn retroactive credit for the course if you complete the second semester.

Major & Minor Credit

Students wishing to use transfer courses towards major or minor requirements must gain approval of the appropriate department through their advisers or department chairs.

Students who plan to major in art must have all studio work reviewed by the Smith Department of Art before major credit will be granted. Portfolios should be presented directly to the department upon arrival/return to campus.

Permanent Record

After credit has been transferred to a student's record at Smith, credit may not be removed. The only exception is when a student earns credit for a Smith course that duplicates the earlier transfer course. In that case, the credit weight will be removed from the transfer course but the course will remain listed on the transcript.

Dual Enrollment

Students may not be enrolled in coursework at another institution during the Fall and Spring semesters at Smith. This includes summer and interterm/winter session courses that overlap with the start and end of the regular Smith semesters. Courses taken through the Five College Interchange during the Fall and Spring semesters are not considered dual enrollment.

Studying Away Senior Year

If you wish to complete part or all of your senior year away from campus on a Smith or non-Smith program or at another undergraduate institution, you must petition the administrative board. The petition must include a plan for the satisfactory completion of the major and degree requirements (including residency) and must have the approval of the department of the major. The petition must be filed in the Office of the Class Deans by the deadline to request approval for off-campus study.

If you are studying away from campus during your final semester, you will not be awarded your degree or diploma until the Office of the Registrar receives a final official transcript and confirms completion of the degree requirements.