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Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Looking up at the exterior gables of a college building

A student is in good academic standing as long as they are matriculated at Smith and is considered by the Administrative Board to be making satisfactory progress toward the degree. The academic standing of all students is reviewed at the end of each semester.

The concept of satisfactory academic progress (SAP) mandates the monitoring of both grade point average (GPA)—qualitative progress—and the number of credits completed—quantitative progress.

Qualitative Standard

If your academic GPA is below 2.0 either cumulatively or in a given semester, you are considered to be making inadequate progress toward your degree and will be placed on academic probation for the subsequent semester.

You must satisfactorily complete 128 credits within eight semesters in order to graduate. Students are granted institutional financial aid for only a total of eight semesters. If you fail to meet the degree requirement of a 2.0 GPA in your senior year you may be granted a ninth semester by the Administrative Board. However, you will receive no institutional aid. Any federal financial aid for which you are eligible will be granted in the ninth semester providing you have not reached the cumulative maximum amounts in the federal programs.

Probationary Status

The first semester that a student is placed on academic probation, they are also placed on financial aid "warning." Students on financial aid warning are still able to receive both federal and institutional financial aid. If you continue to be on academic probation for a second consecutive semester following the warning, you must appeal in writing to the Office of Student Financial Services in order to continue to receive federal and institutional financial aid. If you remain on academic probation for more than two consecutive semesters you are not making satisfactory progress toward a degree. The warning and probationary periods are meant to alert you to potential academic problems and give you time for corrective action. Exceptions to the two semester probationary limit can be made only by the Administrative Board and are only granted in cases of extenuating circumstances, with evidence that you are or are likely to improve your academic standing. In these exceptional cases, you would be required to follow an academic plan developed in conjunction with the Administrative Board. If, after the probationary period ends, you are still not making satisfactory progress, you will be withdrawn from the college by vote of the Administrative Board and therefore will no longer be eligible to receive either institutional or federal financial aid.

Regaining Financial Aid Eligibility

If you were withdrawn and wish to return to Smith with financial aid, you must submit an application for Return to Smith. The application must provide documentation of successful completion of any requirements for Return to Smith voted by the Administrative Board at the time of withdrawal, such as earning the credits appropriate for your class standing. The Administrative Board will notify you in writing of the results of your Return to Smith application and of the GPA you must attain to regain good academic standing. Typically, students are given one semester in which to bring a GPA up to 2.0, unless that would be mathematically impossible, in which case two semesters are granted in which to regain satisfactory academic progress. During this period, you are eligible for both institutional and federal financial aid. SFS is notified by the registrar of your Return to Smith and you become eligible at that time for both federal and institutional financial aid.