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From planning a cider and donuts event to negotiating staff communication with administration to recommending whether the campus go tobacco free, much of Staff Council work is done on committees. Staff Council works to manage both internal Staff Council committees as well as recommending the membership of staff on all-campus committees like the Advisory Committee on Resource Allocation and Committee on Mission and Priorities. Committee participation is a great way to be involved, meet people from across campus, and make a difference from bolstering staff morale to digging into the gritty details of college policies.

Full Council Meeting

August 8, noon | Campus Center 205

Activities Committee Meeting

September 29, 1:30 p.m. | virtual meeting

Communications Committee Meeting

Time TBD | Location TBD

Diversity Committee

Time TBD | Location TBD

Membership and Recruitment Committee

Time TBD | Location TBD

Personnel Policy Committee

1st Wednesday, 2–3 p.m. | virtual meetings

Which Committee is Right for You?

Staff Council has six standing committees, and any staff member is welcome to participate. To support staff community engagement, the college provides limited release time to staff, even if they are not elected to staff council. In addition, Staff Council recommends membership to all-campus committees. Joining a committee is a great way to be involved, engage, and meet other staff from across campus.

Staff Council has six standing committees. Each elected member of the Staff Council serves on at least one committee and is expected to serve on and attend all meetings of that committee. Staff from the entire Smith community are welcome and encouraged to join Staff Council committees.

Committee Chairs

The chairperson of each committee is elected by committee members. In addition to planning and running meetings, the chair is responsible for reporting regularly on the committee’s work to the full Staff Council. All committee chairs also serve on the steering committee.

Activities Committee

The activities committee is responsible for participating in the coordinating, organizing and publicizing of special events. These events allow staff to meet and interact with colleagues in other departments across campus, and foster an atmosphere of cooperation and community spirit.

Communications Committee

The communications committee is responsible for informing Smith College staff of the actions of Staff Council, through The Staff Council Chronicle and other means of communication. This committee also advises administration regarding the dissemination of information to staff and the community at large.

Diversity Committee

The diversity committee is responsible for identifying and planning activities on campus that promote diversity. The committee collaborates with the office for equity and inclusion and the President’s Diversity Council in carrying out its mission.

Membership and Recruitment Committee

The membership and recruitment committee is responsible for all elections and appointments to Staff Council committees. The committee ensures that elections are conducted properly.

Calls for nominations takes place each spring, usually in April.

Personnel Policy Committee

The personnel policy committee is responsible for examination, review and comment on college personnel policies, and for promoting staff training and development.

This committee is comprised of representatives from each staff group when possible, at least three of which are are elected members of Staff Council. In addition, there is one nonvoting information liaison appointed by an appropriate college office, according to the needs of the committee.

Steering Committee

The steering committee meets as needed to ensure that issues are discussed with administrators and committees. The committee is responsible for representing various segments of the college community at Staff Council meetings.

The chair of the Staff Council acts as chair of the steering committee.

This committee comprises: all Staff Council officers; the chair of each Staff Council committee; the two information liaisons appointed by the president (if currently active)

The information liaisons and the editor of The Staff Council Chronicle will serve on the steering committee in a nonvoting capacity.