From planning a cider and donuts event to negotiating staff communication with administration to recommending whether the campus go tobacco free, much of Staff Council work is done on committees. Staff Council works to manage both internal Staff Council committees as well as recommending the membership of staff on all-campus committees like the Advisory Committee on Resource Allocation and Committee on Mission and Priorities. Committee participation is a great way to be involved, meet people from across campus, and make a difference from bolstering staff morale to digging into the gritty details of college policies.
Full Council Meeting
August 8, noon | Campus Center 205
Activities Committee Meeting
September 29, 1:30 p.m. | virtual meeting
Communications Committee Meeting
Time TBD | Location TBD
Diversity Committee
Time TBD | Location TBD
Membership and Recruitment Committee
Time TBD | Location TBD
Personnel Policy Committee
1st Wednesday, 2–3 p.m. | virtual meetings
Which Committee is Right for You?
Staff Council has six standing committees, and any staff member is welcome to participate. To support staff community engagement, the college provides limited release time to staff, even if they are not elected to staff council. In addition, Staff Council recommends membership to all-campus committees. Joining a committee is a great way to be involved, engage, and meet other staff from across campus.
The Committees
Staff Council has six standing committees. Each elected member of the Staff Council serves on at least one committee and is expected to serve on and attend all meetings of that committee. Staff from the entire Smith community are welcome and encouraged to join Staff Council committees.
Committee Chairs
The chairperson of each committee is elected by committee members. In addition to planning and running meetings, the chair is responsible for reporting regularly on the committee’s work to the full Staff Council. All committee chairs also serve on the steering committee.
Activities Committee
The activities committee is responsible for participating in the coordinating, organizing and publicizing of special events. These events allow staff to meet and interact with colleagues in other departments across campus, and foster an atmosphere of cooperation and community spirit.
Communications Committee
The communications committee is responsible for informing Smith College staff of the actions of Staff Council, through The Staff Council Chronicle and other means of communication. This committee also advises administration regarding the dissemination of information to staff and the community at large.
Diversity Committee
The diversity committee is responsible for identifying and planning activities on campus that promote diversity. The committee collaborates with the office for equity and inclusion and the President’s Diversity Council in carrying out its mission.
Membership and Recruitment Committee
The membership and recruitment committee is responsible for all elections and appointments to Staff Council committees. The committee ensures that elections are conducted properly.
Calls for nominations takes place each spring, usually in April.
Personnel Policy Committee
The personnel policy committee is responsible for examination, review and comment on college personnel policies, and for promoting staff training and development.
This committee is comprised of representatives from each staff group when possible, at least three of which are are elected members of Staff Council. In addition, there is one nonvoting information liaison appointed by an appropriate college office, according to the needs of the committee.
Steering Committee
The steering committee meets as needed to ensure that issues are discussed with administrators and committees. The committee is responsible for representing various segments of the college community at Staff Council meetings.
The chair of the Staff Council acts as chair of the steering committee.
This committee comprises: all Staff Council officers; the chair of each Staff Council committee; the two information liaisons appointed by the president (if currently active)
The information liaisons and the editor of The Staff Council Chronicle will serve on the steering committee in a nonvoting capacity.
Staff Council has six standing committees. Each elected member of the Staff Council serves on at least one committee and is expected to serve on and attend all meetings of that committee.
Staff from the entire Smith community are welcome and encouraged to join Staff Council committees.
Activities Committee
meets virtually, contact Brenda for Zoom link
- Cathy Amarante
- Andrea Fernandes, Co-chair
- Kelly-Jean Huard
- Brenda Jameson, Co-chair
- Steaphan Mish
- Martin Sawyer
- Ash Sabripour
- Tracy Tien
- Veeka Trofimova
Communications Committee
- Ashavan Doyon, Chair
- Anna Goudreau
- Liz Kamerer
- Andrew Maurer
- Ash Sabripour
Diversity Committee
- Ruth Bonilla Cuaresma, Co-chair
- Rachael Hagerstrom
- Liz Kamerer
- Beverly Lipsey
- Ash Sabripour, Co-chair
- Lucinda Williams
- Patricia Woods
Membership and Recruitment Committee
- Grace Campbell
- Ashavan Doyon
- Adrienne Figus
- Maddy Neely, Chair
Personnel Policy Committee
- Andrea Fernandes
- Adrienne Figus
- Anna Goudreau
- Dawn Hines
- Kelly-Jean Huard
- Ash Sabripour
- Barbara Solow
- Lucinda Williams, Chair
Please consult the online Faculty Code (PDF) through the Office of the Provost/Dean of the Faculty for more details on ex officio staff committee membership and faculty appointment.
Administrative Staff Grievance Committee
Current Staff representatives: Not active, filled as needed.
Five full-time staff members, staggered three-year terms.
Review grievances which have not been able to be resolved through the Grievance Procedure (section 212) Steps 103 to determine whether they merit a full hearing; Convene hearings as needed during which cases will be reviewed in their entirety, including seeking additional information and interviewing involved parties; Issue written findings and recommendations to all parties and submit them to the President for review and final decision. This committee requires members who are discreet and who feel capable of keeping their work confidential.
Advisory Committee on Resource Allocation (ACRA)
Current Staff representatives: Maddy Needly
Two staff members, staggered three-year terms.
Advise the President on matters relating to budgeting and financial planning for the college.
Campus Planning Committee (CPC)
Current Staff representative: Kate Wallen (2017)
Two staff members, one- to two-year terms.
Review all building and renovation projects with exterior design changes; Implement the Landscape Master Plan; Set and maintain standards for campus signage and outdoor furniture; Oversee decisions regarding campus traffic and parking matters; Make recommendations about installation of outdoor works of art.
College Council on Community Policy (CCCP)
Current Staff representatives: Jennifer Blackburn, Karla Borecky, Michael Ireland, Danielle Brown, Irene Rodriguez-Martin, Premila Nair, Karen Sise, Stacey Steinbach
Six staff members (two from Staff Council Steering Committee), three-year terms.
Evaluate college policies in response to specific questions raised by members of the community; Make recommendations to the President regarding changes in college community policies; Identify ways to educate the community and provide guidance for dealing with community issues; Address issues of campus climate, diversity, and the composition of the community; Serve as a sounding board for students, faculty and staff concerned about matters affecting the college community; Act as an advisory group to the President and other campus offices and committees; Communicate findings and recommendations to the community on a regular basis to the wider community.
Committee on Mission and Priorities (CMP)
Current Staff representative: Yasmin Eisenhauer, Minh Ly
One staff member, three-year term.
Long-range planning for the financial, human and physical resources of the college.
Committee on Sustainability (COS)
Four staff members, three-year terms.
Be concerned with best long-term use of finite natural resources and with the College's impact on local, regional, and global environment; Identify implement, and evaluate approaches for increasing Smith's commitment to sustainability in all areas of campus, including (but not limited to) construction, transportation, materials and energy use, waste management, purchasing, investment, and the campus curriculum; Maintain a holistic perspective in this work, holding paramount the goal of systemic change and institutional transformation to aid the College in achieving the greatest efficiencies in natural resource use and pollution prevention.