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For Employers

Please advertise all available student positions and hire students on Workday.

Before a Student Can Work

Students must fill out all required paperwork and be officially hired through Workday before their employment can begin. Incoming first year students will be unable to complete their mandatory employment forms until their arrival on campus in September at Central Check-In. 

Students must fill out all required paperwork and be officially hired through Workday before any employment can begin.

Student employees are an integral part of the daily operation of Smith College as well as the community at large, where they work for schools, nonprofit agencies, businesses and individuals.

In planning work schedules, the supervisor should be aware of exam periods and breaks during the academic year. Although the student's first priority is academic performance, the student also has a responsibility to her job. With communication and structure, the goals of work and study can be achieved and become a rewarding experience for all involved.

For Student Eligibility, Hiring & Advertising, Timesheets, Approval & Payment

Contact the Payroll Office or Student Employment Office
College Hall 103
413-585-4401 or 413-585-4607
Schedule a meeting with Payroll here.
Schedule a meeting with Student Employment here.

For Student Employment Budgets

Contact the Budget Office
College Hall 204