I am Smith

Karena Garcia

Karena Garcia portrait
About Karena

Class of 2021

Tucson, Arizona

Engineering BSE

Scholarship Recipient

Why did you choose to come to Smith?
“While visiting I got to see the empowering environment Smith provides for all who step on its campus. I wanted to be part of this environment as I knew it would help me grow into a woman my family and I could be proud of. Being surrounded by peers who are as hard working and outgoing as I am was what I was after, and Smith went above and beyond in providing that for me.”

What are you studying?
“I am an engineering major here at Smith. I am interested in becoming an electrical engineer, but I also have interests in aerospace and mechanics. I’m really looking forward to working on a project for the Design Clinic in my senior year. Various companies come to Design Clinic looking for a possible solution to a problem, and it is the students’ job to provide that solution. It’s exciting to think about working on a real project that a real company needs.”

“Scholarship support directly impacts the betterment of someone else’s life—and their children’s lives as well.”

Who has had the most impact on your life?
“My family. They are what lifts me up. I try to live my life in a way that makes them proud. I have a large family, so we each have plenty of support from one another to do the things we love to do. Being away from them can be tough, but they’re always one call away.”

Describe an accomplishment you are particularly proud of.
“I have had the pleasure and honor of playing on Smith’s basketball team for the past two years, and it is one of the most special communities I have ever been part of. During our 2018-2019 season, all our hard work paid off when we received an at-large bid to the DIII NCAA Tournament. This is the biggest stage for an athlete to compete in within their sport, and I felt proud and thankful to have had the opportunity to experience that because I knew we deserved it. Our success during the tournament and throughout our season brought the Smith community together by giving it something to rally behind and be proud of, and I will always remember that.”

How has your financial aid impacted you and your ability to come to Smith?
“My financial aid has changed my family’s legacy forever. I am the first in my family to attend a four-year college, let alone a prestigious institution like Smith. I am paving the way for my younger siblings by showing them that college is not just some abstract dream, but a concrete reality. Scholarship support directly impacts the betterment of someone else’s life—and their children’s lives as well.”

Karena Garcia working with objects in a lab

Contact Us

To make an endowed gift or to learn more about supporting financial aid at Smith, please contact Betsy Carpenter ’93, associate vice president for development, at 413-585-2052 or ewcarpen@smith.edu.