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Past Proceedings

Student discussing her poster in the campus center

Poster Session: 8:30–10:30 am
Campus Center

Campus Center 102

Annika Backer ’22 :: 1
Quantitative Movement Analysis: Assessing and Visualizing Balance Impairments in People with Multiple Sclerosis; poster session deriving from special studies with Stephanie Jones, assistant professor of exercise and sport studies

Clara Slesar ’22, Asmae Lichir ’23, Ciara O’Sullivan ’23 MS, Lilly Fellows ’24J :: 2
Accessible Community-Based Youth Sports; poster session deriving from special studies with Erica Tibbets, lecturer of exercise and sport studies, and Kelsey Parks Smith, instructional coordinator in the Jandon Center for Community Engagement

Ava Silverman ’24 :: 3
Promoting Wellness for Student-Performer; poster session deriving from special studies with Erica Tibbets, lecturer of exercise and sport studies

Tint Tha Ra Wun ’24J :: 4
The Relationship Between Physical Activity and Flow-Mediated Dilation in Peri-Menopausal Women; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Sarah Witkowski, associate professor of exercise and sport studies

Justine Wagaman ’24, Megan Holm ’22 :: 5
Imaging Flow Cytometry: Standardized Protocol Development for Endothelial Microvesicle Analysis to Assess Cardiovascular Disease Risk; poster session deriving from special studies and STRIDE research with Sarah Witkowski, associate professor of exercise and sport studies

Giovanna Rocchio ’23, Danny Joubran ’24, Kira Kaplan ’25 :: 6
Altered Muscle Activation Patterns Associated With Chronic Low Back Pain in Female Rowers; poster session deriving from special studies, STRIDE and AEMES Research with Stephanie Jones, assistant professor of exercise and sport studies

Sierra Steinwert ’23J :: 7
Qualitative Research on Trauma-Informed Sport Coaching; poster session deriving from special studies research with Erica Tibbetts, lecturer in exercise and sport studies

Katelyn Pickunka ’22 :: 8
The Relationship Between Impaired Somatosensation and Balance Dysfunction in Multiple Sclerosis; poster session deriving from special studies with Stephanie Jones, assistant professor of exercise and sport studies

Steph Lopez ’22, Betsy Hillier ’22, Aerin McQuillen ’24, Eli Hertzler-McCain ’25 :: 9
Trauma-Informed Coaching: A Smith College Pilot Study; poster session deriving from special studies and STRIDE research with Erica Tibbetts, lecturer in exercise and sport studies

Katelyn Pickunka ’22 :: Digital display
Multiple Sclerosis Review of Impaired Somatosensation or Multiple Sclerosis Review of Impaired Somatosensation and Its Impact on Balance and Gait; poster session deriving from special studies research with Stephanie Jones, assistant professor of exercise and sport studies

Campus Center Under Staircase

Joanna Aguilar ’22, Anna Levine ’22, Laura Edwards ’25, Claire Lynch ’25, Taylor Ang ’25, Yasmine Porath ’24 :: 10
ParKit: Pedaling Parks to People; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Reid Bertone-Johnson, lecturer in landscape studies

Campus Center Art Wall

Molly Fischer ’24, Sarah Bragdon ’25::  48
Using FTIRS Method to Estimate Biogenic Silica From Lake Sediments; poster session deriving from special studies, AEMES and STRIDE research with Greg de Wet, assistant professor of geoscience

Catherine Park ’23:: 49
In the Hot Seat: Effects of Climate Change on Competitive Behaviors of Invasive Predatory Crabs in the NE Rocky Intertidal; poster session deriving from special studies with Paulette Peckol, Louise C. Harrington Professor of Biological Sciences

Vivan Ma ’22 :: 50
Impact of Quantitative Easing on Financial Stress: Great Recession and Covid-19; poster session deriving from classwork in finance concentration with Mahnaz Mahdavi, professor of economics

Emma Bruce ’22, Jamila dePeiza-Kern ’22, Rachel Clendenning ’22, Morgan Donovan Jones ’22:: 51
Reflecting Leeds: Community, Connection and the Mill River; poster session deriving from classwork with Gaby Immerman, experiential learning specialist in the botanic garden, and Reid Bertone-Johnson, lecture in landscape studies

Alyssa Guzman ’22, Sophia Consiglio ’22, Lillian Jiang ’22, Megan O’Brien ’23J, Celine Wang ’23, Kari Berntson ’23, Olivia Siebert ’24, Isabel Wolter ’24, Zoe Roumeliotis ’24, Becca Michelson ’25J, Ashley Messier ’25, Hannah Sun ’25, Xinyun Guo ’25, Isabelle Leguelinel ’25, Gena Levin ’25 :: 54
Observations of Transiting Exoplanets; poster session deriving from AEMES, special studies and STRIDE research with James Lowenthal, professor of astronomy

Flexible Lounge - Upper Level

Pamela Kramer ’23, Jessica Pardim Araujo AC ’23 :: 56
The Effects of Zoom Self-View Distraction on Self-Objectification and Well-Being; poster session deriving from special studies research with Randi Garcia, assistant professor of psychology and statistical & data sciences

Tiana Brantley '25, Sophia Dhanani '24, and Valerie Velazquez '24 :: 57
Interactions Between GPR37, D2R, and GABA in the Forebrain of Zebrafish; poster session deriving from classwork with Sharon Owino, assistant professor of neuroscience and Narendra Pathak, laboratory instructor in neuroscience

Yesugen Baatartogtokh ’23, Irene Foster ’23, Venus Nguyen ’25, Thu Tran ’24 :: 58
Integrating Intention Filter Into State-Based Analysis in BloomingLeaf; poster session deriving from AEMES research with Alicia Grubb, assistant professor of computer science

Catherine Kung ’22, Yanning Tan ’23, Cyrine Ben Ayed ’24, Sonora Halili ’25 :: 59
All the International Color Pallets You Could’ve I-magenta-ed for the EVO Function; poster session deriving from research with Alicia Grubb, assistant professor of computer science

Emma Civello ’24 :: 60
Implementing Graph Theory: Pebble Game Animations Reveal Over- and Under-Constrained Regions; poster session deriving from special studies and SURF research with Ileana Streinu, Charles N. Clark Professor of Computer Science

Main Lounge Mezzanine - Upper Level 

Adriana Beltran Andrade ’23, Bailey Butterworth ’24, Rasa Walter ’25 :: 61
Precious Plastics; poster session deriving from special studies and STRIDE research with Emily Norton, director of the Design Thinking Initiative

Elaine Demetrion ’25, Chelsea Fowler ’25 :: 63
Developing a Method to Count Phyllotactic Spirals; poster session derived from STRIDE research with Christophe Golé, professor of mathematics and statistics

Campus Center Wilson Atrium

Annabelle Hendrickson ’24, Jueun Lee ’23, Arshiyan Alam Laaj ’23, Melany Garcia Abreu ’22 :: 64
Bridging the Gap: Self-Rolling Azlactone Hydrogels as Possible Nerve Guidance Conduits; poster session deriving from AEMES, special studies and STRIDE research with Maren Buck, professor of chemistry, and Alexis Ziemba, lecturer of neuroscience

Grace Ou ’22, Ashlyn Bohn '23 :: 65
Exploring the Effect of Cobalt-Complexed Alkynes on Dienes in Diels-Alder Reactions; poster session deriving from special studies research with Kevin Shea, professor of chemistry

Halley Lin-Jones ’22 :: 66
Synthesis of Strained Cyclic Alkynes Using an Intramolecular Nicholas Reaction; poster session deriving from special studies and honors thesis research with Kevin Shea, professor of chemistry

Christine Park ’22, Anna Lynch ’23J, Karen Guzman ’23, Kiera Murray ’25 :: 67
Functional Patterning of Azlactone-Based Hydrogels for pH-Responsive Actuation; poster session deriving from special studies research with Maren Buck, associate professor of chemistry

Alina Jarrett ’23, Michelle Chen ’23, Nicole Papageorgiou ’24, Ruoxi Li ’24, Sarah Roberts AC:: 68
The Spiroiminodihydantoin (Sp) Lesion and Its Effect on DNA Stability; poster session deriving from AEMES, special studies and STRIDE research with Cristina Suarez, professor of chemistry and Elizabeth Jamieson, professor of chemistry

Macy Kasbo ‘22, Yeji Lee ‘22, Jiyun Dancy Zhang ‘22, Ama Boamah ‘23, Thatcher Lee ‘24, Emily Kish ‘24 :: 69
Synthesis and Characterization of Protein-Polymer Conjugates for Targeted Drug Delivery; poster session deriving from honor thesis and special studies research with Maren Buck, professor of chemistry,  Alexis Ziemba, lecturer of neuroscience, and Sarah Moore, associate professor of engineering

Leila Yan ’23, Emily Kish ’24, Tehya Daniels ’24, Anna Erickson ’24, Elizabeth Rehwinkel ’25, Eleanor Fairbanks ’25 :: 70
Characterization and Modification of Thin Polymer Films; poster session deriving from special studies research with Kate Queeney, professor of chemistry, and Maren Buck, professor of chemistry

Monalisa Munia ’22, Nicole Alkhouri ’22, Nina Hannah ’23, Billy White ’24 :: 71
Isolation and Functionalization of Neurolenins: A Cure for Lymphatic Filariasis; poster session deriving from special studies research with Kevin Shea, professor of chemistry

Fubin Song ’22 :: 72
Iron-Catalyzed Oxidative α-Amination of Carbonyl Derivatives With Sulfonamides and Other Nitrogen Sources; poster session deriving from special studies, honors thesis and SURF research with Alexandra Strom, assistant professor of chemistry

Avery Cook ’24, Elm Makert ’25, Ashley Moxo ’25 :: 73
Synthesis of Cellulose for Menstrual Hygiene Products; poster session deriving from AEMES, special studies and STRIDE research with Kevin Shea, professor of chemistry

Yuqi Wang ’22, Zhixin Liao ’23 :: 74
The Role of GPR37 in the Retinal Müller Cells; poster session deriving from special studies and out-of-class research with Sharon Owino, assistant professor of neuroscience

Lucy Ducharme ’24, Mariam Ahmed ’24, Tania Novosolova ’24 :: 75
Using Zebrafish to Investigate the Effects of Estrogens on the Brain; poster session deriving from classwork with Lisa Mangiamele associate professor of neuroscience, and Narendra Pathak, laboratory instructor in neuroscience

Shariqa Shaila ’24, Vivian Li ’23, Zhixin Liao ’23 :: 76
G-protein-Coupled Estrogen Receptor in the Zebrafish Brain; poster session deriving from classwork with Lisa Mangiamele associate professor of neuroscience, and Narendra Pathak, laboratory instructor in neuroscience

Yuqi Wang ’24, Annabelle Hendrickson ’24, Stefanie Vasquez ’24 :: 77
GPR37 in Zebrafish; poster session deriving from classwork with Sharon Owino, assistant professor of neuroscience, and Narendra Pathak, laboratory instructor in neuroscience

Angela Chavez ’23, Miranda Wu ’22, Abby Perce ’24, Danny Joubran ’24, Anh Truong ’25 ::78
Chan-Evans-Lam Oxidative O-Alkylation; poster session deriving from AEMES, special studies and STRIDE research with Dave Gorin, associate professor of chemistry, and Rea Farjo, research assistant in chemistry

Laura Bickart ’23, Jingyi Sze ’25, Kylee White-Ramirez ’22 :: 79
DNA-Coupled Small Molecule Catalysts for Site-Selective Chemistry; poster session deriving from AEMES and special studies research with Dave Gorin, associate professor of chemistry, and Rea Farjo, research assistant in chemistry

Amanda Odom ’25, Jodie Berezin ’23 :: 80
A Glimpse Into the Lives of Elephants: Camera Traps and Conservation; poster session deriving from AEMES research with Virginia Hayssen, chaired professor of biological sciences

Kadin Kristjansson ‘24, Natalie Morgan ‘24, Eyananda Ahmed ‘23, Dominique Kelly ‘22 :: 81
Comparing Cold and Heat Stress in Exaiptasia diaphana; poster session deriving from AEMES and STRIDE research with Rachel Wright, assistant professor of biological sciences and Louis Schlecker, Wilens Graduate Fellow of biological sciences

Zoe Baker ’23, Olivia Thorton ’24 :: 82
Geographic Distribution of Pallas’ Cat (O. manul) Subspecies; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Virginia Hayssen, chaired professor of biological sciences

Emily Blackwell ’22 :: 83
Ecomorphology of the Carnivoran Skull; poster session deriving from special studies research with Virginia Hayssen, chaired professor of biological sciences

Cookie Duncan ’24 :: 84
Diversity in Evaluating Sources Research Guides; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Virginia Hayssen, chaired professor of biological sciences

Campus Center Carroll Room

Jacqueline Wang '23, Alexandra Stephens '23, Adeline Rickard '24, Lu Brownstein '24, Hadeel Shwwa :: 85
Impact of Zooplankton Filter Feeding on Sunlight Inactivation of Viruses; poster session deriving from special studies with Niveen Ismail, assistant professor of engineering

Helen Danielson '22, Florence Qian '22, Vivien Qiao '23 :: 86
Engineering and Characterization of Fn3 Proteins that Recognize Mesothelin Tumor Biomarker for Targeted Cancer Therapeutics; poster session deriving from special studies, and honors thesis research with Sarah Moore, associate professor of engineering, and Alexis Ziemba, lecturer of neuroscience

Lucy Metz '22 :: 87
The Role of Electricity Sector Modeling in Climate Policy Design: A Case Study of Massachusetts; poster session deriving from honors thesis research with Judy Cardell, professor of engineering, and Alex Barron, assistant professor of environmental science and policy

Sally Robson '22 :: 88
Resilient Carbon Neutrality: Battery Backup Power on Smith Campus; poster session deriving from honors thesis research with Judy Cardell, professor of engineering

Nana Adjoa Ansah '22, Lilly Farah '22, Hannah Platter '22, Ysatis Tagle '22 :: 89
Design for Gas Exhaust and Recycling in a Food Preservation System; poster session deriving from classwork with Mike Kinsinger, lecturer of engineering, and Susannah Howe, senior lecturer of engineering

Charlotte Kenny '22, Molly Loughney '22, Phoebe Uman '22, Jessica Yoder '22 :: 90
Design of a Universal End Effector for Robotic Assembly of Heat Exchanger Cores; poster session deriving from classwork with Aaron Rubin, lecturer of engineering, and Susannah Howe, senior lecturer of engineering

Constantina Bauloye '22, Qingyang Gu '22, Max Spencer '22, Lydia Umholtz '22 :: 91
Design of a Mobile Platform for Electric Vehicle Extreme Fast Charging Using Green Hydrogen; poster session deriving from classwork with Aaron Rubin, lecturer of engineering, and Susannah Howe, senior lecturer of engineering

Elise Anderson '22, Madison Coombs '22, Arielle Dede '22, Molly Swope '22 :: 92
Design of Public River Access and a Bridge Connecting the Mill River Greenway to Skinnerville Park; poster session deriving from classwork with Aaron Rubin, lecturer of engineering, and Susannah Howe, senior lecturer of engineering

Lanzhao Cheng '22, Lesly Kemboi '22, Emma Lesser '22, Rose Sears '22 :: 93
Design and Feasibility Assessment of a Sewage Heat Exchange System for Smith College; poster session deriving from classwork with Aaron Rubin, lecturer of engineering, and Susannah Howe, senior lecturer of engineering

Lily Cho '22, Hannah Durkee '22, Yara Faour '22, Noor Sheikh '22 :: 94
Design of a Solid-Phase Optical Standard That Mimics Human Blood; poster session deriving from classwork with Mike Kinsinger, lecturer of engineering, and Susannah Howe, senior lecturer of engineering

Joanna Aguilar '22, Jaylene Castro '22, Maddie Davis '22, Sarah Uddin '22 :: 95
Design of an Outdoor Learning Space for Girls Inc.; poster session deriving from classwork with Aaron Rubin, lecturer of engineering, and Susannah Howe, senior lecturer of engineering

Kirsten Appell '22, Kalyani Weiss '22, Harriet Wright '22, Sophia Yates '22 :: 96
Design of an Anti-Icing Solution for Zipline’s Unmanned Aircraft; poster session deriving from classwork with Mike Kinsinger, lecturer of engineering, and Susannah Howe, senior lecturer of engineering

Rachel Pietrow '22 :: 97
Immunity Gene Knockdown as Possible Form of Disease Control in Aedes albopictus and Aedes polynesiensis; poster session deriving from honors thesis research with Steven A. Williams, Gates professor of biology, Jessica Grant, research associate of biological sciences, and Mary Doherty, research associate of biological sciences

Grace Mosley '22 :: 98
Genome-wide Identification of Brugia malayi Transcription Factor Binding Sites Using ChIP-Seq; poster session deriving from honors thesis research with Steven A. Williams, Gates professor of biology

Sungwoo Hwang '22, Lisa Ye '23, Varshini Anand '25 :: 99
Knockdown of Core Clock Genes in Aedes polynesiensis and Aedes albopictus; poster session deriving from honors thesis research with Steven A. Williams, Gates Professor of Biological Sciences

Sophia Chertock '22, Lisa Li '24, Lauren Cho '24J :: 100
CRISPR Mediated Transfection of B. malayi in a Co-Culture System; poster session deriving from STRIDE, McKinley and honors thesis research with Steven A. Williams, Gates Professor of Biological Sciences, Susan Haynes, research technician of biological sciences, and Mary Doherty, research associate of biological sciences

Sara Halili '22, Arushi Beohar '23, Alison Gu'23, Sophia Kurtz' 24 :: 101
Development and Optimization of Molecular Diagnostic Assays for the Sensitive and Specific Detection of Schistosoma Species; poster session deriving from special studies and honors thesis research with Steven A. Williams, Gates Professor of Biological Sciences, and Mary Doherty, research associate of biological sciences

Ziyue Yang '23 :: 102
The Microtubule Cytoskeleton in C2C12 Myogenesis; poster session deriving from special studies with Stylianos Scordilis, professor of biological sciences

Caitlin Timmons '23J :: 103
Exploring Nuclear Architecture and Genome Dynamics in Foraminifera With Fluorescence Microscopy; poster session deriving from honors thesis research with Laura Katz, Elsie Damon Simonds Professor of Biological Sciences

Virginia Griswold '23, Skarlet Rubi '22, Alyssa Foley '22, Daun Lee '22 :: 104
Can non-native Carolina Rhododendron Form Beneficial Mycorrhizal Partnerships With Northeastern Soil Fungi?; poster session deriving from special studies research with Jesse Bellemare, associate professor of biological sciences

Marge Poma Alarcon '23 :: 105
Comparative SEM Analysis of Carnivorous Sarracenia Pitcher Plants and Related Genera; poster session deriving from special studies and SURF research with Jesse Bellemare, associate professor of biological sciences

Joanne Moseley '22, Cecilia Liu '22, Kayla Hendricks '22, Rose Evard '23 :: 106
Gene Expression in Anemones; poster session deriving from special studies and honors thesis research with Rachel Wright, assistant professor of biological sciences

Sasha Zeidenberg '22 :: 107
Does Red Coloration Affect Prey Capture in Carnivorous Sarracenia alata Pitcher Plants? poster session deriving from special studies research with Jesse Bellemare, associate professor of biological sciences

Ruiyi Shirley Song '25, Claire Woppmann '24, Mercer Kriese '24, Adiana Czerniak '24 :: 108
The Light of Life: Visualizing Bioelectrics During Embryogenesis in Zebrafish; poster session deriving from AEMES and STRIDE research with Michael Barresi, professor of biological sciences, and Narendra Pathak, laboratory instructor of neuroscience

Shevaughn Holness '23 :: 109
Genetic Heterogeneity of Endometriosis; poster session deriving from special studies research with Rob Dorit, professor of biological sciences

Naomi Falkenberg '22 and Shariqa Shaila '24 :: 110
Characterizing the Roles of Meteorin and Meteorin-like in Early CNS Development in Danio rerio.; poster session deriving from laboratory research with Michael Barresi, professor of biological sciences, and Narendra Pathak, laboratory instructor of neuroscience

Runpeng Hu '23, Tess Goldmann '22, Britney Danials '22 :: 111
Pandemic Effects on Macroinvertebrate Population in the Mill River; poster session deriving from classwork and SURF research with Marney Pratt, senor laboratory instructor of biological sciences

Anika Raghavan '25 :: 112
Understanding the Role of Reelin in Neurogenesis in Danio Rerio; poster session deriving from lab research with Michael Barresi, professor of biological sciences

Lucille Lokko '22 :: 113
Cultural Anthropology of Antibiotic Use and Resistance: A Case Study in Ghana; poster session deriving from a concentrations project and special studies research with Rob Dorit, professor of biological sciences

Nalini Oliver '23, Shay Iyer '23 :: 114
How to Build a Brain: The Complex Process of Commissure Formation in the Zebrafish Forebrain; poster session deriving from special studies and laboratory research with Michale Barresi, professor of biological sciences

Ezra Curtis ‘23J, Nicole Capozzi ‘24, Lorelei Ing ‘24 :: 115
The Effects of Mangroves on Growth of Exaiptasia diaphana; poster session deriving from laboratory research with Rachel Wright, associate professor of biological sciences

Julia Sullivan ’22, Wumei Blanche ’22, My My Tran ’24, Anna-Lee Thompson ’25, Emma Schumacher ’23 :: 116
Deploying Microscopy and Molecular Tools to Illuminate the Nuclear Nature of Ciliate Species and Their Associate Microbiomes; poster session deriving from AEMES, special Studies and thesis research with Laura Katz, Elsie Damon Simonds professor of biological sciences

Helen Wang '22 :: 117
The Molecular Basis of Colicin Resistance in E. coli; poster session deriving from honors thesis research with Rob Dorit, professor of biological sciences

Gabrielle Mingolelli '22, Asiya Karim '23, Christine Wu '23 :: 118
Design and Confirmation of Streptomyces sviceus SsDesB Mutants; poster session deriving from special studies and SURF research with Lesley-Ann Giddings, assistant professor of chemistry

Campus Center 204

Katie O'Dea '22, Reimy Liou '24, Jada Badillo '23:: 119
Impacts of Average Sea Surface Temperature on Global Fisheries; poster session deriving from HSS lab research with Vis Taraz, assistant professor of economics

Thando Lungu '23, Stuti Goya '24, Xi Cao '23:: 120
The Effects of Climate Change on Human Capital in South Africa; poster session deriving from special studies research with  Vis Taraz, assistant professor of economics

Katie O'Dea '22; Jada Badillo '23; Reimy Liou '24:: 121
Impact of Sea Surface Temperature on Fisheries Over Time; poster session deriving from HSS lab research with Vis Taraz, assistant professor of economics

Emma Robertson '25:: 122
STEAM Team Outreach; poster session deriving from STRIDE, collaborations with STEAM team and Jandon Center initiatives with Deborah Day, STEM outreach coordinator in the Clark Science Center

Vera Backman '25, Roz Borah '25, Alex Sandoval '23, Aayushma Uprety '25:: 123
TEM Studies of Cermet Films for Low-Temperature Thermometers; poster session deriving from AEMES and STRIDE research with Joyce Palmer-Fortune, senior core lecturer of physics

Naomi Brill '22 :: 124
Predynastic Egyptian Pottery at Smith College; poster session deriving from special studies research with Elizabeth Klarich, associate professor of anthropology

Lily Jin '22 :: Digital display
Relationship between Household Finance Condition and Children's Level of Education; poster session deriving from classwork with Argyris Tsiaras, assistant professor of economics

Campus Center 205

Miriam Boardman '23 :: 125
The Skeletal Composition of Putative Early Cambrian Bryozoans; poster session deriving from special studies with Sara Pruss, professor in geosciences 

Teagan McGuire '24 :: 126
Diversity of Early Triassic "Small Shelly" Echinoderms, through the Virgin Limestone, Southern Nevada; poster session deriving from special studies with Sara Pruss, professor in geosciences 

Grace Karbowski '23 :: 127
Lower Cambrian Reefs in the Mule Springs Formation, Nevada; poster session deriving from special studies with Sara Pruss, professor in geosciences 

Natalie Morgan ‘24 :: 128
Diversity of Early Triassic “Small Shelly” Echinoderms, Virgin Limestone, Southern Nevada; poster session deriving from special studies with Sara Pruss, professor in geosciences

Alexandra Fortino '22 :: 129
Flesh-Eating or Fallacy?: Insights into the Mysterious Properties of Lapis Sarcophagus Stone From a 40-day Experiment Involving Decomposition of Chicken Wings; poster session deriving from special studies with Bosiljka Glumac, professor of geosciences

Emma Geissinger Cutchins '24, Amelia Murphy '24 :: 131
Sediment Redistribution in Paradise Pond; poster session deriving from special studies with Greg de Wet, assistant professor of geoscience, and Robert Newton professor emeritus of geosciences

Clare O'Connor '22, Lily Weber '25, Sabrina Young '25 :: 132
Seasonal Variations in brGDGT Biomarkers in Paradise Pond; poster session deriving from AEMES research, special studies and STRIDE with Greg de Wet, assistant professor of geosciences

Aphelion Elvidge '23 :: 133
Tungsten and HFSE Partitioning in Archean Rocks; poster session deriving from special studies with Sarah Mazza, assistant professor of geosciences

Karenna Kung '25 :: 134
Detecting Slow Slip Events in Japan; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Jack Loveless, associate professor of geosciences

Asha Lang '23J, Rory Haff '23, Steph Garib '24J :: 135
Progress Report on Investigating a Core Through Coral Reef Deposits From the Last Pleistocene Interglacial of San Salvador, Bahamas; poster session deriving from special studies with Bosiljka Glumac, professor of geosciences

Julia Walker '22:: 136
Geochemical Analysis of Jurassic Gabbros and Syenites From the White Mountains, New Hampshire; poster session deriving from special studies and SURF with Sarah Mazza, assistant professor of geosciences

9:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m. 
Extended Presentation Sessions

Note: Welcome remarks from the provost at 10:45–11 a.m., outside Seelye Hall

Seelye 101

Practicing the Art of Translation (Group Session)

  • Claire Kenny ’23
  • Emma Bennett ’22
  • Nicole Huang ’22
  • Eugenia Pengxi Yuan ’23
  • Isabelle Sanadtar Stevens ’22
  • Cate Boram AC
  • Zhixin Liao ’23
  • Eunice Kim ’22
  • Eika Overton ’23
  • Alice Lan Zhang ’22
  • Mika Holtz ’23J
  • Emma O'Neill-Dietel ’22
  • Emma Solis '23
  • Macy Kasbo '22

Seelye 208 

Re-Imagining Social Change (Group Session)

  • Zufan Bazzano ’22
  • Harriet Wright ’22
  • Diya Seth ’24
  • Hannah Henson ’22
  • Lexi Luckett ’23J
  • Meihui Chen ’22
  • Sheena Nomura ’22

Neilson Library Third Floor, Special Collections

Book Studies Capstone Presentations (Group Session)

  • Elsa Hillis ’22
  • Channy Cornell ’22
  • Bella Yaguda ’22
  • Sofie Koonce ’22
  • Lauryn Small ’22
  • Jamie Mastrogiacomo ’22
  • Olivia Davis ’22
  • Andie Smiley ’22
  • Myrrh Brooks ’22
  • Bena Williams ’22

9:30 a.m.–10:40 a.m.
Presentation Sessions

Seelye 106

Individual 15-minute Presentations

Ruth Schreiber ’22
“The Girls Are Out to Get Them”: A Controversy in Three Voices

Marta Almazovaite ’24
Understanding Student Experiences in Collaborative Group Projects

Maggie McCoy ’22, Lilly Young ‘22
What to Know About Working in Education Policy

Seelye 110 

Medieval History Research Lab (Group Session)

  • Amelie LaPoint ’25
  • Amy Kitmacher 'Ada
  • Amy Vo ’25
  • Caroline Pace ’24
  • Fern Poling ’25
  • Isabella Double ’24
  • Jasmine Yang ’25
  • Lilith Cole ’24
  • Lily Sickman-Garner ’25
  • Lola Ellis-Chatman ’24
  • Marian Zens ’25
  • Melanie Trotochaud ’24
  • Romy Negrin ’24
  • Tenaya Fottrell ’25

Seelye 204

Taking the Archives Public: Presentations From the Archives Capstone (Group Session)   

  • Eavan McNeill ’22
  • Emma O'Neill-Dietel ’22
  • Laura Richards ’22
  • Ruby Spies ’23
  • Lily Stowe-Alekman ’22
  • Sophia Terry ’22

Neilson Browsing Room 102, Neilson Library

Year on Democracies

Individual 15-minute Presentations

East Asian Politics Lab

  • Annabel Stattelman-Scanlan ’23
  • Emily Paule ’22
  • Emma Bennett ’22
  • Evelyn Berry ’25
  • Florian Liu ’23
  • Jiani Li ’23
  • Junru Wu ’23
  • Nicole Teo ’24

Lily Sendroff ’22
Democratic Precarity From Below: Exclusion, Resistance, and the Gendered and Racialized Division of Labor

Charlotte Cox ’22
“Early voting is not good for us”: The Effect of Republican Perceptions of Voter Elasticity on State Voting Laws

Madeline Pfaff ’22
Examining the Impact of Election Information Resources on Political Knowledge

11:10 a.m.–12:20 p.m.
Presentation Sessions


Seelye 105

Individual 15-minute Presentations

Cultivating Community: Understanding and Practice

  • Fhrynee Lambert ’24
  • Emily Grantham ’24
  • Debora Camacho ’25
  • Tseegi Nyamdorj ’25

Clara Sorensen ’24
Interpreting the Landscape: Stone Walls at the MacLeish Field Station

Analysis of Twitter Discourse About Carbon Capture

  • Zoe Kruse ’23
  • He Yong ’22
  • Parunjodhi Munisamy ’24
  • Chris Zhang ’24
  • Emma Vejcik ’22
  • Jessie Cai ’24

Seelye 106

Individual 15-minute Presentations

A More Perfect Union: Enabling Collaborative Goal Modeling through Model Merge

  • Kathleen R. Hablutzel ’23J
  • Anisha Jain ’25

Yuqi Wu ’22
The Future of Money: Central Bank Digital Currency and Bitcoin Wallets

Analyzing Health Data for Hampshire County Schools

  • Michele Sezgin ’23
  • Audrey Kim ’24
  • Salwa Ouachtouki ’23
  • Vivian Almaraz ’23

Ilemona Ameadaji ’22GR
The Role of Sex Hormone Receptors in Skeletal Muscle Development

Seelye 107

Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn (Group Session)

  • Caty Maloney ’22
  • Emily Paule ’22
  • Luna Wang ’24J

Seelye 110

Individual 15-minute Presentations

Alex Martin ’22
Rebuilding an Armenian Community After Genocide: Aintabtzi Immigrants in America

Naomi Brill ’22
Repentance, Redemption, Resurrection: The Book of Jonah in Early Christian Art and Exegesis

Terra Zhang ’25J
Musica mundana et humana: Cosmology and Astronomy in Hermann of Carinthia’s De essentiis (1143)

Seelye 201

Individual 15-minute Presentations

Nikki Schuldt ’22
Governance of European Integration: The Path Forward

Hayley Soehle ’22
The “Comfort System” and the Allied Powers’ Failure to Prosecute Sexual Enslavement

Seelye 202 

Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellows (MMUF) Roundtable (Group Session)    

  • Sadie Buerker ’22
  • Nadeen Jumai'an ’22
  • Diamond Mark ’22
  • Rose Poku ’22
  • Fiona Wu ’22
  • Helen Bezuneh ’23
  • Nubia Célis-Etienne ’23
  • Jenesis Ortiz ’24J
  • Arianna Perez ’23
  • Emilia Tamayo ’23

Seelye 206

Individual 15-minute Presentations

Emma Civello ’24
Virtually in Ancient Rome: Re-creating the Porticus of Livia

STRIDE Research: Analyzing Institut Pasteur Medical Journal

  • Elizabeth Rehwinkel ’25
  • Teagan Benavidez ’25

Quinn Audouin ’22
多読 (Tadoku): Fostering a Collaborative and International Language—Learning Community Through Art and Design

Seelye 212

Malthi in Media: Gaming the Bronze Age (Group Session)

  • Sarah Kam ’24
  • Nora Sullivan ’24
  • Annika Lof ’25

1–2:15 p.m.
Presentation Sessions

Seelye 106

Smith Alliance for Justice and Equity Community Projects (Group Session)

  • Charlie Diaz ’22
  • Abby Golden ’23
  • Lucía González ’23
  • Lexi Luckett ’23J
  • Dori Mondon AC ’23
  • Maria Mutka ’22
  • Claudia Olson ’23
  • Lily Stowe-Alekman ’22
  • Rae Ettenger ’23J

Neilson Browsing Room 102, Neilson Library

Year on Democracies

Anti-Racist Activism in France (Group Session)

  • Madelyn Boyle ’24
  • Amelia Dolbeare ’24
  • Eva Kinnel ’25J
  • Nicole Papageorgiou ’24
  • Rose Poku ’22
  • Helen Tieder ’24
  • Eleanor Williams ’22
  • Eugenia Yuan ’23

Presentation Sessions

4:30–4:35 p.m.

Welcome Remarks

4:35–4:50 p.m.

The Bracero Program: Race, Mexican Modernity, and Workers’ Resistance
Mary Luna Robledo ’21

Laterna Magika’s Philosophy and Approach to Theatre: A Technical Proving Ground in Multimedia Performance
Talia Preis ’21

4:35–6:05 p.m.

East Asian Languages and Cultures Honors Theses
Bella Tseeva ’21, Doris Yixuan Tang ’21, Kerry Walker ’21, Quinn Bulkeley ’21

4:50–5:05 p.m.

Machiavelli's Virtue
Juanchu Li ’21

Seeing the Seeing: Audience & Choreographer Collaboration Through Eye-Tracking
Mayeline Pena ’21

5:05–5:20 p.m.

Our Great Curse: Negative Partisanship & Social Polarization in the United States
Molly Aber ’21

The Book of Imaginary Beings: An Experiment in Digital Printmaking and Typography
Barbara Garrison, Isabel Ruiz ’21

5:20–5:35 p.m.

Environmental Inequity in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region of China
Morgan Peirce '21

COVID-19 and the Educators of America
Eliza Mankin ’22

5:35–5:50 p.m.

Irish American Fragility: A Study in Culture, Politics and its Evolution
Maeve Conway ’21

The Art of Teaching Poetry
Amelia Bertaska, Nicole Lussier ’22

5:50–6:05 p.m.

Exploring the Political Agency of Hazara Women in Afghanistan
Tamana Attai ’22

The Art of the Angel Wing
Phoebe Rendon-Nissenbaum ’22

6:05–6:20 p.m.

The Future of Space: How International Legislation and Corporate Interests Are Reshaping Shared Use of Space
Fiona Ward Shaw ’23

Poster Sessions

4:30–4:35 p.m.

Welcome Remarks

4:35–4:45 p.m.

Resilient Carbon Neutrality: Battery Backup Power on Smith Campus
Sally Robson ’22

It’s Getting Hot in Here: Lifetime Estrogen Load and Menopausal Symptoms
Elizabeth Lee ’21

4:45–4:55 p.m.

The Effects of Complex Aqueous Matrices and Exposure Route on the Bioaccumulation Dynamics of Silver and Silver Nanoparticles in Daphnia Magna
Emma Lesser ’22 and Noor Sheikh ’22

Increased Symptomatic Fatigue May Impair Standing Balance in People with Multiple Sclerosis
Nell Tarno ’21

4:55–5:05 p.m.

Fn3-PVDMA Protein-Polymer Conjugates for Targeted Drug Delivery
Maggie Boyle ’22 and Yeji Lee ’22

Does Physical Activity Relate to the Hot Flash Experience?
Rose Evard ’23

5:05–5:15 p.m.

Application of Mycoremediation to Reduce Escherichia coli in Runoff
Ruth Penberthy ’21, Sarah Miller ’23

Altered Gait in Women With and Without Multiple Sclerosis at Preferred and Matched Walking Speeds
Kayleigh Boos ’21

5:15–5:25 p.m.

Electricity Generation in the Decarbonized Massachusetts Power Sector
Lucy Metz ’22

Presentation Sessions

4:30–4:35 p.m.

Welcome Remarks

4:35–4:50 p.m.

A Continued Connection: The European Central Bank & The Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Cowiya Arouna ’21

Mudancas: Translating Mexican author Valeria Luiselli
Thao Kahn ’21

4:35–6:05 p.m.

Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Panel
Christine Qian ’21, Solyana Hailu ’21, Storm Lewis ’21, Isabel Ruiz ’21, Jeanne Cho ’21, Sadie Buerker ’22, Diamond Mark ’22, Rose Poku ’22, Nadeen Jumai'an ’22, Fiona Wu ’22

4:50–5:05 p.m.

The Effect of Cryptocurrency on Developing Countries: A Case Study on Nigeria
Felicia Haffar ’21

“Lucía's Letters to Mercedes”, the English Translation of Two Letters from Soledad Acosta de Samper’s novel, Una holandesa en América
Amairany Vega ’22

5:05–5:20 p.m.

Future of Fintech—Mobile Money
Audrey Massimbi ’22

Translating Timothy Conigrave’s “Holding the Man”
Deborah Kreithen ’22J

5:20–5:35 p.m.

A Central Bank Transparency Index & Macroeconomic Indicators
Catherine Caleigh Johnson ’21

Class and Gender in Pre-WWII Paris, According to Yiddish Short Stories
Sarah Biskowitz ’21

5:35–5:50 p.m.

The Economic Impact of Hosting an Olympics
Kate Bernhardt ’21

Radiology and World War 1: Marie Curie’s Legacy in her Own Words
Lilia Pronin ’22

5:50–6:05 p.m.

How Well Does a Taylor Rule Implied Exchange Rate Describe How the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) Will Behave?
Wamia Walid ’21

Homeland: Romanticism and Brazilian Nationhood
Glenda Perez ’21

6:05–6:20 p.m.



Delirio Habanero/Havana Delirium—Translation for the Theater
Hannah Simms ’22J

Poster Sessions

4:30–4:35 p.m.

Welcome Remarks

4:45–4:55 p.m.

Syriac Handwriting Recognition
Winnie Zong ’23, Annie Portoghese ’24, Sophie Gutierrez ’24

4:55–5:05 p.m.

We See the True Colors Sliding Through: Evaluation Visualization with Color
Kate Spencer ’22, Megan Varnum ’23

5–5:10 p.m.

Glow with the Flow: Visualizing Bioelectric Patterns and Characterizing Their Relationship with Connexins and Morphogen Signaling During Axis Determination in Zebrafish
Janeth Mora-Martinez ’21, Elora Greiner ’21, Sara Gutierrez ’23, Adiana Czerniak ’24

5:05–5:15 p.m.

Analysis of Abortion Rights Fund of Western Massachusetts Data
Eunice Kim ’22, Chistina Sherpa ’23, Claire Bunn ’21, Dianne Caravela ’22, Natalia Iannucci ’22

5:10–5:20 p.m.

Use of Museum Specimens for Investigations in Ecology, Taxonomy, and Reproductive Biology
Julia Padro '24, Gabby Borromeo '23, Emily Blackwell '22

5:15–5:25 p.m.

Constructing Assembly Scaffolds for Viral Data in the Protein Data Bank
Sakina Ali ’21

5:20–5:30 p.m.

Characterizing the Roles of Meteorin and Meteorin-like in CNS Development in Danio Rerio
Georgia Krikorian ’22, Dahlia Rodriguez AC ’21

5:25–5:45 p.m.

Restructuring Model Analysis Features to Support Multiple Analysis Configurations in BloomingLeaf
Kathleen Hablutzel ’23, Ali Eshghi ’21, Ester Zhao ’21, Isabella Brody-Calixto ’21, Yanning Tan ’23, Yesugen Baatartogtokh ’23

5:30–5:40 p.m.

Underrepresentation of Women in Mammalogy at the Submission, Publication, and Associate Editor Level
Sara Schritter ’24, Olivia Thornton ’24, Cookie Duncan ’24, Abby Perce ’24, Zoe Baker ’23, Emily Blackwell ’22

5:40–5:50 p.m.

Light and Nutrient Stress Elicit Different Responses in Clonal Anemone Lines
Quinton Celuzza ’21, Giovanna Sabini-Leite ’21, Shevaughn Holness ’23, Louis Schlecker, Rachel M. Wright

Presentation Sessions

4:30–4:35 p.m.

Welcome Remarks

4:35–4:50 p.m.

Central Bank Independence and Political Business Cycles
Patriciah Wambu ’21

Generalized Splines on Dual Graphs to Triangulations
Hope Pungello, Tayler Fernandes Nunez, and Claire Yun ’24

Exploration of a Sediment Core Through a Coral Reef from the Last Pleistocene Interglacial on San Salvador Island, Bahamas
Sierra Weirens ’23, Miriam Boardman ’23, Lucy Hansen ’21

4:35–6:05 p.m.

Community Engagements and Social Change
Oumou Kanoute ’21, Sarah Stapleton ’21, Lauren Tinglin ’21, Kiara Mickens ’21, Maeve Conway ’21, Claire Bunn ’21, Emma Walker ’21, Marubini Muswede ’21, Sophie Hatcher Peters ’21

4:50–5:05 p.m.

The Gendered Healthcare Wealth Gap
Isabel Fields ’21

Mapping Census Data in Springfield
Grace Hartley ’23J, Sunni Raleigh ’23J, Seren Smith ’22, Sarah Bingham AC ’22, Michelle Flesaker ’22

Development of an Interdisciplinary Web-Based Resource for Improving Climate Literacy Through Exploration of Connections to Arts and History
Julia Herzfeld ’21, Caroline Davock ’23

5:05–5:20 p.m.

A Journey Through the Gate: Translating Tawada Yōko’s Essay "The Gate of the Translator, or Celan Reads Japanese” from both the German and the Japanese
Kerry Walker ’21

Creating Optimal Conditions for Reproducible Data Analysis in R with ‘Fertile’
Audrey Bertin ’21

Comparing Hot and Cold Stress in Sea Anemones (Aiptasia)
JoyAnne Joseph ’22, Natalie Morgan ’24, Eyananda Ahmed ’23, Kadin Kristjansson ’24

5:20–5:35 p.m.

Translating “Cosmic Theater” by 郝景芳
Elizabeth Carney ’21

Proteomic Profiling of Aging and Omega-3 Supplementation in Skeletal Muscle
Francesco Maria Del Re ’21

5:35–5:50 p.m.

Write of Passage: Letters From Home
Estelle Yim ’21


5:50–6:05 p.m.

Energizing Communities Around Climate Change: How Public Art Can Spark Change
Abby Golden ’23, Denielle Mary Audrey Amparado ’23, Phoebe Farrell-Sherman ’22

Oxidative Phenol O-methylation with Methylboronic Acid
Miranda Wu ’22, Angela Chavez ’23

6:05–6:20 p.m.

Project SPARC—The Springfield Participatory Action Research Crew
Nicole Lussier ’22, Annick Lamar, Essence Deras ’23, Jessica Polin ’23, Carolyn McDonald ’24, Sheena Nomura ’23, Ashley Rodriquez ’21

Precious Plastics Shredder Redesign
Espy Thomson ’21, Kate Spencer ’22, Morgan Donovan Jones ’22, Maeve Morrow ’23J, Bailey Butterworth ’24

Poster Sessions

4:30–4:35 p.m.

Welcome Remarks

4:35–4:45 p.m.


Acid Mine Drainage as a Source of Enzymes Involved in Biofuel Production from Plant Biomass
Gabrielle Mingolelli ’22, Asiya Karim ’23, Christine Wu ’23


Exoplanets: Finding Planets Beyond Our Star
Aviv Bernstein Livne ’23, Alyssa Guzman ’22, Ana Rodriguez Gonzalez ’23, Celine Wang ’23, Christina Hennessey ’24, Lillian Jiang ’22, Megan O’Brien ’23J, Olivia Siebert ’24, Renee Gonzalez ’23, Sophia Consiglio ’22, Yulia Kuzniar ’23, Zoe Roumeliotis ’24

4:45–4:55 p.m.

Work Towards the Synthesis of Strained Cyclic Alkynes Using the Nicholas Reaction
Halley Lin-Jones ’22J, Claire Park ’21

Controls on Bimineral Ooid Formation, Shark Bay, Western Australia
Juliet Ramey-Lariviere ’22

4:55–5:05 p.m.

Isolation and Derivatization of Sesquiterpene Lactones from Neurolaena lobata
Urvi Savant ’21, Monalisa Munia ’22, Nicole Alkhouri ’22

Comparing Directions of Seismic Slip and Tectonic Plate Motion
Clara Brill-Carlat ’21

5:05–5:15 p.m.

Artificial Intelligence In The Pharmaceutical Industry
Mordred Yuan ’21

The Efficacy of the brGDGT Biomarker as a Paleotemperature Proxy – Reconstruction of Past Temperature in Tasmania, Australia from Lake Sediments
Ibuki Sugiura ’22J

5:15–5:25 p.m.

Development of an Intramolecular Tandem Diels-Alder/Pauson-Khand Strategy for the Synthesis of Tetracyclic Steroid Cores
Marva Tariq ’21, Grace Ou ’22

Effects of Road Salt on Water and Soil Geochemistry of Wetlands in Western-Central Massachusetts
Wayne Ndlovu ’22

5:25–5:35 p.m.

Finding Distance Between Quantal States in A Chaos System
Cynthia Lan ’21



Campus Center 102

Isabella Bourret ’22, Madeline Jelken ’22, Habso Omane ’22 and Brittany Torres ’22 :: 1 
Linguistic Bias in Reproduction; poster session deriving from STRIDE and AEMES research with Virginia Hayssen, chaired professor of biological sciences, and Giovanna Bellesia, professor of Italian studies 

Olivia Cooper ’20, Annie Peck ’20, Kerry Walker ’21, Loren Stephens ’21, Sally Robson ’22, Lilah Skye ’22, Arielle Dede ’22, Bárbara Cables ’22, Alyssa Guzman ’22, Lilia Pronin ’22 and Jennifer Kahn ’19 :: 2
Follow-up Transit Photometry of K2 and TESS Exoplanet Candidates; poster session deriving from and special studies, STRIDE and AEMES research with James Lowenthal, professor and chair of astronomy

Olivia Cooper ’20 :: 3 
Tales from our Dusty, Warped Past: Investigating Gravitationally Lensed Sub-millimeter Galaxies; poster session deriving from special studies with James Lowenthal, professor and chair of astronomy 

Sarah Vespa ’20 and Callie Slevin ’21 :: 4
Disrespect Disconnect: Conflicting Values of Respect and Disrespect in Third Grade Classrooms; poster session deriving from special studies with Shannon Audley, assistant professor of education and child study

McKenna Hendrickson ’21 and Joarvi Edwards ’20 :: 5
“You Can’t Hate on Someone Who Helps”: How Teachers Earn The Respect of Adolescent Students; poster session deriving from SURF research with Shannon Audley, assistant professor of education and child study 

Adrianna Rivers ’19 :: 6 
Teachers As Reinforcers of Gender Stereotypes and the Impacts on Student Achievement; poster session deriving from special studies with Shannon Audley, assistant professor of education and child study 

Cas Martin ’19 :: 7 
Identity and Representation in the All-State Circuit: A critical inquiry of American high school concert band repertoire; poster session deriving from thesis with Andrea Moore, assistant professor of music 

Yichen Zhou ’20 :: 8
A Number; poster session deriving from a creative project with Nan Zhang, senior lecturer in theater 

Roshni Patnayakuni ’21 and Theo Dean-Slobod ’21 :: 9
Values Based Design: A Framework for Holistic Venture Development; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Susannah Howe, senior lecturer in engineering, and Michele Wick, lecturer in psychology 

Amelia Stapleton ’19, Eleanor McCartney ’20J and Guinevere Connelly ’19 :: 10
Global Health: Reproductive Health Knowledge and Access of Tibetans Students Living in India; poster session deriving from special studies with Leslie Jaffe, college physician and professor 

Campus Center 103/104

Natalie Bourdon ’19, Taylor McCain ’20 and Kelly Power AC’20 :: 11
The Effect of Gestational Folic Acid on Offspring Behavior; poster session deriving from SURF research, special studies and thesis with Annaliese Beery, associate professor of psychology 

Natalie Bourdon ’19, Eliza Day ’20, Emily Halstead ’19 and Rebecca Schaffer ’19 :: 12 
The Impact of Androgen Antagonists on the Morphology of Frog Motoneurons Controlling Hind Limb Movements; poster session deriving from classwork with Lisa Mangiamele, assistant professor of biological sciences 

Emily Halstead ’19 and Jessie Chen ’20 :: 13
Lever pressing as a means to quantify mate prosocial behavior in male prairie voles; poster session deriving from thesis with Annaliese Beery, associate professor of psychology 

April Hopcroft ’21, Paige Moore ’20 and Elora Greiner ’21 :: 14 
Effects of developmental exposure to cannabidiol on zebrafish; poster session deriving from classwork with Mary Harrington, Tippet professor in the life sciences, and Narendra Pathak, laboratory instructor in neuroscience

Lauren Bondi ’19 and Elora Greiner ’21 :: 15
Characterizing Phenol Analog Modulation of GABAA Receptor Currents as Novel Anesthetic Agents; poster session deriving from thesis and AEMES research with Adam Hall, professor of biological sciences 

Lauren Bondi ’19, Julia Donovan ’20, Seri Park ’20 and Maddie Ryan ’20 :: 16
Effects of Androgen Receptor Antagonist Flutamide on Jump Performance in Frogs; poster session deriving from classwork with Lisa Mangiamele, assistant professor of biological sciences

Naomi Murata ’19 :: 17
Engineering proteins for receptor-mediated transport across the blood brain barrier; poster session deriving from thesis with Sarah Moore, assistant professor of engineering 

Eun K. Kim ’20 :: 18
Differentiating Roles of NTS and AP GLP-1 Receptors in Modulating Food Intake and Body Weight; poster session deriving from summer research with Adam Hall, professor of biological sciences

Qiyi Qian ’20, Sofia Vergara ’19 and Ashley Zhang ’21 :: 19 
Simultaneous Detection of Salivary Dopamine and its Metabolites; poster session deriving from special studies with David Bickar, professor of chemistry 

Nadia PenkoffLidbeck ’21 and Nadia Aman ’20 :: 20
Training Zebrafish for Dummies; poster session deriving from classwork with Mary Harrington, Tippet professor in the life sciences, and Narendra Pathak, laboratory instructor in neuroscience

Delphine Zhu '19, Emily Connolly '19 and Andrea Botello '20 :: 21
Does blocking androgen receptor activation influence BDNF in spinal cord motoneurons?; poster session deriving from classwork with Lisa Mangiamele, assistant professor of biological sciences 

Andrea Botello ’21 and Georgia Krikorian ’22J :: 22
Just a Wnt of Proliferation to Make a Nervous System; poster session deriving from special studies with Michael Barresi, professor of biological sciences 

Gabrielle Drew ’19 :: 23
Increasing Efficiency of Baseline Telemetric Heart Rate Analyses in Ponemah; poster session deriving from special studies with Annaliese Beery, associate professor of psychology, and Mary Harrington, Tippet professor in the life sciences

Madeleine Lerner ’20, Jessica March ’20 and Paige Salters ’21 :: 24 
Role of reward in prairie vole peer affiliation; poster session deriving from special studies with Annaliese Beery, associate professor of psychology

MinJun Li ’20 :: 25 
Analysis of the Effect of Propofol on Development of Zebrafish Embryos; poster session deriving from special studies with Narendra Pathak, laboratory instructor in neuroscience, and Adam Hall, professor of biological sciences

Jamie  Chan’19, Leah Corson,’19, Delna Kapadia ’20, Matilda LaBranche ’21 and Lila Rosendorf ’22 :: 26 
From Anesthesia to Zebrafish: Developing a Dose Response Assay for Propofol using Larval Zebrafish; poster session deriving from special studies with Adam Hall, professor of biological sciences, Narendra Pathak, laboratory instructor in neuroscience, and Michael Barresi, professor of biological sciences 

Selina Husain '19 :: 27
Characterizing Hindlimb Motoneuron Morphology in Frog Spinal Cord Tissue to Understand the Evolution of Neural Circuits in Behavior; poster session deriving from special studies with Lisa Mangiamele, assistant professor of biological sciences  

Campus Center Under Staircase

Elisabeth Nesmith '22, Phoebe Uman '22, Anna Levine '22 and Zoe Nadig '21J :: 28 
ParKit: Pedaling Parks to People; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Reid Bertone-Johnson, lecturer in landscape studies

Campus Center 204 

Josephine Surer ’19 ::34
The Politics of the Diamond Trade in Africa; poster session deriving from special studies with Anna Mwaba, lecturer in government

Ahn Bui GS’19 :: 35 
Analysis of hydrological model complexity for storm runoff estimation; poster session deriving from special studies with Andrew Guswa, professor of engineering 

Eden Phillips ’19 :: 36 
The Effects of Humanitarianism and Cold War Media on American International Adoption; poster session deriving from thesis with Alice Hearst, professor of government

Shakira Halloway ’19 and Julie-Ann Destine ’21 :: 37
A Longitudinal Evaluation Study of Smith Programming and Well-being among Students of Color; poster session deriving from an innovation challenge grant with Randi Garcia, assistant professor of psychology 

Ziwei Crystal Zang ’20 :: 38
Is Marijuana Use Related to Popularity? A Social Network Analysis Of College Students; poster session deriving from SURF research with Miles Ott, assistant professor of statistical and data science 

Genel McLean ’20 :: 39 
Analyzing Smith College House Stereotypes; poster session deriving from special studies with Randi Garcia, assistant professor of psychology

Campus Center 205

Emily Dewitt '19, Ibuki Sugiura '21 and Sophia Stouse '20 :: 40
Stateline Fault System; poster session deriving from classwork with Sara Pruss and John Loveless, associate professors of geosciences

Lexie Lesser ’21 and Audrey Trossen ’19 :: 41 
Putative Bryozoans in the Lower Cambrian Harkless Formation; poster session deriving from classwork with with Sara Pruss and John Loveless, associate professors of geosciences

Amelia Olsen ’21 :: 42 
A preview of more SPICE research; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Sarah Pruss, associate professor of geosciences, and Bosiljka Glumac, professor of geosciences 

Vivienne Maxwell ’21 :: 43
Ophiuroid fragments in insoluble residues of limestones from the upper Lower Triassic Virgin Limestone Member, southern Nevada; poster session deriving from SURF research and special studies with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences

Rhiannon Nolan ’19 :: 44 
Non-reef benthic communities during the rise and fall of archaeocyathan reefs, western United States, poster session deriving from thesis with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences

Martha Slaymaker ’21 :: 45
Archaeocyath Abundance in Poleta Formation- A Cambrian Reef; poster session derived from AEMES research with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences

Daniel Wood ’19 :: 46 
Pyrite replacement of extant benthic foraminiferal tests of Carbla Beach, Shark Bay, western Australia; poster session deriving from thesis with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences

Alyssa Graveline ’19 :: 47 
Petrographic Analysis of Caliche Developed on Top of Pleistocene Subtidal Carbonate Deposits in Belize; poster session deriving from special studies with Bosiljka Glumac, professor of geosciences  

Esmeralda Mendoza ’21 :: 48 
Anisian Conodonts; poster session deriving from special studies with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences  

Hannah Clemens ’21 :: 49 
Intrasample Variations in Stable Isotope Composition of Carrara Marble: Implications for Provenance Studies; poster session deriving from AEMES research with Bosiljka Glumac, professor of geosciences 

Charlotte Holt ’20 :: 50 
The Art and Science of Pietre Dure (Florentine Stone Mosaics); poster session deriving from special studies with Bosiljka Gulman, professor of geosciences 

Abigail E. Lown ’19 :: 51
Investigating Geochemical Controls on Formation of Volcanic "Benches" at Pigeon Bay, Banks Peninsula NZ; poster session deriving from special studies with Amy Rhodes, professor of geosciences 

Aleta Donald ‘21, Heather Hannon ‘21, and Kristine Lu ‘21 :: 33
Ooid size in parasequences in the Cambrian Carrara Formation; poster session deriving from classwork with Sara Pruss, and John Loveless associate professors of geosciences

Campus Center Carroll Room 

Sasha Clapp ’19 :: 52 
Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Macroinvertebrates Are Feeding: Assessing the Ecological Impact of Sediment Redistribution in Paradise Pond; poster session deriving from special studies with Marney Pratt, laboratory instructor in biological sciences  

Tamara Thomas AC’19 :: 53 
Development of a New Molecular Diagnostic Assay to Detect M. perstans in Human Blood; poster session deriving from special studies with Lori Saunders, laboratory instructor in biological sciences, and Steven Williams, Gates professor of biology 

Julia Kim ’19, Isidora Stankovic ’20 and Tamara Thomas AC’19 :: 54
Life can be stressful: Temperature-induced proteome responses of commensal Escherichia coli; poster session deriving from classwork with Kalina Dimova, laboratory instructor in biochemistry, and Stylianos Scordilis, professor of biological sciences 

Isidora Stankovic ’20 :: 55
Too hot to handle: In the quest for novel thermoregulators of genes in Uropathogenic E. coli; poster session deriving from special studies with Christine White-Ziegler, professor of biological sciences 

Emma Evans ’20, Samantha Nunziata ’20 and Aurora Pinto GS’19 :: 56 
Noticing nitrogen: effects of N-enrichment of Ulva spp. on herbivory by L. littorea; poster session deriving from special studies with Paulette Peckol, Louise C. Harrington Professor of biological sciences

Mel Regan ’21, Ariana Tramonti-Bonet ’19, Lauren Kim ’20 and Rachel Estrera ’21 :: 57 
Search for Novel Anesthetics Using 2,6-Diisopropylphenol Analogs; poster session deriving from special studies with Adam Hall, professor of biological sciences  

Ewka Varney ’21 and Rachel Estrera ’21 :: 58
Effects of the Antipsychotic Drug Risperidone on Developing Zebrafish; poster session deriving from classwork with Mary Harrington, Tippet professor in the life sciences, and Narendra Pathak, laboratory instructor in neuroscience 

Sarah Billings ’21 :: 59
Mammary Cancer in Ungulates; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Virginia Hayssen, chaired professor of biological sciences, 

Adrianna Grow ’20J :: 60
Fiddler crab burrowing and oil pollution alter greenhouse gas fluxes from salt marsh soil; poster session deriving from thesis with Danielle Ignace, assistant professor of biological sciences 

Andie Rawson ’22 and Emily Backwell ’22 :: 61 
Body Size in Squirrels: Altitude and Urban Factors; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Virginia Hayssen, chaired professor of biological sciences 

Billie Jeanine Cullison ’19 :: 62 
Pilferer or Pal: The relationship between Hyalosphenia papilio and its algal "symbiont;" poster session deriving from special studies with Laura Katz, Elsie Damon Simonds Professor of biological sciences 

Lydia DeAngelo ’19, Dinah Nahid ’19, Sara Halili ’22, Rachael Newhall ’21 and Allison Ahern ’21 :: 63 
Evaluation of Antifilarial N. lobata Derivatives as Potential Drug Candidate for Lymphatic Filariasis; poster session deriving from special studies and thesis with Steven Williams, Gates professor of biological sciences, and Kevin Shea, professor of chemistry

Lizzette Perez-Perez GS’19 :: 64 
Gene Expression Analysis of In vitro Anti-filarial Activity of Natural and Synthetic Sesquiterpene Lactones from the Plant Neurolaena lobata; poster session deriving from thesis with Steven Williams, Gates professor of biological sciences, and Kevin Shea, professor of chemistry

Karli Hakala ’19 :: 65 
Warming Weather Welcoming Invaders: An Assessment of Temperature Impact on Eastern Hemlock Invasive Species; poster session deriving from special studies with Marney Pratt, laboratory instructor in biological sciences

Rezwana Uddin ’19 and Rebecca Bloomfield ’21 :: 66
Development of Novel Quantitative Real-Time PCR Diagnostic Assays for Brucella pinnipedialis and Brucella ceti in Marine Mammals; poster session deriving from special studies and STRIDE research with Steven Williams, Gates professor of biological sciences, and Samantha Torquato, Postdoctoral Fellow and lecturer in biological sciences 

Meghan Johnson ’19 :: 67
Examining educational strategies at marine science centers; poster session deriving from thesis with Paulette Peckol, Louise C. Harrington Professor of biological sciences

Sabrina Cordero ’19 :: 68 
Tracking of Caribbean coral outplanted from nurseries; poster session deriving from thesis with Paulette Peckol, Louise C. Harrington Professor of biological sciences

Mary Mick ’19 and Maddy Gallay ’19 :: 69 
Development of a New Molecular Diagnostic Assay to Detect Dirofilaria immitis in Canines; poster session derived from special studies with Lori Saunders, laboratory instructor in biological sciences, and Steven Williams, Gates professor of biology 

Sarah Chin ’19 and Katelyn Smalley  ’21 :: 70
The great escape: differential behavioral evasion adaptations by marine herbivores in the presence of invasive and native crab predators; poster session deriving from AEMES and SURF research with Paulette Peckol, Louise C. Harrington Professor of biological sciences

Quinton Celuzza ’21, Janeth Mora-Martinez ’21 and Lara Brown ’22 :: 71
Who’s in Charge? Exploring the connection between bioelectric signaling and Danio rerio development; poster session deriving from special studies and STRIDE research with Michael Barresi, professor of biological sciences, and Narendra Pathak, laboratory instructor in neuroscience 

Kareen Seignon GS’19 :: 72 
Development of a Sensitive Quantitative PCR Assay for the Detection of Schistosoma mansoni in Patients; poster session deriving from thesis with Steven Williams, Gates professor of biology 

Sarah Hantz ’19 :: 73 
What plant traits determine the resilience of an ecosystem to disturbance?; poster session deriving from classwork with Danielle Ignace, assistant professor of biological sciences 

Jane Kirby ’20 :: 74 
The Temperature Mediated Activity of Antimicrobial Proteins (AMP) on Escherichia coli; poster session deriving from special studies with Christine White-Ziegler, professor of biological sciences 

Amelia Eigerman ’21, Grace Privett-Mendoza ’21 and Ordine Ordine ’21 :: 75 
Androgens Modulate Multimodal Display Bouts and Behavior Sequences in the Bornean Rock Frog (Staurois parvus); poster session deriving from special studies with Lisa Mangiamele, assistant professor of biological sciences

Adena Collens ’21 :: 76
Hidden relationships: searching for bacterial symbionts in eukaryotic microbes; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Laura Katz, Elsie Damon Simonds professor of biological sciences 

Gariel Grant GS’19 :: 77 
Interactions of DEET and Novel Repellents with Human GABA-A and Glycine Receptors; poster session deriving from thesis with Adam Hall, professor of biological sciences 

Stephanie Long ’19 :: 78
Assessing tree health from above: using drones to detect distress in eastern hemlock trees; poster session deriving from special studies with Danielle Ignace, assistant professor of biological sciences  

Stephanie Long ’19 :: 79 
Erodium cicutarium vs Astragalus nuttallianus: a competition experiment between co-dominant winter annuals of the Chihuahuan Desert, poster session deriving from special studies with Danielle Ignace, assistant professor of biological sciences  

Claire Park ’21 and Natalie Mosher ’21 :: 80 
Towards the regeneration of molecular fuel in DNA computing reactions; poster session deriving from special studies and SURF research with Nathan Derr, assistant professor of biological sciences  

Aoi Ogawa ’20 :: 81 
Interbacterial interaction -mapping using cellular automaton; poster session deriving from special studies with Jan Vriezen, laboratory instructor in biological sciences 

Mackenzie Litz ’20 :: 83 
Immigration is Essential for Building Bridges and Diversity in the Zebrafish Forebrain; poster session deriving from special studies, independent research and STRIDE research with Michael Barresi, professor of biological sciences

Campus Center Wilson Atrium 

Ava Goga ’20, Leo Young ’20, Caterina Baffa ’21, Sofia Baptista ’21 and Alexandra Domeshek ’21 :: 84
Towards site-selective transformations in complex mixtures: DNA-catalyst conjugates for targeted ester hydrolysis; poster session deriving from special studies, AEMES and STRIDE research with David Gorin, associate professor of chemistry 

Nell Tarno ’21, Kayleigh Boos ’21 and Francesco Maria Del Re GS’19 :: 85 
Comparative Proteomes of Type I and Type II Skeletal Muscle in Rats; poster session deriving from classwork with Stylianos Scordilis, professor of biological sciences, and Kalina Dimova, technical director of the Center for Proteomic and laboratory instructor in biochemistry

Emily Morris ’19 :: 86 
The Effect of Anabolic Steroids on the Proteome of C2C12 Myogenesis; poster session deriving from thesis with Stylianos Scordilis, professor of biological sciences, and Kalina Dimova, technical director of the Center for Proteomic and laboratory instructor in biochemistry

Yacine Fall ’21 and Desislava Stoyanova ’19 :: 87 
Developing and Evaluating Better Ways to Treat Cancer; poster session deriving from special studies with Sarah Moore, assistant professor of engineering 

Hannah Wang ’21, Sophia Chertock ’22 and Beth Yigzaw ’19 :: 88
A Novel Quantitative PCR Assay for the Diagnosis of Ross River Virus: Field Study of Samoa and American Samoa Mosquito Samples; poster session deriving from special studies, honor thesis, SURF and STRIDE research with Steven Williams, Gates professor of biology 

Beth Yigsaw ’19 :: 89
A Method for Verifying the Integrity of RNA in Mosquito Nucleic Acid Extractions; poster session deriving from thesis with Steven Williams, Gates professor of biology 

Sarah Flaherty ’19 :: 90 
Investigating the relationship between structure and function of the dynein microtubule binding domain; poster session deriving from thesis with Nathan Derr, assistant professor of biological sciences

Hafsa Mire ’19, Sanna Muhammad ’20, McKayla Ford ’20, Hannah Snell ’21 and Grace Mosley ’22 :: 91  
Binding Analysis of Putative Brugia malayi POU-homeodomain Transcription Factor; poster session deriving from thesis with Steven Williams, Gates professor of biology, and Kalina Dimova, laboratory instructor in biochemistry

Jingjie Hu ’20 :: 92
Investigating the emerging motility of cytoskeletal motors tethered to synthetic spherical cargos; poster session deriving from special studied with Nathan Derr, assistant professor of biological sciences  

Joyce Lee ’20, Beti Sharew ’21 and Miranda Wu ’22 :: 93 
Methylation Strategies Employing Non-Hazardous, Stable Reagents; poster session deriving from special studies and AEMES research with David Gorin, associate professor of chemistry

Ruby Wu ’20, Alisha Shrestha ’19, Chhiring Lama ’21, Aysha Afzal ’21 and Athena Zhang ’20 :: 94 
Synthesis and Repair of the Spiroiminodihydantoin (Sp) Lesion; poster session deriving from special studies and AEMES research with Elizabeth Jamieson, professor of chemistry, and Cristina Suarez, professor of chemistry 

Sally Kyale ’19, Seri S. Park ’20, Milagros De Pasquale ’20 and Katie Fleischer ’21 :: 95
NMR Spectroscopy of SP Lesioned DNA; poster session deriving from special studies and STRIDE research with Elizabeth Jamieson, professor of chemistry, and Cristina Suarez, professor of chemistry 

Zephie Gollin ’22, Elizabeth Apiche ’20, Yuhui Du ’20 and Linnea Schultz ’22 :: 96 
Polymer Bilayer Deposition to Generate Hydrophilic Surfaces on Silicon; poster session deriving from Katherine Queeney, professor of chemistry 

Eve Xu '20 and Marva Tariq '21 :: 97
Development of a Tandem Diels-Alder/Pauson-Khand Reaction for the Synthesis of Tetracyclic Steroid Cores; poster session deriving from special studies and STRIDE research with Kevin Shea, professor of chemistry 

Autumn Mineo ’19, Mae Rosenstein ’21 and Amarachi Okorom ’21 :: 98
Hydrogel Formation via Photocontrolled Ring Opening Reactions of Poly(2-alkenyl azlactone)s with Photocaged Primary Amines; poster session deriving from special studies, thesis and SURF research with Maren Buck, assistant professor of chemistry

Ziqian Su ’20 and Heloise Cheruvalath ’20 :: 99
Synthesis of Propofol Derivatives for Use as Potential Anesthetics; poster session deriving from special studies with Kevin Shea, professor of chemistry

Julia Kim ’19, Gelsey Torres ’20 and Keilen Costilla Martinez ’21 :: 100
Protein Polymer Conjugates for Targeted Drug Delivery; poster session deriving from thesis with Maren Buck, assistant professor of chemistry, and Sarah Moore, assistant professor of engineering 

Savannah Pees ’19, Emily Fitzgerald ’20, Roza Wineh ’20 and Ximena Barrutia ’21 :: 101
Physical, Chemical and Biological Characterization of Self-Rolling Polymer Tubes, poster session deriving from special studies with Maren Buck, assistant professor of chemistry 

Cindy Hu ’19, Maya Hayden ’19, Florence Zhang ’20, Urvi Savant ’21, Mara Krutsinger ’20, Mordred Yuan ’21 and Lydia D'Angelo ’19 :: 102
Isolation and Derivatization of Sesquiterpene Lactones from Neurolaena lobata; poster session deriving from special studies with Kevin Sea, professor of chemistry, and Steven Williams, Gates professor of biological sciences 

Campus Center Art Wall 

Lydia Ivanovic ’19 :: 103 
Identity, Inclusion, and Inequality: Unpacking the Smith Experience; poster session deriving from classwork with Robert Buchele, professor emeritus of economics  

Oumayma Koulouh '19 :: 104
Deception: Comparing lying behavior in real-effort and luck tasks; poster session deriving from thesis with Simon Halliday, assistant professor of economics  

Katerina Kyuchukova ’19  :: 105 
Objectification In Action: Sexual Objectification in Same Gender Dyads; poster session deriving from special studies with Randi Garcia, assistant professor of psychology 

Lydia Quevedo '21, Yanwan Zhu '21, Shengqi Zhong '21 and Natalie Schmidt ’21 :: 106
Factivity and the Acquisition of Wh-Questions; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Jill de Villiers, professor of philosophy and Sophia and Austin Smith Professor of psychology 

Asha Hinson ’19 :: 107
What Does It Mean to Be a Man? An Exploration of Masculinities Amongst Black South African and Black American Men; poster session deriving from special studies with Randi Garcia, assistant professor of psychology, and Louis Wilson, professor of Africana studies  

Melanie Bancilhon ’19 :: 108 
Gender Representation Patterns in Game of Thrones: Rethinking the Bechdel Test; poster session deriving from special studies with Jordan Crouser, assistant professor of computer science  

Isabella Brody-Calixto '21 and Charlotte Crandall '21 :: 109 
Applications of dhSegment, poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Nicholas Howe, professor of computer science 

Main Lounge Mezzanine Upper Level 

Emma Kraus ’19 :: 110 
Sport-Based Help-Seeking: The Need for Mental Health Support Within Collegiate Athletics; poster session deriving from special studies with Erica Tibbetts, lecturer of exercise and sports studies 

Michelle Flesaker ’22 :: 111
Menopause-Associated Psychological Symptoms and Physical Activity in Midlife Women; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Sarah Witkowski, associate professor of exercise and sports studies  

Lissete Lopez ’22 :: 112 
Investigation of CVD risk and Arterial Stiffness in A Multiethnic Population of Pre-Menopausal Women; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Sarah Witkowski, associate professor of exercise and sports studies

Campus Center Garden Lounge

Luya Gao ’19 :: 113 
Cause of Discrepancies in WAI Measurements Taken by Two FDA-Approved Instruments; poster session deriving from special studies with Susan Voss, chaired professor of engineering 

Rainie Yuqing Zhu ’19 :: 114
Impedance Analysis and Circuit Modeling for Multi-Media Wireless Power Transfer; poster session deriving from special studies with Judith Cardell, professor of engineering

Meng Cao '19, Margaret Gao '19, Becky Shen '19 and Rainie Zhu '19 :: 115 
Design of an FPGA-based Image Processing System; poster session deriving from design clinic with Susannah Howe, director of the design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering  

Basira Daqiq '21, Jessica Bonsu '21, Emely Tejada Jaquez '20 and Leanna Troncoso '20 :: 116
Engineering Protein-Drug Conjugates for Targeted Drug Delivery Applications, poster session deriving from special studies with Sarah Moore, assistant professor of engineering 

Lauren Tinglin ’21 and Katie Fairbank ’21 :: 117
WAI Measures: Ear Canal Cross-Sectional Area; poster session deriving from a concentration project with Susan Voss, professor of engineering 

Sarah Chu '19, Jackie Granillo '19, Gaea Ridenhour '19 and Shuying Zhen '19 :: 118
Design Improvements for Ram Fan Shaft Heat Exchanger Production; poster session deriving from design clinic project with Susannah Howe, director of the design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering  

Amelia Biase '19, Aissah Kaba '19, Christina Kielczewska '20J and Karen Komu '19 :: 119 
Design of Multi-phase Flows within an Acoustic Fluidized Bed; poster session deriving from design clinic project with Susannah Howe, director of the design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering   

Tasbiha Chowdhury '19, Veronica Morales '19, Macarena Rojas '19 and Kirthna Subash '19 :: 120 
Design of an Electric Urban Alternative Mobility Product; poster session deriving from design clinic project with Susannah Howe, director of the design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering  

Bisma Ali '19, Ambar Garcia '19, Zoe Kouloulas '19 and Alessia Woods '19 :: 121
Design of Extended, On-board HemosIL Reagent Stability for the ACL-TOP Family of Instruments; poster session deriving from design clinic project with Susannah Howe, director of the design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering  

Serena Cattau '20J, Beatrix Dalton '19, Kelsey Hammond '19 and Jess McKnight '19  :: 122
Design of the Mass Central Rail Trail Connection in Haydenville, MA; poster session deriving from design clinic project with Susannah Howe, director of the design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering  

Molly Day '19, Tyler Feeney '19 and Maia Tooley '19 :: 123
City-Wide Culvert Evaluation Program and Stream Crossing Design for Ecological Restoration; poster session deriving from design clinic project with Susannah Howe, director of the design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering  

Cora Grant '19, Maddy Hubbard '19, Katie Knowles '19 and Rison Naness '19 :: 124
Design of a Combined Hinge and Latch Pinning Machine for the Storm Case Product Line; poster session deriving from design clinic project with Susannah Howe, director of the design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering  

Ha Le '19, Mandira Marambe '19, Serena-Lian Sakheim-Devine '19 and Nina Shute '19 :: 125
Design of an ABS Plastic Rod Scoring Device for Twisted Wire Brushes; poster session deriving from design clinic project with Susannah Howe, director of the design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering  

Lyric Williams Class ’19 :: 126
Establishing a baseline of coral cover at a recently established marine protected area in Belize; poster session deriving from AEMES research and coral ed-ventures with L. David Smith, professor of biological sciences  

Maya Crandall-Malcolm ’21 and Jessica Keast ’20 :: 127 
Rolling into a Sustainable Future: An Investigation into Toilet Paper Use & Sustainability at Smith College; poster session deriving from special studies with Paul Wetzel, environmental research coordinator 

Seelye 105

Emma Stewart ’19 (Government)
Backwards In High Heels: An analysis of gender and candidate priorities in the 2018 midterm elections. A presentation deriving from thesis work with Howard Gold, Professor of Government

Endi Mato ’19 (Global Financial Concentration)
Blockchain for Tyrants: Impact of Cryptocurrency on Global Finance and International Security. A presentation driving from concentration project with Mahnaz Mahdavi, Professor of Economics

Behind the Grécourt Gates: Smith College Relief Work During the First World War
A presentation deriving from classwork with Jennifer Hall-Witt, Lecturer in History. Presenters include:

  • Madeline Fraser ’19
  • Lydia-Marie Wenzel ’19

Seelye 107

This session includes presentations deriving from work in Translation studies with Reyes Lazaro, Associate Professor in Spanish. Presenters include:

  • Khulood Fahim ’19
  • Claire Baumgardner ’19
  • Aiko Dzikowski ’19
  • Adrian Gomez Ogallar (American Studies Diploma)
  • Niralee Gupta ’19
  • Kela Harrington ’19
  • Kaia Heimer-Bumstead ’19
  • Xiaoxiao Meng ’19
  • Simren Nagrath ’19
  • Anita Too ’19
  • Shuying Zhen ’19
  • Sydney Reyes Beattie ’19
  • Sarah Arnold ’19

Seelye 109

This session includes Community Engagement and Social Change concentration: presentation deriving from class work with Denys Candy, and Reflections on Collaboration and Socially Engaged Art; Presentation deriving from class work with Lynne Yamamoto, professor of art. The presenters include:

  • Sarah Arnold ’19
  • Levy Singleton ’19
  • Farah Samawi ’19
  • Jessica Booth ’19
  • Aliya Bailey ’19
  • Jessica Nelson ’19
  • Faith Washington-Flowers ’19
  • Tori Greco Hiranaka ’20J
  • Jasmine Olivares ’19
  • Echo Zhang ’19

Seelye 110

This session includes a panel by history students derived by work in history honors theses with Elizabeth Pryor, Joshua Birk (Associate Professor of History), and Jeffrey Ahlman (Associate Professor of History, and Director of African Studies Program)

Kendra Bond ’19

Agnes Hu ’19
The Chinese Exclusion Era: Gender, Media, and Community

Abigail Kromminga ’19
Choreographing Crucifixion: Good Friday Ritual in Late Medieval England and its Mystical Consequences

Erin Sulla ’19
La Reina, La Loca: The Medieval ’Madness’ of Queen Juana I

Rebecca Tibbitts ’19
Imagining the Family: Neoliberalism and Welfare’s End

Seelye 206

This session includes presentation derived by work in Kahn Institute with Alexandra Keller (Professor of Film and Media Studies), Gregory White (Mary Huggins Gamble Professor of Government), Paul Wetzel, Darcy Buerkle (Associate Professor of History), and Nancy Sternbach (Professor of Spanish). Presenters are:

Emily Whittier ’19
Food Banks, Abundance, and Policy

Susannah Howard ’19
Retracing Local Foodways Through Family Recipes 

Noa Randall ’19
Commercial Fishing in New England

Elsa Weintraub ’19
Local Food Isn’t Simple: The Economics of Sustaining Farmers Markets

Lark Wicinas ’19
A Campaign for Seaweed: Harnessing American Food Trends

Zoya Alam ’19
Reevaluating the Representation of Refugee Women 

Vivian Nguyen ’20
Meeting Refugee Needs: Repatriation, Resettlement, and Relief

Isabel Cordova ’19
Emergency Aesthetics: Refugee Representation in Visual Culture

Khulood Fahim ’19
Origins and Implications of Modern Refugee Label Usage in Lebanon

Seelye 212

Landscape Studies

Les clefs de chez moi: An exhibition deriving from special studies work with Ann Leone, Professor of French Studies and Landscape Studies. Presenters are:

  • Ella Martin-Gachot ’19
  • Ray Van Huizen ’19

Seelye 301

Taking the Archives Public: A presentation by the concentration students with Kelly Anderson, lecturer in the Study of Women and Gender and Lecturer in Archives. Presenters are:

  • Sydney Reyes Beattie ’19
  • Jessica Flohr ’19
  • Linda Moynihan AC ’19
  • Daisy Paez ’19
  • Marcela Rodrigues ’20J
  • Clara Rosenberg ’20
  • Allison Smith ’20
  • Julia Smith ’19
  • Rebecca Tibbitts ’19

Seelye 101

Pamela Larkin ’19 (Government)
United & Divided: Political Polarization in America since 1992. A presentation deriving from thesis work with Marc Lendler, Professor of Government

Ellison Hersch ’19 (Government)
The Deliberative Potential and Shortfalls of Congressional Hearings: Presentation deriving from thesis work with assistant professor of government, Erin Pineda 

Maya Younoszai ’21 (Government)
Comparative population control: family planning and the state in 19th century Germany and the 21st century United States. A presentation derived from STRIDE research with Ernest Benz, Associate Professor of History 

Sarah Kolick ’19 (Government)
Blood Diamonds and Kosher Ham Sandwiches: The Politics of Certification Schemes in the Diamond Industry. A presentation derived from thesis work with Mlada Bukovansky, professor of government

Seelye 102

Susan Cossa ’19 (Government)
Is China Truly the New Colonizer in Africa? Investigating the Nature and Implications of Sino-Africa Relations. A presentation deriving from special studies work with Anna Mwaba, Lecturer and McPherson/Eveillard Postdoctoral Fellow in Government

Jeanne Cho ’21 (History)
The Making of a Ginling-Smith Family: A presentation deriving from work with Marnie Anderson, Associate Professor of History

Erin Walsh ’21 (Film and Media Studies)
Splashing into Film Society: Iris Barry, Film Archives, and the Emergence of Film as Art. A presentation deriving from STRIDE research with Joel Westerdale, Associate Professor of German Studies

Catherine Hartup ’19 (Film and Media Studies)
Subverting the Star System: Hidden Lesbian Narratives of Hollywood. A presentation deriving from special studies work with Alexandra Keller, Professor of Film and Media Studies

Seelye 106

This session includes students from the Poetry Concentration presenting their work derived from their Capstone Reading with Ellen Watson, Grace Hazard Conkling Writer-in-residence. The presenters are:

  • Piera Varela ’19
  • Julia Falkner ’19
  • Katherine Keenan ’19
  • Madden Aleia ’19J

Seelye 201

Cora Lochner ’22 (East Asian Studies)
Charlotte B. DeForest, Smith class of 1901: A Former College President who Worked at Manzanar. A presentation deriving from STRIDE research with Marnie Anderson, Associate Professor of History

Dianna Herrera-Goudeau ’20 (Logic)
Seeking to fix what I can't fix: Exploring the game components of LogicQuest. A presentation deriving from AEMES Research with Albert Mosley, Professor of Philosophy

Elizabeth Powell ’19 (Spanish and Portuguese)
Retracing the steps that led Venezuela to the crises of today: A presentation derived from special studies work with Maria Helena Rueda, Associate Professor of Spanish

Seelye 202

Katarina Yuan ’21 (English Lang and Lit)
Identity, Audience, and Fanfiction: A presentation deriving from STRIDE research with Floyd Cheung, Professor of English Language & Literature and American Studies 

Chantelle Leswell ’20J (English Lang and Lit)
The Playworld: A Foray into the Golden Age of Children's Literature. A presentation deriving from special studies work with Gillian Kendall, Professor of English Language & Literature

Sarah Abowitz ’20 (Classics)
Virtual Classics Collection: Bringing a Learning Collection into VR and the 21st Century. An exhibition deriving from work with Rebecca Worsham, visiting Assistant Professor in Classical Languages & Literatures

Seelye 204

Hailey Escobar ’19 (Sociology)
Bridging the Gap Between the Mind/Hand Dichotomy: Understanding Vocational Education: A presentation deriving from Special Studies work with Rick Fantasia, Barbara Richmond 1940 Professor in the Social Sciences and Professor of Sociology

Jane Kuntz ’19 (Italian Studies)
Italian Female Athletes from Fascism to the Present: A presentation deriving from thesis work with Giovanna Bellesia, Professor of Italian Studies

Nina Henry ’19 (Latin American Studies)
The Ultimate Jeitinho: Medically-Induced Abortions and Social Networks in Brazilian Favelas. A presentation deriving from classwork with Jamie L. Worms, Assistant Professor in Latin American and Latino/a Studies

Aminata Diallo ’19 (African Studies)
Beats of the New Political Age: Hip hop and youth political engagement in contemporary Senegal. A presentation deriving from work with Jeff Ahlman, Associate Professor of History and Director of African Studies Program

Seelye 211

Lydia Ivanovic ’19 (Economics)
Identity, Inclusion, and Inequality: Unpacking the Smith Experience. A presentation deriving from classwork with Robert Buchele, Professor Emeritus of Economics

Vivian Wang ’19 (Economics)
Greenbacks for Green Growth - Foreign Direct Investment in China's Sustainable Economy: A presentation deriving from classwork with professors Mahnaz Mahdavi, Professor of Economics, and Maggie Liu, Assistant Professor of Economics

Manavi Tibrewal ’19 (Economics)
The Impact of Immigration on Bilateral FDI Inflows in India: a presentation deriving from concentration project with professors Mahnaz Mahdavi and Maggie Liu

Gwendolyn Ruth Jones ’19 (Anthropology)
An Exploration of Class and Capitalism at the turn of the 19th Century through Archaeology at MacLeish Field Station: A presentation deriving from thesis work with Elizabeth Klarich, Associate Professor under the Five College Program in Anthropology

Seelye 411

Emma Crumbley ’19 (Art)
Loren MacIver and the Luminous Line: Art and Poetry in the Archive. A presentation deriving from work in Special Studies with Frazer Ward, Associate Professor of Art

Cressida Blake Roe ’21 (Medieval Studies)
Vision of the Fall: The Rebellions of Julian of Norwich and Hildegard of Bingen. A presentation deriving from work with Vera Shevzov, Professor of Religion, Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies

Young Library 201

This session of presentations derived from capstone projects for the Book Studies Concentration with Sharon Domier, East Asian Studies Librarian; Joshua C. Birk, Associate Professor of History; Reid Bertone-Johnson, Field Manager; and Barry Moser, Irwin & Pauline Alper Glass Professor of Art

EvaMarie Olson '19
Picture Books, Language Education and LibGuides: Creating a Resource for Research on the Ainu

Erin Sulla '19
Norman's Conquest (of the Library): An Original Medieval Storybook

Ella Prince '19
On Pink: Artist Book

Seelye 301

Are all votes created equal? Legal, structural, and racist attacks on American democracy. An exhibition consisting of different parts deriving from classwork with Gary Lehring, Associate Professor of Government. Presenters are:

  • Beatrix Dalton ’19
  • Julian Erickson-Watson ’20
  • Julianne Hillsamer ’20
  • Rachel Twerdowsky ’20
  • Sarah Kolick ’19
  • Alex McKinley ’21

Seelye 102

Em Papineau ’21 (Dance)
GeoDance: A presentation deriving from AEMES research with Bosiljka Glumac and Chris Aiken

Natalie Churchill ’22 (Dance)
Correcting History: Why the Limón Technique Should Bear Doris Humphrey’s Name. A presentation deriving from classwork with Lester Tome, Assistant Professor of Dance

Sofia Engelman ’19 (Dance)
Queering Judson: Re-membering the Early Postmodern Dance Movement. A presentation deriving from thesis work with Lester Tome, Assistant Professor of Dance

Ella Carlson ’21 (Dance)
Communication and Contradiction: Gender, Minstrelsy, and Anti-Fascism in Martha Graham’s American Document. A presentation deriving from classwork with Lester Tome, Assistant Professor of Dance

Seelye 201

Gabrielle Drew ’19 (Neuroscience)
Increasing Efficiency of Baseline Telemetric Heart Rate Analyses in Ponemah: a presentation deriving from special studies work with Annaliese Beery, Associate Professor of Psychology, and Mary Harrington, Tippit Professor in the Life Sciences

Dulce Ixcoy-Say ’20 (Psychology)
The BLISS Program: Building Leadership for an Inclusive, Sustainable Smith College. A presentation derived from work in the BLISS program, 2018 with Benita Jackson, Associate Professor of Psychology

Statistical and Data Science Capstone

Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control: A presentation for the statistical and data science capstone with Benjamin Baumer, Assistant Professor of Statistical & Data Sciences. The presenters are:

  • Zixian Li ’19
  • Jingyi Liu ’19
  • Yue Kuang ’19

Seelye 202

Exercise and Sports Studies

Arrows Through the Trees: A presentation deriving from center research with Paul Wetzel and Lynn Oberbillig. The presenters are:

  • Clio Bate ’21
  • Maeve Morrow ’22
  • Joanna Aguilar ’22

Seelye 204

Sasha-Kay Shrouder ’19 (Education & Child Study)
The Art of Teaching: A presentation deriving from special studies work with Shannon Audley, Assistant Professor of Education & Child Study

Claire Bunn ’21 (Education & Child Study)
Theory and Practice of Educational Pedagogy: A presentation deriving from special studies work with Shannon Audley, Assistant Professor of Education & Child Study

Esther Kerns ’20 (Physics)
Design of a Cooling System for an Electro-Optical Modulator (EOM): An exhibition deriving from special studies work with William WIlliams, Assistant Professor of Physics

Charlotte Palmer ’19 (Medieval Studies)
King Arthur, Sir Gawain, and the Medieval Worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien and T.H. White: A presentation deriving from work with Carol Zaleski, Professor of World Religions

Seelye 208

Dylan McBride ’19 (Medieval Studies)
Material Culture in The Táin bo Cuailnge: A presentation deriving from special studies work with Craig Davis, Professor of English Language and Literature

Kerry Walker ’21 (German Studies)
German Art versus American Entertainment in the Early Weimar Film Press: A presentation deriving from STRIDE research with Joel Westerdale, Associate Professor of German Studies

Dylan McBride ’19 (Theatre)
Bodies in Motion, Bodies Protected: Studies in Armor and Movement. An exhibition deriving from special studies work with Catherine Smith.

Bailey Ryer Southgate ’19 (Art)
Mapping the Watts Towers: The Spaces of Yard Art Environments. A presentation deriving from CFCD research with Emma Silverman, Visiting Assistant Professor of Art

Seelye 101

Mellon Mays Roundtable

This session of presentation derives from the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program with Dawn Fulton, professor of French studies

  • Kimraj Jordan ’20J
  • Cai Sherley ’19
  • Nikki Metzger ’19
  • Kendra Bonde ’19
  • Mayrose Beatty ’20
  • Jasmine Martinez ’20

Seelye 106


Use of Virtual Reality to Study Targeting Behavior in Drinking Games: An exhibition deriving from classwork with Phil Peake and Byron Zamboanga, Professors of Psychology. Presenters are:

  • Samantha Lamoureux ’20
  • Sydney Hoversten, AC ’19
  • Sarah Daum ’19
  • Nikki Sallis ’20J
  • Juliet Jarrell ’21
  • Jessica Nelson, AC ’19
  • Kitty Chen ’21
  • Sophia Breitag ’20


Campus Center 102

Susannah Howard ’19 :: 1
Wijmikchewi: Collaborations between Indigenous Peoples and the Smithsonian Institution; poster session deriving from Smith Smithsonian Fall 2017 Program with Rosetta Cohen, professor of education and child study

Theresa Miles ’18 :: 2
Innovation and Invention: How the Dye Industry Transformed Daily Life; poster session deriving from Smithsonian research project with Rosetta Cohen, professor of education and child study and Catherine Smith, professor of theatre

Reem Ibrahim ’20 :: 3
Benefits of Expressive Art Therapy in Childhood and Adolescence; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Susannah Howe, senior lecturer in engineering and Alexandra Burgess 

Sylvie Lednicky ’20 and Jessie Chen ’20 :: 4
Effects of Homesickness on Autobiographical Memory; poster session deriving from volunteer research with Maryjane Wraga, professor of psychology

Jessie Chen ’20 and Sylvie Lednicky ’20 :: 5
Are Smithies Psychic? Replication of Zener Card Mental Telepathy Experiment; poster session deriving from classwork with Maryjane Wraga, professor of psychology

Sara Beltran ’19 and Elizabeth Van Winkle ’19 :: 6
Language, Narrative, and Reading Development in Preschoolers Growing up in Poverty; poster session deriving from special studies with Peter de Villiers, Sophia & Austin Smith Professor and chair of Psychology

Campus Center 103/104

Lisa Guido ’18 and Julianne Eppley ’18 :: 8
Investigating Stereotype Threat in Smith Athletics; poster session deriving from special studies with Erica Tibbetts, lecturer in exercise and sports studies

Abigail Bergman ’18 :: 9
Perception of Pain After Eccentric Exercise; poster session deriving from special studies with Karen Riska, lecturer in exercise and sports studies and Mary Harrington,  Tippit Professor in the Life Sciences and Director of Neuroscience

Zoe Rubinstein ’18 :: 10
Exploring the Utility of the Emotiv Epoc EEG in Exercise Studies; poster session deriving from special studies with Karen Riska, lecturer in exercise and sports studies and Mary Harrington, Tippit Professor in Life Sciences and director of neuroscience

Rose Hatem ’20, Marcela Rodrigues ’20 and Tavorsia Talley ’18 :: 11
Estrous Variability and Reproductive Behavior in Syrian Hamsters; poster session deriving from special studies with Annaliese Beery, associate professor of psychology

Amber Roldan AC, Marcela Rodrigues ’20 and Selma Tir ’20 :: 12
The Importance of Visual and Chemical Cues on Social Behavior in Zebrafish;poster session deriving from classwork with Mary Harrington, Tippit Professor in Life Sciences and director of neuroscience, and Narendra Pathak, senior research scientist in biological sciences and laboratory instructor in neuroscience

Jamie Chan ’19, Leah Corson ’19, Juliet Cheng ’19 and Delna Kapadia ’20 :: 13
From Anaesthetics to Zebrafish: Developing a Dose-Response Assay for Propofol with Larval Zebrafish; poster session deriving from special studies with Adam Hall, professor of biological sciences and Narendra Pathak, senior research scientist and laboratory instructor in neuroscience

Avery Benton ’20 and Lauren Bondi ’19 :: 14
Modulation of the GABAA Receptor by the Novel Anesthetic Compounds 2,6 Di-sec-butlyphenol and 2,6 Di-tert-butylphenol; poster session deriving from thesis with Adam Hall, professor of biological sciences

Audrey Jiang ’20 and Rebecca Schaffer ’19 :: 15
The Effect of Ashwagandha Tea on Zebrafish; poster session deriving from special studies with Adam Hall, professor of biological sciences

Lillian Campbell ’20, Fiona Fox ’20 and Emily Wert ’20 :: 16
Effects of SSRI Runoff on Developing Zebrafish Embryos; poster session deriving from classwork with Mary Harrington, Tippit Professor in Life Sciences and director of neuroscience

June Lee ‘20, Frances Brown ’20, Yilin Cui ’20 and Emma Essenmacher ’20 :: 17
The Effect of Reelin Expression on Learning and Memory in Zebrafish; poster session deriving from classwork with Mary Harrington, Tippit Professor in Life Sciences and director of neuroscience and Narendra Pathak, senior research scientist and laboratory instructor in neuroscience

Brenda Mao ’18, Gariel Grant GS’19, Juliana Nguyen ’18 and Ariana Tramonti-Bonet ’19 :: 18
2,6 Di-sec-Butylphenol Modulation of the GABAA and Glycine Receptors; poster session deriving from thesis with Adam Hall, professor of biological sciences

Sydney Pine ’20, Grace Irungu ’20 and Jiaxin Fu ’21 :: 19
The Impact of Reelin on the Development of GABAergic Neurons in Zebrafish; poster session deriving from classwork with Mary Harrington, Tippit Professor in Life Sciences, and Narendra Pathak, senior research scientist in biological sciences and laboratory instructor in neuroscience

Shi Ying Feng ’19, Guinevere MacDonald ’19 and Shannon Nicholls ’19 :: 20
Using Skeleton Photoperiods to Induce Circadian Phase Advance/Delay in Mouse Models of Jet Lag; poster session deriving from special studies with Mary Harrington, Tippit Professor in Life Sciences and director of neuroscience

Sarah Smith ’18, Kerry LeCure ’20 and Amelia Eigerman ’21 :: 21
Androgenic Modulation of Foot-Flagging Behavior in the Bornean Rock Frog (Staurios parvus); poster session deriving from thesis with Lisa Mangiamele, assistant professor of biological sciences

Anja Nordstrom ’18 :: 22
Using Transmission Electron Microscopy to Examine the Ultrastructure of the Zebrafish Embryo Postoptic Commissure; poster session deriving from special studies with Michael Barresi, associate professor of biological sciences and Judith Wopereis, laboratory instructor in biological sciences

Viviana Laines Macias ’20 and Sophia Todd Hatcher Peters ’21 :: 23
"Wnt" or without you: The Role of Wnt5b in Radial Glial Proliferation and Differentiation During Zebafish Spinal Cord Development; poster session deriving from volunteer and AEMES research with Michael Barresi, associate professor of biological sciences

Devina Gonzalez ’19, Bella Ferraro ’20 and Blanca Martin ’20 :: 24
Effect of Sleep Cycles on Anxiety and Coordination in C57 Mice; poster session deriving from classwork with Beth Powell, senior lecturer in psychology and Narendra Pathak, senior research scientist in biological sciences and laboratory instructor in neuroscience

Campus Center Art Wall

Lyric Williams ’19 :: 25
Quantifying Hard and Soft Coral Cover on Patch Reef Mounds at Mexico Rocks, Ambergris Caye; poster session deriving from AEMES research with L. David Smith, professor of biological sciences

Dana Vera ‘19, Sabrina Cordero ‘19, Emily Hitchcock ‘19, Jasmine Pacheco-Ramos ‘19, Amanda Castro ‘17 and Abigail Onos ’17 :: 26
CORAL REEF ED-VENTURES 2017 - A Marine Environmental Education Program in San Pedro, Belize; poster session deriving from SURF research with L. David Smith, professor of biological sciences, Denise Lello, lecturer in mathematics and statistics and Camille Washington-Ottombre, assistant professor of environmental science and policy

Sophia Stouse ’20 and Tracy Rompich ’21 :: 27
Sugar Maple Forest Survey; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Paul Wetzel, environmental research coordinator and environmental monitoring coordinator for the Center for the Environment, Ecological Design and Sustainability

Casey Armanetti ’18 :: 28
Investigating Acid Mine Drainage Controls on Carbon Cycling in Davis Mine Brook, Rowe, MA; poster session deriving from thesis with Amy Rhodes, professor of geosciences and director of environmental science and policy

Abigail Beckham ’19 :: 29
Analysis of Encrusters on a Pleistocene Coral Reef on Great Inagua Island, Bahamas; poster session deriving from special studies with Bosiljka Glumac, professor of geosciences and H. Allen Curran, William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor Emeritus of Geology

Adrianna Grow ’20J, Ursula Miguel ’20, Jessie Hinners ’21, Lexie Leeser ’21, Kristine Lu ’21, Maria Mutka ’21, Em Papineau ’21 and Ibuki Sugiura ’21 :: 30
Impact of Hurricanes and Sea-level Rise on Small Island Nations: Various examples from The Bahamas; poster session deriving from early research with Bosiljka Glumac, professor of geosciences and H. Allen Curran, William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor Emeritus of Geology

Nadia Aman ’20 and Kendra Swenson ’20 :: 31
Effect of Boundary Friction on 2D and 3D Granular Flow; poster session deriving from AEMES and STRIDE research with Nalini Easwar, professor of physics

Campus Center 205

Anna Pearson ’21 :: 33
Tectonic Activity in the Pacific Northwest: The Relationship Between Upper Crustal Faults and the Cascadia Subduction Zone; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Jack Loveless, associate professor of geosciences

Aurora Lopez ’20 :: 34
Investigating the Relationship Between Earthquakes and Seismogenic Zone Stresses; poster session deriving from AEMES research with Jack Loveless, associate professor of geosciences

Emily Grote ’18 :: 35
Slip Rate and Super Cycles; poster session deriving from special studies with Jack Loveless, associate professor of geosciences

Juliette Saux ’20 :: 36
Plate Motion in the Cascade Subduction Zone; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Jack Loveless, associate professor of geosciences

Courcelle Stark ’18 :: 37
Small Shelly-Style Preservation of Fossils in Lower Triassic Carbonates of the Western US; poster session deriving from special studies with Sara Pruss, associate professor geosciences

Martha Slaymaker ’21 :: 38
Fossils in the Cambrian; poster session deriving from AEMES research with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences

Vivienne Maxwell ’21 :: 39
Recovery of Bioturbation in Early Triassic Samples; poster session deriving from volunteer research with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences

Amy Hagen ’21 :: 40
Examining the Unusual Geological Conditions in Shark Bay, Australia; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences

Molly Megan ’19 :: 41
The Relative Abundance of Calcifying Metazoans in the Nama Group; poster session deriving from special studies with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences

Olivia Leadbetter ’19 :: 42
Detailed Analysis of an Early Cambrian Reef, Upper Harkless Formation, Esmeralda County, Nevada; poster session deriving from special studies with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences

Emily DeWitt ’19 :: 43
Abundance of Animals on a Sandy Seafloor in the Early Cambrian: Insights from the Lower Cambrian Poleta Formation; poster session deriving from special studies with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences

Daniel Wood ’19 :: 44
Benthic Foraminifera in Hypersaline Shark Bay, Australia: Using Modern Sand to Assess Biodiversity, Ecology, and Geochemistry; poster session deriving from special studies with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences

Amelia Olsen ’21 :: 45
SPICE in Scotland and Newfoundland; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences

Emma Becker ’18 :: 46
Post-Snowball Australian Microfossils; poster session deriving from special studies with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences

Campus Center Wilson Atrium

Daniela A. Deny ’18 and Allison Sirois UMass GS :: 48
Characterizing the Therapeutic Potential of Mesothelin Binding Engineered Proteins for Targeted Cancer Therapy; poster session deriving from thesis with Sarah Moore, assistant professor of engineering

Samantha Baierl ’18 :: 49
Conjugating Viral Antigens to Tumor-Targeting Proteins Toward a Novel Immunotherapy; poster session deriving from thesis with Sarah Moore, assistant professor of engineering

Leanna Troncoso ’20 and Emely Tejada-Jaquez ’20 :: 50
Developing Strategies for Tumor-Targeting Drug Therapeutic and Diagnostic Application; poster session deriving from special studies with Sarah Moore, assistant professor of engineering

Juliet Cheng ’19 :: 51
Searching for Novel Thermoregulators in E.Coli; poster session deriving from special studies with Christine White-Ziegler, professor and chair of biological sciences

Isidora Stankovic ’20 :: 52
The Role of Temperature in Regulating sRNA- Virulence Genes Interaction in Uropathogenic Escherichia coli; poster session deriving from special studies with Christine White-Ziegler, professor and chair of biological sciences 

Qiyi Qian ’20 :: 53
Salivary Dopamine Levels; poster session deriving from special studies with David Bickar, professor of chemistry

Jinyi Yang ’18 :: 54
What Does Your Hair Smell Like? Identifying and Modifying Hair’s Affinity to Volatile Molecules; poster session deriving from thesis with David Bickar, professor of chemistry

Kalani Williams  ’18, Hafsa Mire ’19, Kate Fessler ’18, Maddy Gallay ’19 and Clare Sandke ’20 :: 55
Possible Speciation of Otostrongylus circumlitusin Atlantic and Pacific Coast Phocid Seal Hosts; poster session deriving from special studies with Steven Williams, Gates Professor of Biological Sciences and Judith Wopereis, laboratory instructor in biological sciences

Kate Fessler ’18, Maddy Gallay ’19, Clare Sandke ’20, Hafsa Mire ’19 and Kalani Williams ’18 :: 56
Identification of Sea Lion Lungworm (Parafilaroides decorus) by Species-Specific Barcode PCR and Quantitative PCR; poster session deriving from special studies with Steven Williams, Gates Professor of Biological Sciences

Tyler Feeney ’19, Rowan Turner ’18, Ruby Kohn ’19, Sarah Price ’18 and Mariah Ollive ’18 :: 57
Zooplankton Use for Water Quality Improvement Through Removal of E. coli; poster session deriving from special studies and SURF research with Niveen Ismail, assistant professor of engineering

Marina Howarth ’18 :: 58
Everglades Ecohydrology; poster session deriving from special studies with Andrew Guswa, professor and director of engineering

Jessica Wert ’18 :: 59
Microgrid Design Informed by Genetic Algorithms; poster session deriving from thesis with Judith Cardell, professor of engineering

Alysha de Silva ’18, Macarena Rojas ’19, Maia Tooley ’19, Linslet Oh ’18, Dorcas Ujiji ’19, Jess Wert ’18 and Ruby Kohn ’19 :: 60
Rebuilding the Puerto Rican Power System Using Non-Renewable Energy Resources; poster session deriving from classwork with Judith Cardell, professor of engineering

Alysha de Silva ’18, Dorcas Ujiji ’19, Jessica Wert ’18, Linslet Oh ’18, Maca Rojas Bustamante ’19, Maia Tooley ’19 and Ruby Kohn ’19 :: 61
Rebuilding the Puerto Rican Power System Using Renewable Energy Resources; poster session deriving from classwork with Judith Cardell, professor of engineering

Alysha de Silva ’18, Macarena Rojas ’19, Maia Tooley ’19, Linslet Oh ’18, Dorcas Ujiji ’19, Jess Wert ’18 and Ruby Kohn ’19 :: 62
Rebuilding the Puerto Rican Power System Using a Combination of Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Sources; poster session deriving from classwork with Judith Cardell, professor of engineering

Emily Matz ’18 :: 63
MICROMIXER: A Benchtop Polymer Mixer; poster session deriving from thesis with with Michael Kinsinger, lecturer in engineering, and Susannah Howe, senior lecturer in engineering

Aminata Ka ’18 :: 64
Temperature Regulation of Defense Mechanisms Against Antimicrobial Proteins (AMPs) in Escherichia coli; poster session deriving from SURF research with Christine White-Ziegler, professor and chair of biological sciences and Lou Ann Bierwert, I and T instructor of biological sciences

Jacqueline Urdang ’20 :: 65
Stress Proteins During Myogenesis: How Stressed Are You?; poster session deriving from STRIDE and SURF research with Stylianos Scordilis, professor of biological sciences and director of biochemistry

Nancy Jung ’20, Sara Van Cor AC’18 and Lizette Vargas ’18 :: 66
The Investigation of Design and Directed Evolution of Novel Antimicrobials that Reduce the Emergence of Antibiotic Resistance; poster session deriving from special studies with Robert Dorit, professor of biological sciences

Campus Center Carroll Room

Alysha de Silva ’18 :: 67
Mechanical and Electrical Response to Fabricated Uniaxial Polymer; poster session deriving from thesis with Kristen Dorsey, assistant professor of engineering

Dan Lin ’18 and Yuhan Wen ’20 :: 68
Fabrication Design of EGaIn Switches for PneuNets; poster session deriving from special studies with Kristen Dorsey, assistant professor of engineering

Nhi Van ’18 :: 69
Gene Regulation in Enteropathogenic Escherichia coliupon Environmental Stimulation; poster session deriving from thesis with Christine White-Ziegler, professor and chair of biological sciences

Andrea Olivera ’19J and Janell Lin ’18 :: 70
The Developing Zebrafish, It’s Electric? Visualizing effects of Ionic Manipulation Throughout Embryonic Development in Danio rerio; poster session deriving from special studies with Michael Barresi, associate professor of biological sciences

Georgia Krikorian ’21 :: 71
The Effects of the Wnt/beta-catenin Signaling Pathway on Radial Glia Division in the Zebrafish Spinal Cord; poster session deriving from AEMES research with Michael Barresi, associate professor of biological sciences

Fiona Miller ’20 :: 72
The Relationship Between Latitude and Head and Body in Sciurus carolinensis; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Virginia Hayssen, Chaired Professor of Biological Sciences

Lydia Sheyda ’20 :: 73
Problems with Using Albedo Data in Investigating the Adaptive Influence of Coat Color in Peromyscus maniculatus; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Virginia Hayssen, Chaired Professor of Biological Sciences

Blanca Martin ’20 :: 74
Electrostatic Modeling of Growth Factors; poster session deriving from classwork with Burcu Minsky, lecturer in biological sciences

Kareen Seignon GS’19 :: 75
Development of a Sensitive Quantitative PCR Assay for the Detection of Schistosoma mansoniin Patients; poster session deriving from thesis with Steven Williams, Gates Professor of Biological Sciences

Julia Portocarrero ’18 :: 76
A Bioinformatic Approach to Nematode Parasite Drug Target Discovery; poster session deriving from special studies with Steven Williams, Gates Professor of Biology and Jessica Grant, research associate in biological sciences

Grace Nevil ’20 :: 77
The Limitations of Data Visualization: A Study of Coat Variation in Peromysucs gossypinus; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Virginia Hayssen, Chaired Professor of Biological Sciences

Corina Vernon ’20, Kimberly Davis ’17 and Alysha Putnam GS :: 78
Killer Alga: Toxic Effects of Ulva lactucaon Grazers (Littorinaspp.) and Macroalgae; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Paulette Peckol, Louise C. Harrington Professor of Biological Sciences

Hayley Reifeiss ’18 and Emiline Koopman ’18J :: 79
Tonga Coral Reef Assessment: A Survey of Atata and Sopu; poster session deriving from summer special studies with Paulette Peckol, Louise C. Harrington Professor of Biological Sciences and L.David Smith, professor of biological sciences

Haley Barravecchia ’18, Sarita Chiu ’18 and Katelyn Smalley ’21 :: 80
Terminator or Bioremediator: Multiple Roles of the Green Alga Ulva lactucain Coastal Habitats; poster session deriving from AEMES research with Paulette Peckol, Louise C. Harrington Professor of Biological Sciences

McKayla Ford ’20 :: 81
Size and Proportions in Melanistic and Non-Melanistic Squirrels; poster session deriving from AEMES research with Virginia Hayssen, Chaired Professor of Biological Sciences

Tara Bhat ’18, Emma Gubbins ’18, Rebecca Miller ’20, Hunter Myers ’18 and Amanda Nwankwo ’20 :: 82
The Effect of Short-Chain Alcohols on Secondary Organic Aerosol Mimicking Solutions Containing Glyoxal and Ammonium Sulfate; poster session deriving from special studies with Andrew Berke, assistant professor of chemistry

Jenny Banh ’18, Autumn Mineo ’19, Savannah Pees ’19 and Emily Fitzgerald ’20 :: 83
Azlactone Hydrogel Chemistry: Light Initiated Crosslinking, Post Gellation Characterization, and Cell Culture; poster session deriving from special studies with Maren Buck, assistant professor of chemistry

Aditi Aryal ’18, Analia Vazquez Cegla ’18, Julia Kim ’19 and Keilen Costilla Martinez ’21 :: 84
RAFT Polymerization and Protein Conjugation as a Drug Delivery System; poster session deriving from thesis and special studies with Maren Buck, assistant professor of chemistry

Mairead Bartlett ’18, Bezawit Habtesellassie ’18, Joyce Lee ’20 and Uma Gaffney ’20 :: 85
Carbon-Heteroatom Bond Formation Using Dimethyl Carbonate, Ethylene Carbonate, and Methylboronic Acid; poster session deriving from thesis with David Gorin, associate professor of chemistry

Jesse Krejci ’18, Yueyu Yao ’18, Ava Goga ’20, Léo Young ’20 and Dr. Moira Flanagan :: 86
DNA-catalyst Enzyme Mimic for Site-Selective Ester Hydrolysis; poster session deriving from special studies with David Gorin, associate professor of chemistry

Eve Xu ’20 and Sarah Lee ’19 :: 87
Development of a Tandem Diels-Alder/Pauson-Khand Strategy for the Synthesis of Tetracycles; poster session deriving from special studies with Kevin Shea, professor of chemistry

Emma Livernois ’18 and Ziqian Su ’20 :: 88
Synthesis and Purification of Phenol and Cyclohexanol Analogues for Use as Potential Anesthetics; poster session deriving from special studies with Kevin Shea, professor of chemistry

Rahel Hunter ’20 and Samantha Alakai ’18 :: 89
Environmental Analytical Chemistry Research at Smith; poster session deriving from special studies with Cristina Suarez, professor of chemistry and Mohini Kulp, laboratory instructor in chemistry

Jingyi Liu ’19, Aysha Afzal ’21 and Katie Fleischer ’21 :: 90
NOESY NMR Patterns in DNA; poster session deriving from special studies, STRIDE and AEMES research with Cristina Suarez, professor of chemistry and Elizabeth Jamieson, professor of chemistry

Peyton Higgins ’18, Anisha Tyagi ’18, Cindy Hu ’19, Urvi Savant ’21, Marva Tariq ’21, Lydia DeAngelo ’19 and Lizzette Perez-Perez GS ’19 :: 91
Isolation and Derivatization of Sesquiterpene Lactones from Neurolaena lobata; poster session deriving from special studies, thesis and STRIDE research with Kevin Shea, professor of chemistry and Steven Williams, Gates Professor of Biological Sciences

Mikayla Jefferson ’18, Sarah Price ’18, Tinli Yarrington ’18, Jocelyn Yax ’18 :: 92
Design to Increase Resilience to Drought in Kenya; poster session deriving from Design Clinic project sponsored by Bechtel with Susannah Howe, senior lecturer in engineering

Lydia Deangelo ’19, Lizzette Perez Perez GS’19, Laneé Jung ’20, Dinah Nahid ’19 and Dani Lilienkamp ’20 :: 93
Testing Sesquiterpene Lactones from Neurolaena lobata as Potential Drugs for Treating Neglected Tropical Diseases; poster session deriving from thesis and special studies with Steven Williams, Gates Professor of Biological Sciences and Sue Haynes, research technician in biological sciences

Charlotte Berg ’18, Camilla Eigen-Zucchi ’18, Shaneil Lafayette ’18, Zoe Zandbergen ’18 :: 94
Design of a More Inclusive Doll for Long-Term Hospitalized Children; poster session deriving from Design Clinic project sponsored by the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center and the Coleman School with Susannah Howe, senior lecturer in engineering

Mackenzie Dreese ’18, Gracie Hackenberg ’18, Lauren Stanley ’18, Sarah Thalheimer ’18 :: 95
Design of 3D-Printed Rotating Components for an Aerodynamic Test Rig; poster session deriving from Design Clinic project sponsored by Dresser-Rand, a Siemens Business with Susannah Howe, senior lecturer in engineering

Lisa Feiden ’18, Reem Ladadwa ’18, Cindy Li ’18, Sasha McCann ’18 :: 96
Design of an Angled Acoustofluidic Platform for Particle Separation; poster session deriving from Design Clinic project sponsored by FloDesign Sonics with Susannah Howe, senior lecturer in engineering

Naylani Halpern-Wight ’18, Laura Lilienkamp ’18, Dan Lin ’18, Analia Vazquez Cegla ’18 :: 97
Design of a New Device to Mix Clinical Samples for Blood Gas Analysis; poster session deriving from Design Clinic sponsored by Instrumentation Laboratory with Susannah Howe, senior lecturer in engineering

Fereshta Noori ’18, Marcia Rojas ’18, Laura Rosenbauer ’18, Maya Sleiman ’18 :: 98
Alternatives Analysis and Conceptual Design for Protecting Potential Greenway Location along the Mill River in Haydenville, MA; poster session deriving from Design Clinic project sponsored by the Williamsburg Mill River Greenway Committee with Susannah Howe, senior lecturer in engineering

Leen Ajlouni ’18, Jenny Banh ’18, Keqin Ding ’18, Megan McGahren ’18 :: 99
Design of a Simulation to Analyze and Improve a Pharmaceutical Process; poster session deriving from Design Clinic project sponsored by NNE with Susannah Howe, senior lecturer in engineering

Lauren Bouchard ’18, Susannah Davis ’18, Melissa Rosa ’18, Xianxiu Xie ’18 :: 100
Assessment of Cracking in Historic Load-Bearing Brick Masonry Facade and Schematic Repair Design, Boston, MA; poster session deriving from Design Clinic project sponsored by Simpson Gumpertz and Heger with Susannah Howe, senior lecturer in engineering

Alyssa Blue ’18, Anika Hanson ’18, Susanna Luciano ’18, Farida Sabry ’18 :: 101
Design of a Statistical Process Control System to Evaluate and Improve Process Capability; poster session deriving from Design Clinic project sponsored by United Technologies Aerospace Systems with Susannah Howe, senior lecturer in engineering

Susannah Davis ’18 :: 102
Design and Drafting for the Stage; poster session deriving from special studies with Edward Check, senior lecturer in theatre and Borjana Mikic, R. B. Hewlett ’40 Professor’ of Engineering

Campus Center Wilson Atrium

Nicole Frumento ’18, Meseret Haile ’18, Carter Kyle ’18, Hafsa Mire ’19 and Sanna Muhammad ’20 :: 103
Expression Cloning and Analysis of a Putative Brugia malayiPOU-homeodomain Transcription Factor; poster session deriving from thesis with Steven Williams,Gates Professor of Biological Sciences

Nancy Guan ’19 :: 104
Evaluating the Stability of Carbocations in Polycyclic Carbon Frameworks; poster session deriving from special studies with Christian S. Hamann, visiting associate professor of chemistry

Campus Center Garden Level

Jennifer Kahn ’19 :: 105
Stability of Multi-Planet Systems; poster session deriving from NASA internship with Suzan Edwards, L. Clark Seelye Professor of Astronomy

Rebekah M. R. Kahn ’19 :: 106
Color-Color Models Distinguishing Important Exoplanet Characteristics using WFIRST Filters; poster session deriving from special studies with Suzan Edwards, L. Clark Seelye Professor of Astronomy

Annie Peck ’20, Kerry Walker ’21, Loren Stephens ’21, Elana Helou ’20, Olivia Cooper ’20, Rachel O’Connor ’18 and Em Papineau ’21 :: 107
Observations of Transiting Exoplanets; poster session deriving from thesis, special studies and STRIDE and AEMES research with James Lowenthal, professor and chair of astronomy

Andrea Botello ’20 and Maggie Burkart ’20 :: 108
Medieval Paleographic Scale Experiments; poster session deriving from AEMES and STRIDE research with Nicholas Howe, professor of computer science

Maddie Wettach ’20 and Samantha Ho ’21 :: 109
You Strike Me As a Worker Who Has Never Been Satisfied: An Exploration of Satisfaction in the Workplace; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Simon Halliday, assistant professor of economics

Sarah Vespa ’20, Joarvi Edwards ’20, Maisie Smith ’20 and Callie Slevin ’21 :: 110
Student Respect Values: Where Do They Come From?; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Shannon Audley, assistant professor of education and child study

Karina Huang ’18 and Yansi Murga ’20 :: 111
“...and that’s how we became friends”: Identifying Respect Behaviors and Processes through Plot Analysis; poster session deriving from special studies with Shannon Audley, assistant professor of education and child study

Sarah Leandro ’20, Sasha Shrouder ’19 and Lauren Tinglin ’21 :: 112
Exploring Student Narratives of Disrespect and Racial Microaggressions in High School; poster session deriving from research with Shannon Audley, assistant professor of education and child study

Dominique Callahan ’18 and McKenna Hendrickson ’21 :: 113
Disrespect as Microaggressions in Student-Teacher Relationships; poster session deriving from special studies with Shannon Audley, assistant professor of education and child study

Risa (Lisa) Yamada '18 :: 114
Machine Learning: The Principal Method of Fraud Detection; poster deriving from research for the Global Finance Concentration with Mahnaz Mahdavi, professor of economics and the faculty director of the Global Financial Institutions Concentration, and Gwen Spencer, assistant professor in the mathematics department

Rebecca Rohrlich ’19 :: 115
2D Rigidity: Theorems of Laman and Maxwell; poster session deriving from STRIDE, SURF research and classwork with Ileana Streinu, Charles N. Clark Professor of Computer Science

Caterina Baffa ’21 :: 116
Investigating "The Probable Error of a Mean"; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Katherine Halvorsen, professor of mathematics and statistics

Yixuan Zhang ’18 :: 117
Mathematical Modeling of Sea Turtle Population under Changing Temperature; poster session deriving from special studies with Nessy Tania, assistant professor of mathematics and statistics

Reem Ladadwa ’18 :: 118
Redefining Gender Through Translation: Portraying Middle Eastern Feminism in English; poster session deriving from special studies with May George, lecturer in Middle East studies

You Jeen Ha ’20, Halley Haruta ’20 and Emma Taussig ’20 :: 119
Cross-Cultural Investigations in Philosophy; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Jay Garfield, Doris Silbert Professor of Philosophy and director of logic

Samira Haddad ’18 :: 120
Policy and the Opioid Crisis: A Policy Analysis of the Angel Program as a Model for MA Statewide Protocol; poster session deriving from special studies with Randall Bartlett, professor of economics

Campus Center Upper Lounges

Emma Livernois ’18, Alisha Vira ’18 and Carson Patterson ’18 :: 121
High Precision Spectroscopy of Beryllium; poster session deriving from special studies and thesis with William Williams, assistant professor of physics

Isabelle Bunge ’18 and Jessica Tran ’18 :: 122
Constructing a Noise Eater; poster session deriving from thesis and special studies with William Williams, assistant professor of physics and Joyce Palmer-Fortune, lecturer and laboratory instructor in physics

Simona Miller ’20, Ranlah Ahmad ’20 and Briana Laurenceau ’21 :: 123
Faraday Motor Demonstration with Enhanced Visualization of Voltage, Current and Magnetic Field; poster session deriving from AEMES and STRIDE research with Joyce Palmer-Fortune, lecturer and laboratory instructor in physics

Cait Battle-McDonald ’20 and Meghadeepa Maity MHC ’19 :: 124
Oscillons in the Early Universe; poster session deriving from special studies with Gary Felder, professor of physics

Sophia TenHuisen ’18 :: 125
High Precision Laser Refractometry; poster session deriving from thesis with Doreen Weinberger, professor of physics and John Brady, Mary Elizabeth Moses Professor of Geosciences

Wencong (Priscilla) Li ’18, Ji Young Yun ’18, Dejia Tang ’18 and Shuli Hu ’18 :: 126
Classification of Wildtype and Mutant Zebrafish Brains via Computational Method; poster session deriving from classwork with Ben Baumer, assistant professor of statistical and data sciences

Julianna Alvord ’19, Minji Kang ’18, Erina Fukuda ’18 and Zainab Aqdas Rizvi ’18 :: 127
Measuring Social Impact of HuffPost News Articles; poster session deriving from classwork with Ben Baumer, assistant professor of statistical and data sciences

Wencong (Priscilla) Li ’18 :: 128
Tools for Understanding Taxicab and E-Hail Service Use in New York City ; poster session deriving from special studies with Benjamin Baumer, assistant professor of statistical and data sciences

Alexandra Golikov ’19 and Audrey Bertin ’21 :: 129
ParKit: Pedaling Parks to People; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Reid Bertone-Johnson, field station manager for the Center for the Environment, Ecological Design and Sustainability

Seelye 105

Emma Stewart ’19 (Government)
Backwards In High Heels: An analysis of gender and candidate priorities in the 2018 midterm elections. A presentation deriving from thesis work with Howard Gold, Professor of Government

Endi Mato ’19 (Global Financial Concentration)
Blockchain for Tyrants: Impact of Cryptocurrency on Global Finance and International Security. A presentation driving from concentration project with Mahnaz Mahdavi, Professor of Economics

Behind the Grécourt Gates: Smith College Relief Work During the First World War
A presentation deriving from classwork with Jennifer Hall-Witt, Lecturer in History. Presenters include:

  • Madeline Fraser ’19
  • Lydia-Marie Wenzel ’19

Seelye 107

This session includes presentations deriving from work in Translation studies with Reyes Lazaro, Associate Professor in Spanish. Presenters include:

  • Khulood Fahim ’19
  • Claire Baumgardner ’19
  • Aiko Dzikowski ’19
  • Adrian Gomez Ogallar (American Studies Diploma)
  • Niralee Gupta ’19
  • Kela Harrington ’19
  • Kaia Heimer-Bumstead ’19
  • Xiaoxiao Meng ’19
  • Simren Nagrath ’19
  • Anita Too ’19
  • Shuying Zhen ’19
  • Sydney Reyes Beattie ’19
  • Sarah Arnold ’19

Seelye 109

This session includes Community Engagement and Social Change concentration: presentation deriving from class work with Denys Candy, and Reflections on Collaboration and Socially Engaged Art; Presentation deriving from class work with Lynne Yamamoto, professor of art. The presenters include:

  • Sarah Arnold ’19
  • Levy Singleton ’19
  • Farah Samawi ’19
  • Jessica Booth ’19
  • Aliya Bailey ’19
  • Jessica Nelson ’19
  • Faith Washington-Flowers ’19
  • Tori Greco Hiranaka ’20J
  • Jasmine Olivares ’19
  • Echo Zhang ’19

Seelye 110

This session includes a panel by history students derived by work in history honors theses with Elizabeth Pryor, Joshua Birk (Associate Professor of History), and Jeffrey Ahlman (Associate Professor of History, and Director of African Studies Program)

Kendra Bond ’19

Agnes Hu ’19
The Chinese Exclusion Era: Gender, Media, and Community

Abigail Kromminga ’19
Choreographing Crucifixion: Good Friday Ritual in Late Medieval England and its Mystical Consequences

Erin Sulla ’19
La Reina, La Loca: The Medieval ’Madness’ of Queen Juana I

Rebecca Tibbitts ’19
Imagining the Family: Neoliberalism and Welfare’s End

Seelye 206

This session includes presentation derived by work in Kahn Institute with Alexandra Keller (Professor of Film and Media Studies), Gregory White (Mary Huggins Gamble Professor of Government), Paul Wetzel, Darcy Buerkle (Associate Professor of History), and Nancy Sternbach (Professor of Spanish). Presenters are:

Emily Whittier ’19
Food Banks, Abundance, and Policy

Susannah Howard ’19
Retracing Local Foodways Through Family Recipes 

Noa Randall ’19
Commercial Fishing in New England

Elsa Weintraub ’19
Local Food Isn’t Simple: The Economics of Sustaining Farmers Markets

Lark Wicinas ’19
A Campaign for Seaweed: Harnessing American Food Trends

Zoya Alam ’19
Reevaluating the Representation of Refugee Women 

Vivian Nguyen ’20
Meeting Refugee Needs: Repatriation, Resettlement, and Relief

Isabel Cordova ’19
Emergency Aesthetics: Refugee Representation in Visual Culture

Khulood Fahim ’19
Origins and Implications of Modern Refugee Label Usage in Lebanon

Seelye 212

Landscape Studies

Les clefs de chez moi: An exhibition deriving from special studies work with Ann Leone, Professor of French Studies and Landscape Studies. Presenters are:

  • Ella Martin-Gachot ’19
  • Ray Van Huizen ’19

Seelye 301

Taking the Archives Public: A presentation by the concentration students with Kelly Anderson, lecturer in the Study of Women and Gender and Lecturer in Archives. Presenters are:

  • Sydney Reyes Beattie ’19
  • Jessica Flohr ’19
  • Linda Moynihan AC ’19
  • Daisy Paez ’19
  • Marcela Rodrigues ’20J
  • Clara Rosenberg ’20
  • Allison Smith ’20
  • Julia Smith ’19
  • Rebecca Tibbitts ’19

Seelye 102

Emily Ruppel ’18
The Class Meanings of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Queer Cultural Practices; presentation deriving from thesis with Rick Fantasia, B. Richmond 1940 Professor of Sociology and Nancy Whittier, Sophia Smith Professor and Chair of Sociology 

Sarah Evans ’18
Physician Bias in Treating Commercial Sex Workers; presentation deriving from thesis work with Carrie Baker, associate professor and Director of study of women and gender and Alice Hearst, professor of government  

Agnes Hu ’19
Newspapers and Frames in the Asian Exclusion Acts; presentation deriving from special studies with Leslie King, associate professor of sociology

Samantha Stolar ’18
Metaphors of Disability: Disposability, Land, and Literature; presentation deriving from thesis with Jennifer DeClue, assistant professor of study of women and gender and Anna Botta, professor of comparative literature and Italian studies

Dayln Gillentine ’21, Julie Graves ’21 and Sarah Feldman ’18
Class Matters: Organizing for Economic Justice Timeline; presentation deriving from classwork with Kelly Anderson, lecturer in study of women and gender, Kathleen Nutter, manuscripts processor and Miriam Neptune, digital scholarship librarian

Seelye 105

Taking the Archives Public

This session of presentations, derived from concentration projects with Kelly Anderson, lecturer of study of women and gender.

Emily Bellanca ’18
Fallen Women Saved?: The Intersection of Domestic Labor and Social Control in 19th and 20th Century Reformatories and Prisons

Courtney Bloniasz ’18
A Monument to Human Misery: Memorializing the Northampton State Hospital

Emily Carlson ’18
Acting Up: Women, Activism, and the AIDS Crisis

Millie Cook ’18
Voices from the Front: The Smith College Relief Unit

Beth Derr ’18
Crushes and Crossdressing: Queering Early Smith Traditions

Temar France AC’18
Analog Erotic

Elise Newcomer MHC’18
The Evolution of Mount Holyoke’s Dining Halls: SuperBlanch, How Did We Get Here?

Stella Plenk ’19J
Resistance and Resilience in Music: Protest Songs in American History

Henry Waletzko ’18
At Home in the Body: An Exploration of Queer Embodiment and Trans Archival Practices

Seelye 106

This session of presentations derived from Kahn Institute Fellowship with Alexandra Keller, professor and director of film and media studies, Cornelia Pearsall, professor of English language and literature, Andrew Guswa, professor and director of engineering,  Mlada Bukovansky, professor of government and Ann Leone, professor of French studies and director of landscape studies

Miche Hu ’18
The Impossibility of the Present: Short Stories on Love and War

Yi (Sunnie) Ning ’18
The Legend of Lianda, China’s Last Liberal Academic Institution

Temar France ’18
God Work: Black Women’s Insurgent Practices

Becca Tibbitts ’19
American Fascism: White Supremacy, Respectability, and Historical Memory in the United States

Seelye 109

This session of presentation derives from the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program with Dawn Fulton, professor of French studies

Undoing Academia: Mellon Mays Roundtable Discussion 
Alina Wang ’18 , Hee Young Kim ’18, Precious Musa ’18, Suroor Gandhi ’18, Tiara Austin ’18, Cai Sherley ’19, Kendra Bonde ’19, Nikki Metzger ’19 and Marisa Pinero ’19

Seelye 202

Latifa Al-Mohdar ’18
Oman vs. Saudi Arabia: The More Attractive Destination for Foreign Capital; presentation deriving from concentration project with Mahnaz Mahdavi, professor of economics and faculty director of Jill Ker Conway Innovation Center

Ningyuan Gloria Cheng ’18
BRIC Stock Market Correlations: A Sectoral Approach; presentation deriving from classwork with Mahnaz Mahdavi, professor of economics

Zana Shaw ’18 and Sophia Meacham ’18
Monsters or Men?: Understanding the Construction of Criminal Deviance in the United States; presentation deriving from special studies with Gary Lehring, associate professor of government

Juliana Bauerle ’19
Examining the Legal Permissibility of The Alt-Right’s Online Presence: The First Amendment and Radical Political Internet Subcultures; presentation deriving from special studies with Marc Lendler, professor of government

Seelye 110

Julia Alfiere ’21
Economic Geography of Latin America; presentation deriving from classwork with Jamie Worms, lecturer in Latin American Studies

Liliana Martinez ’18, Karen Banda ’18, Danielle Osborne ’18 and Sophia Foster ’20
Latinx and Migrant Communities in the United States; presentation deriving from special studies with Velma García, professor of government 

Seelye 201

Lucia Simova ’18
The Other of Al-Qazwini; presentation deriving from special studies with Brigitte Buettner, Louise I. Doyle 1934 Professor of Art 

Ruoqi Zhang ’20
ED Admission and Financial Aid Policy at Smith College; presentation deriving from classwork with Roger Kaufman, professor of economics

Nina Xue ’18
Dream of the Red Chamber: Timeline - The Rise and Decline of Jia Bao Yu; presentation deriving from special studies with Sujane Wu, associate professor and Chair of East Asian Languages and Literature

Boyuan Chen ’18
Determinants of Portfolio Inflow to Asian Equity Markets; presentation deriving from classwork with Mahnaz Mahdavi, professor of economics and faculty director of Jill Ker Conway Innovation Center

Seelye 206

Sarah Leandro ’20, Nancy Canevari ’20, Jordan Towsley ’19 and Rosalie Thomas HC
Increasing Diversity and Inclusion Within High School Humanities Curriculums; presentation deriving from classwork with Carol Berner, lecturer in education and child study

Kaitlyn Coyne ’19
The Impact of the Fan Cost Index on MLB Revenues and Attendance; presentation deriving from classwork with Andrew Zimbalist, Robert A Woods Professor and Chair of Economics

Seelye 208

Emily Chang GS’18, Xuxi Ding GS’18, Qiaomei Li ’18 and Chujun He ’20
Network Optimization; presentation deriving from special studies with Tamar Friedmann, visiting assistant professor in mathematics and statistics and Julianna Tymoczko, associate professor and chair of mathematics and statistics

Angelica Estrada GS’18, Zixian Li ’19, Sifan Jiang ’18 and  Lily Qian ’19J
The Modifiable Area Unit Problem Using Flint Water Crisis Data; presentation deriving from advanced topics with Amelia McNamara, visiting assistant professor MassMutual Fellow of statistical and data sciences

Rachel O’Connor ’18
Worlds Beyond: Follow-up Observations and Confirmation of K2 Exoplanet Candidates; presentation deriving from thesis with James Lowenthal, professor and chair of astronomy and Suzan Edwards, L. Clark Seelye Professor of Astronomy

Theo Dean-Slobod ’21, Garcia Sun ’20, Talia Goldwasser ’21 and Charlotte Crandall ’21
Bouncing and Crawling: Geometric Inquiry; presentation deriving from STRIDE research with Jim Henle, Myra Sampson Professor of Mathematics and Statistics

Seelye 211

Sid Joyce-Farley ’20
Rhetorics of Responsibility and Failure: Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in the Lancet HIV; presentation deriving from STRIDE research with Rory Crath, assistant professor in School for Social Work

Carolyn Polis ’18
Nonsensical Language and Life Without Meaning: Absurdism in Children’s Literature; presentation deriving from thesis with Anna Botta, professor of comparative literature and Italian studies

Savannah N. Tilley ’20
Homosexual Doubling in Sylvia Plath; presentation deriving from special studies with Cornelia Pearsall, professor of English language and literature

Kristina Chang ’18
The Good, the Bad, and the Lack of Either: Examining Tolkein’s Sauron and Lewis’ Aslan; presentation deriving from classwork with Craig Davis, professor of English language and literature

Seelye 212

Erin Walsh ’21
Let’s Go to the Movies: Iris Barry and the Foundations of American Film Culture; presentation deriving from STRIDE research with Joel Westerdale, associate professor of German studies

Clara Rosenberg ’20
Illustrated Sheet Music and American Visual Culture c. 1890-1920; presentation deriving from STRIDE research with Laura Kalba, associate professor of art

Katie O’Hara ’18, Katie Krygowski ’18 and Elizabeth Peay ’18
Power, Religion, and Identity in the Ancient World; presentation deriving from thesis with Joshua C. Birk, professor of history, and Richard Lim, professor and chair of history

Xueying Zeng ’20
A Forgotten History: history of Smith College and its Little Sister Ginling College in China from the Early Twentieth Century to the Cold War; presentation deriving from classwork with Darcy Buerkle, associate professor of history 

Alessandra Pagani ’20
Gloria Steinem’s Journey Towards Activism: Identity Development in Childhood, Adolescence & Emerging Adulthood; presentation deriving from work study research with Lauren Duncan, professor of psychology

Campus Center Carroll Room

Julia Antinozzi '18
Embodied Movement and the Senses; performance derived from thesis with Rodger Blum, professor of dance 

Aubrey Johnson '18
A Treatment for Huntington’s Disease: Dance Movement Therapy Through the Lens of Predictive Processing; performance deriving from thesis with Chris Aiken, associate professor of dance, Beth Powell, senior lecturer in psychology and Angie Hauser, associate professor and chair of dance

Amy Iwanowicz ’18
New Dance Group’s Egalitarian - Communist Rhetoric Through "Folksay"; presentation deriving from classwork with Lester Tomé, assistant professor of dance

Claire Lane ’20
The New Dance Group and Left-Wing Social Activism: Case Study of Jane Dudley, 1932–1942; presentation deriving from classwork with Lester Tomé, assistant professor of dance

Seelye 102 

Sally Jankovic GS’18 and Angelica Estrada GS’18
Non-Fibonacci Phyllotaxis: Quasi-Symmetry; presentation deriving from classwork with Christopher Golé, professor of mathematics and statistics

Oumayma Koulouh ’19
A Geometric Proof of the Appearance of the Fibonnaci Sequence in Phyllotaxis; presentation deriving from special studies with Christopher Golé, professor of mathematics and statistics

Natalie LaBossier ’19
Minority Stress and Mental Health in Transgender Individuals; presentation deriving from special studies with Miles Ott, assistant professor of statistical and data sciences

Angelica Estrada GS’18 and Taré Suriel ’18
Suicide Ideation and Pain Reliever Use; presentation deriving from classwork with Benjamin Capistrant, lecturer in statistical and data sciences

Seelye 105

Ashley Rohall ’18 and Faith Flowers ’20J
Anxiety Sensitivity in Hoarding Disorder and OCD; presentation deriving from classwork with Randy Frost, H.E. and E.S. Israel Professor of Psychology

Julianna Calabrese ’18 and Emma Ning ’19
An Examination of Family Warmth and Perfectionism in Hoarding Disorder; presentation deriving from classwork with Randy Frost, H.E. and E.S. Israel Professor of Psychology

Ivana William ’18 and Asher Johnson ’18
Correlations Between Multiple Aspects of Hoarding Disorder and Trauma; presentation deriving from classwork with Randy Frost, H.E. and E.S. Israel Professor of Psychology

Sonja Imhoof ’18 and Sarah Pieper ’18
Giving Attention to ADHD and Its Relationship to Hoarding Disorder; presentation deriving from classwork with Randy Frost, H.E. and E.S. Israel Professor of Psychology

Seelye 107

Parisa Haiqa Mohamed ’18
Effect of Crises on South Asian Economies; presentation deriving from classwork with Mahnaz Mahdavi, professor of economics and faculty director of Jill Ker Conway Innovation Center

Vedica Bhasin ’18
Attempting to Understand Information, Ideology, and ’Othering’ After the 1947 Partition; presentation deriving from classwork with Andy Rotman, professor of religion and Nalini Bhushan, Andrew W. Mellon Professor of Philosophy

Lily Prendergast ’18
The Story of An Anthropological Exercise in Studying Attitudes and Usages of Contraceptives in Pune City, India; presentation deriving from internship with Nalini Bhushan, Andrew W. Mellon Professor of Philosophy

Tasbiha Chowdhury ’19 
Assessing Barriers to Scalability Associated with Arsenic Mitigation Projects in Bangladesh: A Closer Look at the Discourse of International Development (with a focus in technology); presentation deriving from AEMES McKinley Fellowship with Denise McKahn, associate professor of engineering

Seelye 109

Alina Wang ’19J
Forming The Body and World: An Enactivist Account of Psychiatry and Placebo Effects; presentation deriving from thesis with Jay Garfield, Doris Silbert Professor of Philosophy and Director of Logic

Gael Bemis ’20
Death, Dying, and Neglected Gardens: Exploring the Ethical Consequences of Immortality; presentation deriving from classwork with Susan Levin, Roe/Straut Professor in the Humanities and Professor of Philosophy

Lillian Campbell ’20, Ronnie Schwaller ’20, Jordan Moody ’20, Talia Natoli ’20 and Elizabeth Davidson Blythe ’19
Staging Being and Time; presentation deriving from special studies with Susan Levin, Roe/Straut Professor in the Humanities and Professor of Philosophy

Seelye 110

Hunter Myers ’18, Hannah Kass ’18 and Teddy Schneider ’18
Honors Theses in Jewish Studies (American Jewish Anti-Zionism; Searching for the Jew in Comic Book Superheroes; Rikudah Potash’s In the Alleys of Jerusalem: Yiddish Stories); presentation deriving from thesis with Justin Cammy, associate professor of Jewish Studies and comparative literature and director of Jewish Studies

Leigh Johnston ’18 and Rebecca York ’18
The Transnational Adoptee Oral History Project; presentation deriving from special studies with Kelly Anderson, lecturer in study of women and gender

Seelye 202

Suroor Seher Gandhi ’18
Interference Patterns of Expanding Bose-Einstein Condensate Shells; presentation deriving from thesis with Courtney Lannert, associate professor and chair of physics

Enas Jahangir ’18
Of Daughters and Disbelievers: Re-imagining Religiosity Through Art; exhibition deriving from special studies with Suleiman Mourad, professor of religion

Siyu Lily Qian ’19J
Data Visualizations of the Design Thinking Initiative; presentation deriving from work study with Zaza Kabayadondo, Design Thinking Initiative co-director  

Gelonnie Smith ’18, Raegan Thomas ’19 and Ryan Kim ’18
Black in the Americas; presentation deriving from classwork with Diana Burnett, McPherson and Eveillard Postdoctoral Fellow of Africana Studies

Seelye 206

This session of presentations derived from Kahn Institute Fellowship with Alexandra Keller, professor and director of film and media studies, Cornelia Pearsall, professor of English language and literature, Andrew Guswa, professor and director of engineering,  Mlada Bukovansky, professor of government and Ann Leone, professor of French studies and director of landscape studies

Molly Hurd ’18
Social Factors in the Collapse of the Greenland Colonies

Emma Harnisch ’18
Extractive Resources: Human Stories Hidden in Stones

Seelye 208

This session of presentations derived from capstone projects for the Book Studies Concentration with Nancy Bradbury, professor of English language and literature, Barry Moser, Irwin & Pauline Alper Glass Professor of Art and Karen Kukil, associate curator of special collections

Nancy Kitchener ’18
Blackletter: Power and Grace

Céline Ganiere ’18
Sarah Orne Jewett: Life and Work

Marty Bongfeldt ’19J AC
Writing a Children’s Book

Poetry Center, Wright Hall

Precious Musa ’18, Janelle Tan ’18, Ewan Hill ’18 and Julia Falkner ’19
Poetry Concentration Capstone Event; Presentation deriving from concentration project with Ellen Doré Watson, director of poetry center 

Seelye 101

Mellon Mays Roundtable

This session of presentation derives from the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program with Dawn Fulton, professor of French studies

  • Kimraj Jordan ’20J
  • Cai Sherley ’19
  • Nikki Metzger ’19
  • Kendra Bonde ’19
  • Mayrose Beatty ’20
  • Jasmine Martinez ’20

Seelye 106


Use of Virtual Reality to Study Targeting Behavior in Drinking Games: An exhibition deriving from classwork with Phil Peake and Byron Zamboanga, Professors of Psychology. Presenters are:

  • Samantha Lamoureux ’20
  • Sydney Hoversten, AC ’19
  • Sarah Daum ’19
  • Nikki Sallis ’20J
  • Juliet Jarrell ’21
  • Jessica Nelson, AC ’19
  • Kitty Chen ’21
  • Sophia Breitag ’20


Josie Little '17  :: 1
Developing a Methodology for the Cation Exchange Capacity of Peat; poster session deriving from special studies with Amy Rhodes, professor of geosciences

Lyn Watts '17  ::  2
Modeling Sediment Transport During Sluicing Events In Paradise Pond; poster session deriving from thesis with Robert Newton, professor of geosciences and Center for Environment, Ecological Design and Sustainability

Jessica Chang '17, Elsie Eastman '17 and Susannah Howard '19  ::  3  
Starved for Sediment in the Bahamas? Sedimentation and Storm Impact on the Leeward Coast of Little Exuma Island; poster session deriving from classwork with Bosiljka Glumac, professor of geosciences and H. Allen Curran, William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor Emeritus of Geology

Nathaly Reyna Alvarez '17, Abigail Beckham '19 and Alyssa Graveline '19  ::  4
Dynamics of Sediment Deposition and Modification by Burrowing Organisms in Pleistocene Subtidal Carbonate Deposits, Little Exuma, Bahamas; poster session deriving from classwork with Bosiljka Glumac,  professor of geosciences and H. Allen Curran, William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor Emeritus of Geology

Anny Sainvil '17  ::  5
Chronological Interpretation of Volcanic Rootless Cone Field in Laki, Iceland; poster session deriving from special studies with Robert Newton, professor of geosciences and director of Center for Environment, Ecological Design and Sustainability, Mark Brandriss, senior lecturer in geosciences and Andrew P. DeWet, professor of geosciences and chair of earth and environment

Rhiannon Nolan '19  ::  6
Paleoecological Analysis of the Campito and Poleta Formations in the White-Inyo Mountains of California; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences

Kimberly Du '18  ::  7
Microfossils from the Cryogenian Period of the Rasthof Formation, Namibia; poster session deriving from special studies with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences and Luke Faggetter, lecturer in geosciences

Kenny Clarke '17  ::  8
The First Calcifying Metazoan Organisms!; poster session deriving from special studies with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences and Luke Faggetter, lecturer in geosciences

Olivia Young '20 and Juliette Saux '20  ::  9
Cumulative Fault Slip from Global Subduction Zone Earthquakes; poster session deriving from STRIDE and AEMES research with with John Loveless, John Loveless, assistant professor of geosciences

Sofia Johnson '19  ::  10
Analyzing the Relationship Between Coupling Patterns and Upper Plate Faults along the Cascadia Subduction Zone; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with John Loveless, assistant professor of geosciences.

Lynnie Fein-Schaffer '17, Annaka Paradis '18, Sarah Robbins '18 and Andrea Wong HC  ::  11
The Implications of Maladaptive Perfectionism on Psychopathology in Children; poster session deriving from classwork with Alexandra Burgess, postdoctoral fellow and lecturer in psychology

Stefania Gheorghiu '17 and Rachel Cooper '17  ::  12
Environmental Factors of Childhood Perfectionism: Parent Relationships and Locus of Control; poster session deriving from classwork with Alexandra Burgess, postdoctoral fellow and lecturer in psychology

Emily Jackson '18 and Sara Beltran '19  ::  13
Developing a Touchscreen Language Screener for 2-year-olds; poster session deriving from special studies with Jill de Villiers, Sophia & Austin Smith Professor of Psychology

Asha Hinson '19 and Jennifer Aguirre '18  ::  14
An Exploration of the Effects of Intergroup Roommate Contact on Diversity Attitudes and Intergroup Friendships in and Beyond College; poster session deriving from special studies with Randi Garcia, assistant professor of psychology

Mark Britton '17, Halimat Ipesa-Balogun '17, Emily Jackson '18, Jessica Kotfila '18, Kimberly Lu '17, Varsha Prabhakar '17 and Tori Torres '17  ::  15
Acquisition of the Distinction Between Absolute and Relative Gradable Adjectives: 4-Year-Olds Know Emotion Adjectives are Relative; poster session deriving from STRIDE and SURF research with Peter de Villiers, Sophia & Austin Smith Professor of Psychology

Lissandra Camacho '19, Halimat Ipesa-Balogun '17, Emily Jackson '18, Jessica Kotfila '18, Evelyn Parker '18, Chelsea Pimentel '17 and Tori Torres '17  ::  16
Quantity, Syntax, and Dialect: Effects of African American Mothers’ Language to Their Preschool Children on Later Reading Outcomes; science poster session deriving from AEMES and SURF research with Peter de Villiers, Sophia & Austin Smith Professor of Psychology

Hannah Cohensmith '19J  ::  17
Developing a Content Coding System for Sexism in the Media; poster session deriving from special studies with Lauren Duncan, professor of psychology

Minji Kang '18  ::  18
Modeling the Longitudinal Effects of Executive Functioning on Theory of Mind in Preschool Children using Structural Equation Modeling; poster session deriving from special studies with Randi Garcia, assistant professor of psychology and Peter de Villiers, Sophia & Austin Smith Professor of Psychology

Sydney Keen '17  ::  19
Unpacking a Prehistoric Language Mystery: How Proto-Indo-European Evolved, Diversified, and Came to Dominate the Globe; poster session deriving from special studies with Craig Davis, professor of English language and literature

Gabriela Espana '17 and Audrey Olmos-Govea '17  ::  20
Research in a Day: Evaluting a Humanistic Social Science's Bootcamp; poster session deriving from faculty-student grant with Shannon Audley, assistant professor of education and child study

Dominique Callahan '18, Gabriela Espana '17, Lupe Valle '20, Julianna Alvord '19, Sonja Imhoof '18 and Jimin Lee ‘18J  ::  21
Exploring Microaggressions Through Counter-Narratives; poster session deriving from lab research with Shannon Audley, assistant professor of education and child study

Noa Dubin '19  ::  22
Motivational Factors & The Impact it Has on Learning for Students in an Underprivileged Area; poster session deriving from special studies with Samuel Intrator, professor of education and child study

Kelsey Conti '17 and Katherine Mercado '19   ::  23
The Smart After School: How Equitable Programs Encourage Equitable Access for Low Income Students and Students of Color; poster session deriving from special studies with Samuel Intrator, professor of education and child study.

Wencong (Priscilla) Li '18 and Ji Young (Justine) Yun '18  ::  24
NYC 311 - What Are Some of the Factors that Determine the Number of Days Spent to Solve Non-emergency Issues in New York City?; poster session deriving from classwork with Jordan Crouser, visiting Assistant Professor MassMutual Fellow of Statistics and Data Sciences

Wencong (Priscilla) Li, '18 ::  25
NYC311 (Phone Call Tracking System Data) - R Package Based on ETL Database Framework; poster session deriving from special studies with Benjamin Baumer, assistant professor of statistical and data sciences

Megan Perry AC  :: 26
Knots and Links: Exploring Smith's Alan Holden Collection; poster session deriving from special studies with Pau Atela, professor of mathematics and statistics

Claudia Yun '17  ::  27
Splines on Lattices; poster session deriving from special studies with Julianna Tymoczko, associate professor of mathematics and statistics

Ellie Mainou ’17  ::  28
Incorporating Antibiotic Resistance in the Modeling of Tuberculosis in the United States
poster session deriving from thesis work with Gwen Spencer, assistant professor of mathematics & statistics, and Robert Dorit, professor of biological sciences

Rebecca Rohrlich '19  ::  29
Developing Computational Tools to Calculate and Visualize Biomolecule Quotient Graphs; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Ileana Streinu, Charles N. Clark Professor of Computer Science

Deepal Patel '17, Angelica Vargas '17, Alex Widstrand '17, Ning Zhu '17  ::  30
Design of a High Pressure Casing Joint for Centrifugal Compressors; poster session deriving from design clinic project in collaboration with Dresser-Rand, a Siemens Business and Susannah Howe, director of the design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering

Zoe Kendall '17, Jiaao Lu '17, Youyou Tian '17, Amelia Yeoh Jia Min '17  ::  31
Design of an Analytics Platform for HeartFlow; poster session deriving from design clinic project in collaboration with HeartFlow and Susannah Howe, director of the design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering

Cassandra Eurich '17, Beini Hu '17, Chloe Lee '17, Nina Merriam '17  ::  32
Design of a Novel Method of Mixing Clinical Samples for Blood Gas Analysis; poster session deriving from design clinic project in collaboration with Instrumentation Laboratory and Susannah Howe, director of the design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering

Jingping Nie '17, Natsai Nyabadza '17, Lissette Ramirez '17, Yuting Ren '17  ::  33
Design of a Load vs. Leak Testing System for Medical Devices; poster session deriving from design clinic project in collaboration with Medtronic and Susannah Howe, director of the design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering

Olivia Daddi '17, Sarah Duckett '17, Laura Krok-Horton '17, Flora Weil '17  ::  34
Parklet Design for Northampton; poster session deriving from design clinic project in collaboration with the Northampton Office of Planning and Sustainability, with support from the Design Thinking Initiative and Susannah Howe, director of the design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering and Reid Bertone-Johnson, MacLeish Field Station manager and lecturer in landscape studies

Christine Hamilton '17, Grace Lee '17, Samantha Muchongwe '17, Katie Osterlund '17  ::  35
Design of a Structural Cover over Cabot Yard in South Boston, MA; poster session deriving from design clinic project in collaboration with Stantec and Susannah Howe, director of the design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering

Cate Eberman '17, Maureen Leonard '17, Thuy Nguyen '17  ::  36
Design of a Method to Measure Cut Resistance of Synthetic Fiber Rope; poster session deriving from design clinic project in collaboration with Sterling Rope and Susannah Howe, director of the design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering

Natalie James '18  ::  37
Jamilia's Joy Hair Designs; poster session deriving from classwork with Susannah Howe, senior lecturer in engineering and Mahnaz Mahdavi, professor of economics

Vivian Wang '19 and Kim Zhang '19  ::  38
MedAhead: Organizing Your Health, Physically and Financially; poster session deriving from classwork with Susannah Howe, senior lecturer in engineering and Mahnaz Mahdavi, professor of economics

Hilda Nalwanga '18  ::  39
Malako: Alternative Financing for Solar Energy; poster session deriving from classwork with Susannah Howe, senior lecturer in engineering, Mahnaz Mahdavi, professor of economics and Kim Dionne, assistant professor of government

Elizabeth Boahen '20  ::  40
Know Your Roots: the Plant Carrying Solution; poster session deriving from classwork with Susannah Howe, senior lecturer in engineering and Mahnaz Mahdavi, professor of economics

Isabelle Hodge '20  ::  41
Shesabelle Chandeliears: Creative Self-Expression through Jewelry; poster session deriving from classwork with Susannah Howe, senior lecturer in engineering and Mahnaz Mahdavi, professor of economics

Tiffany Wilt '17, Beverly Lipsey '18J and Julia Ing '19  ::  42
SmiTHrift - Your On-Campus Solution to Clothing Waste; poster session deriving from classwork with Susannah Howe, senior lecturer in engineering, and Mahnaz Mahdavi, professor of economics

Christine Yee '17  ::  43
Word Wall: Build Your Vocabulary Glance by Glance; poster session deriving from classwork with Susannah Howe, senior lecturer in engineering and Mahnaz Mahdavi, professor of economics

Lisa Feiden '18, Julia Hamilton '18, Gray Li '19 and Mariem Mabrouk '17  ::  44
BuddyRides: The Safe and Reliable Carpool Solution; poster session deriving from classwork with Susannah Howe senior lecturer in engineering, Mahnaz Mahdavi, professor of economics and Andrew Guswa, professor of engineering

Elsie Odhiambo '17  ::  45
Engineering Protein-drug Conjugates for Therapeutic Targeting of Mesothelin-positive Tumors; poster session deriving from thesis with Sarah Moore, assistant professor of engineering

Noa Randall '19  ::  46
Watershed Protection for Northampton: Beneficiaries and Co-beneficiaries; poster session deriving from special studies with Andrew Guswa, professor of engineering

Eugenie (Jenny) Jumaian '17, Quinn Anex-Ries '17, Dardelie Brooks '18 and Analia Vazquez Cegla '18  ::  47
Designing Core-Crosslinked mPEG-block-PVDMA Micelles and Antibody-Polymer Conjugates as Novel Drug-Delivery Systems; poster session deriving from thesis with Sarah Moore, assistant professor of engineering and Maren Buck, assistant professor of chemistry

Madeline Horn '17  ::  48
Green Pea Galaxy Abundance at Redshifts of 1.0-2.3; poster session deriving from special studies with James Lowenthal, L. Clark Seelye Professor of Astronomy and Suzan Edwards, professor of astronomy

Alexandria Brenon '17  ::  49
Starry Campus: Reducing Light Pollution at Smith College; poster session deriving from thesis work with James Lowenthal, professor of astronomy

Olivia Cooper '20, Nicole Ferreira '20, Elena Helou '20 and Rachel O'Connor '18  ::  50
Transiting Exoplanets; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with James Lowenthal, professor of astronomy

Nadia Aman '20 and Kendra Swanson '20  ::  51
Optical Cloaking; poster session deriving from AEMES research with Nalini Easwar, professor of physics

Shuyao Gu '17  ::  52
Simulation of Excitations in Shell Bose-Einstein Condensates at Finite Temperature; poster session deriving from thesis with Courtney Lannert, associate professor of physics

Simona Miller '20 and Ramlah Ahmad '20  ::  53
Making Physics Real Using Arduino Microcontrollers; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Joyce Palmer-Fortune, lecturer and laboratory instructor in physics

Sarah Elghazoly '19  ::  54
Through the Roof! A Single Pulse Power Supply for a Magnetic Ring Launcher; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Joyce Palmer-Fortune, lecturer and laboratory instructor of physics

Olena Komarova '19  ::  55
Phase Portraits of Non-Minimally Coupled Inflation; poster session deriving from special studies with Gary Felder, professor of physics

Mandy Castro '17  ::  56
CORAL REEF ED-VENTURES 2016: A Marine Environmental Education Program in San Pedro, Belize; poster session deriving from summer internship with L. David Smith, professor of biological sciences, Denise Lello, coordinator of the Four College Biomathematics Consortium and Allen Curran, William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor Emeritus of Geology

Mandy Castro '17 and Sabrina Cordero '19  ::  57
Characterization of Patch Reef Abundance and Size Distribution in a Newly Established Marine Protected Area in Belize; poster session deriving from thesis work and AEMES research with L. David Smith, professor of biological sciences and Scott Gilman, Postbaccalaureate Spatial Analysis Fellow in environmental science and policy

DeMya Johnson '19, Lyric Williams '19  :: 58
Development and Deforestation on the Island of Ambergris Caye, Belize: Can Cleared Land Be Restored?; poster session deriving from AEMES research with  L. David Smith, professor of biological sciences and director of environmental science and policy

Julie Franchi Scarselli '18, Chloe Harris '19 and Athena Sofides '19  ::  59
Analysis of Lead and Arsenic Content in Historically Contaminated Orchard Soil; poster session deriving from classwork with Alexander Barron, assistant professor of environmental science and policy

Anastasia Konefal '17  ::  60
Use of Photogrammetric Techniques for Studying New Zealand Fur Seals, Arctocephalus forsteri; poster session deriving from special studies with Paulette Peckol, Louise Harrington Professor of Biological Sciences

Caroline Eyman '18  ::  61
Cabin Planning at MacLeish; poster session deriving from special studies with Reid Bertone-Johnson, MacLeish Field Station manager and lecturer in landscape studies and Leslie King, associate professor of sociology

Panda Putu Sri Wahyuni '17  ::  62
Cultural Landscape Preservation of Subak water Irrigation and Stepped Rice Terraces of Bali, Indonesia; poster session deriving from special studies with Steven Moga, assistant professor of landscape studies

Katie Wing AC  ::  63
Situated Self; poster session deriving from concentration project with Philip Peake, professor of psychology

Carla M. Vélez GS and Julia Kim '19  ::  64
Wnt, The Spinal Frontier: The Role of Wnt5b in Radial Glial Proliferation and Differentiation During Zebrafish Spinal Cord Development; poster session deriving from thesis with Michael Barresi, associate professor of biological sciences

Gina Cho '17, Emilie Jones '18 and Aleice Goodman '19  ::  65
Studying Embryo-Environment Interactions: The Effect of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) on Craniofacial Development; poster session deriving from thesis with Michael Barresi, associate professor of biological sciences

Maia Garcia '18  ::  66
Conservation of the African Penguin, Spheniscus demersus; poster session deriving special studies with Paulette Peckol, Louise Harrington Professor of Biological Sciences

Monica Wilson '17, Doris Juarez '17 and Jacqueline Bañuelos '17  ::  67
Acidification Potential of Sphagnum Moss in Various Environments; poster session deriving from classwork with Jesse Bellemare, assistant professor of biological sciences

Anna George '17  ::  68
Rare Plants and Climate Change: An Investigation of Rare Endemic Forest Plant Biodiversity in the Eastern US; poster session deriving from thesis with Jesse Bellemare, assistant professor of biological sciences

Taryn Mueller '18  ::  69
Coarse Woody Debris Dynamics in New and Old Growth Forests of Western Massachusetts; poster session deriving from classwork with Jesse Bellemare, assistant professor of biological sciences

Julia Reier '17  ::  70
PCR-Diagnostics of Giardia lamblia; poster session deriving from special studies with Steven Williams, Gates Professor of Biology

Rebecca Kuzma '18  ::  71
Design and Optimization of a Quantitative PCR Assay for the Diagnosis of Ross River Virus; poster session deriving from special studies with Steven Williams, Gates Professor of Biology and Jessica Grant, research associate in biological sciences

Kalani Williams '18, Kate Fessler '18 and Madeleine Gallay '19  ::  72
Identification of the Parasites Acanthocheilonema spirocauda and Otostrongylus circumlitus in Phoca vitulina (harbor seals) by Quantitative PCR; poster session deriving from special studies with Robert Dorit, professor of biological sciences and Steven Williams, Gates Professor of Biology

Carter Kyle '18 and Susan Mishiyev '17  ::  73
Sesquiterpene Lactones of Neurolaena lobata as Potential Pharmaceuticals for Lymphatic Filariasis; poster session deriving from special studies with Steven Williams, Gates Professor of Biological Sciences

Maddie Wettach '20, Fiona Miller '20 and Isabella Fielding '17  ::  74
The Relationship between Latitude and the Ratio of Ear Length to Head and Body Length of Sciurus carolinensis; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Virginia Hayssen, professor of biological sciences

Grace Nevil '20 and Lydia Sheyda '20  ::  75
Sexual Dimorphism Across Species and Subspecies in Peromyscus; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Virginia Hayssen, professor of biological sciences

Eleanor Goetz '19  ::  77
Genomic Evolution of Foraminifera; poster session deriving from special studies with Laura Katz, Elsie Damon Simonds Professor of Biological Sciences

Amy Burzin '20 and Sofia Salcedo '20  ::  78
Delineation and Diversity of Microbial Eukaryotes, Chilodenella; poster session deriving from volunteer work with Laura Katz, Elsie Damon Simonds Professor of Biological Sciences and Chip Sisson, research assistant in biological sciences

Jacqueline Bañuelos '17 and Angela Lool '17  ::  79
Symbiotic Relationships in Chilodonella uncinata and Spirostomum ambiguum; poster session deriving from special studies with Laura Katz, Elsie Damon Simonds Professor of Biological Sciences

Cadence Miskimin '17  ::  80
Visualization Techniques for Uropathogenic E. coli; poster session deriving from special studies with Christine White-Ziegler, professor of biological sciences

Juliet Cheng '19  ::  81
Zebrafish as a Possible Model for Investigating  Gene Expression of E.Coli; poster session deriving from special studies with Christine White-Ziegler, professor of biological sciences

Margaret Tyer HC  ::  82
Some Like it Hot: How Uropathogenic E. coli Adapt to Changing Temperatures in the Human Body; poster session deriving from special studies with Christine White-Ziegler, professor of biological sciences

Jinyi Yang '18 and Youngjoo Ahn '18  ::  83
Little but Destructive: Ecosystem Effects on Hemlock Forests Post Woolly Adelgid Invasion; poster session deriving from special studies and SURF research with Danielle Ignace, assistant professor of biological sciences

Jinyi Yang '18  ::  84
What Does Your Hair Smell Like?
Identifying Volatile Molecules that Bind to Hair; poster session deriving from special studies with David Bickar, professor of chemistry

Eun Young (Leah) Jeon '17 and Nhi Van '18  ::  85
Expression Of the Locus Enterocyte Effacement Pathogenicity Island in Enteropathogenic E. coli Upon Environmental Stimulation; poster session deriving from class work with Christine White-Ziegler,  professor of biological sciences and biochemistry and Lou Ann Bierwert, technical director of the Center for Molecular Biology and lab instructor

Samantha Linder '18, Alice Mungyu '19 and Mia Ndama '17  ::  86
Enteropathogenic E. coli Gene Expression in Extreme pH and Temperature Conditions; poster session deriving from classwork with Christine White-Ziegler, professor of biological sciences and biochemistry and Lou Ann Bierwert, technical director of the Center for Molecular Biology and lab instructor

Aminata Ka '18, Jessica Magri '17 and Sara Van Cor '18J  ::  87
Flight then pHight: The Regulation of Adhesion and Motility Proteins of Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli in Environments of Varying pH and Temperature; poster session deriving from classwork with Christine White-Ziegler, professor of biological sciences and biochemistry and Lou Ann Bierwert, technical director of the Center for Molecular Biology and lab instructor

Emmie Knobloch '17 and Brigit McDannell '18  ::  88
Clocking Transgene Expression in Yeast; poster session deriving from thesis and special studies with Nathan Derr, assistant professor of biological sciences

Jessica Morgan '17  ::  89
Biophysics of Spherical Motor Ensembles; poster session deriving from thesis with Nathan Derr, assistant professor of biological sciences

Amalia Sweet '17 and Meseret Haile '18  ::  90
Identification of TPX-2 Binding Proteins: Development of a Novel Approach to Discovery of Anthelmintic Vaccine Targets; poster session deriving from thesis with Steven Williams, Gates Professor of Biology

Daniela Deny '18  ::  91
Therapeutic Characteristics of Engineered Proteins for Targeted Cancer Therapy; poster session deriving from special studies with Sarah Moore, assistant professor of engineering

Tenzin Paldon '18 and Qiyi Qian '20   ::  92
Detection of Early Parkinson's Disease by Assay of Salivary Dopamine; poster session deriving from special studies with David Bickar, professor of chemistry

Marguerite Pacheco '19  ::  93
The Effects of Aging on Sarcoplasmic Proteins in Skeletal Muscle; poster session deriving from AEMES research with Stylianos Scordilis, professor of biological sciences, and Kalina Dimova, I & T instructor in biological sciences

Noah Blohm '17, Juliet W. Cheng '19, Sarah J. Flaherty '19, Nicole Frumento '18, Bezawit S. Habtesellassie '18, Natalie J. LaBossier '19, Grace Mills '19, Hafsa M. Mire '19 and Katie Qarles Stephens '17  ::  94
Is It All in Vein? Exercise Related Changes in the Blood Plasma Proteome; poster session deriving from classwork with Stylianos Scordilis, professor of biological sciences and Kalina Dimova, laboratory instructor in biological sciences

Natalie Kolber '17  ::  95
Probing the Interactome of HSP25; poster session deriving from thesis with Stylianos Scordilis, professor of biological sciences and Kalina Dimova, laboratory instructor in biological sciences

Alexandra Steck '17  ::  96
Determination of Heavy Metals in Henna; poster session deriving from classwork with Cristina Suarez, professor of chemistry, Mohini Kulp, laboratory instructor in chemistry and David Dempsey, associate director of museum services

Katherine Graham-O'Regan '17  ::  97
Design and Synthesis of a Novel Cyclic Oxazole Pseudopeptide; poster session deriving from thesis with David Bickar, professor of chemistry

Jenny Banh '18, Ana Garcia '17, Megan Wancura '17, Analia Vazquez-Cegla '18, and Quinn Anex-Ries '17  ::  98
Reactive, Azlactone-Functionalized Hydrogels: Manipulating Gel Geometry with Chemistry; poster session deriving from special studies with Maren Buck, assistant professor of chemistry

Tara Bhat '18, Hunter Myers '19J, Kim Lu '17 and Lily Timpane 'AC  ::  99
Exploring Aerosol Growth as a Function of Chemical Composition; poster session deriving from special studies with Andrew Berke, assistant professor of chemistry

Yingchuan Zhu '17, Suzanne Abreu '17 and Bezawit Habtesellassie '18  ::  100
Copper Catalyzed Oxidative Coupling of Oxygen Nucleophiles with Methyl Boronic Acid; poster session deriving from special studies with David Gorin, assistant professor of chemistry

Yu Zhang '17, Sarah Krejci '18 and Yueyu Yao '18  ::  101
DNA-Catalyst Conjugates for Site-selective Transformations in Biological Systems; poster session deriving from thesis and special studies with David Gorin, assistant professor of chemistry and Moira Flanagan, postdoctoral fellow in chemistry

Katherine Blackford '17, Sarah Lee '19 and Eve Xu '20  ::  102
Development of a Tandem Diels-Alder/Pauson-Khand Strategy for the Synthesis of Tetracycles; poster session deriving from thesis with Kevin Shea, professor of chemistry

Megan Neubig '17, Peyton Higgins '18, Anisha Tyagi '18 and Cindy Hu '19  ::  103
Isolation and Derivatization of Sesquiterpene Lactones from Neurolaena lobata; poster session deriving from thesis with Kevin Shea, professor of chemistry

Htoo Tint Wai '17, Sophia Mallari '17 and Emma Livernois '18  ::  104
2,6-disubstituted Cyclohexanols as Potential Anesthetics; poster session deriving from thesis with Kevin Shea, professor of chemistry

Heather Giguere '17, Amina Khan '19, Sheng Tian '18J, Jingyi Liu '19, Sally Kyale '19, Reem Ladadwa '18 and Leigh Tanji '18  ::  105
NMR Studies of DNA Lesions; poster session deriving from special studies with Elizabeth Jamieson, associate professor of chemistry and Cristina Suarez, professor of chemistry

Subashini Sridhar '18J and Erina Fukuda '18  ::  106
Retrospective on a Decade of Research in IEEE Visualization for Cyber Security; poster session deriving from summer research funded by Laboratory for Analytical Sciences with Jordan Crouser, visiting assistant professor MassMutual fellow in statistical and data sciences

Kyra Gan '17  ::  107
Visualizing the Transit Map of an Infectious Virus; poster session deriving from special studies with Dominique Thiebaut, professor of computer science

Marina Cheng '17  ::  108
Pairwise Alignment-Free Protein Sequence Clustering; poster session deriving from thesis with Sara Mathieson, assistant professor of computer science and Andreas Prlić, technical and scientific team lead, RCSB Protein Data Bank

Artemis Metaxa-Kakavouli '19 and Silvana Saca '18  ::  109
Using a Computer Simulation of the Wright-Fisher Model to Predict the Genealogical Histories of Species; poster session deriving from center research with Sara Mathieson, assistant professor of computer science

Chase Freschlin '17  ::  110
Seasonal Variation in Stress Hormone Regulation in Meadow Voles; poster session deriving from special studies with Annaliese Beery, associate professor of psychology

Yejin Hwang '20  ::  111
Sex and Variability; poster session deriving from special studies with Annaliese Beery, associate professor of psychology

Lydia Ross '17  ::  112
Effects of Social Isolation on Depression-Relevant Behavior and Cardiac Function in Microtus pennsylvanicus; poster session deriving from special studies with Annaliese Beery, associate professor of psychology

Katrina Blandino '17  ::  113
Peer Social Motivation: Using Operant Conditioning to Compare the Social Motivation of Meadow and Prairie Vole Pairs; poster session deriving from thesis with Annaliese Beery, associate professor of psychology

Dominica Cao '19, Kaen O '19 and Guinevere MacDonald '19  ::  114
Social Behavioral Patterns in Autism Related RELN Knock-out Zebrafish; poster session deriving from classwork with Mary Harrington, Tippit Professor in Life Sciences and professor of psychology and Narendra Pathak, laboratory instructor in neuroscience

Lissandra Camacho '19 and Melissa Ertman '19  ::  115
The Effect of Bupropion HCl on Anxiety Behavior in Zebrafish; poster session deriving from classwork with Mary Harrington, Tippit Professor in Life Sciences and professor of psychology

Jamie Chan '19, Juliet Cheng '19 and Leah Corson '19  ::  116
From A to Z: The Study of Anesthetics in Zebrafish; poster session deriving from special studies with Adam Hall, professor of biological sciences and Narendra Pathak, laboratory instructor in neuroscience

Gariel Grant '17, Kaen O '19 and Brenda Mao '18  ::  117
The Isolation and Identification of the Active Component of the Withania somnifera Plant on the Human Glycine Receptor; poster session deriving from special studies with Adam Hall, professor of biological sciences

Madison Leet '18  ::  118
Assessing Cyclohexanol Modulation of GABA-A Receptor Currents; poster session deriving from special studies with Adam Hall, professor of biological sciences

Juliana Nguyen '18  ::  119
The Role of Metallothionein-I in Isoflurane-Induced Anesthetic Preconditioning; poster session deriving from special studies with Adam Hall, professor of biological sciences and Scott Edmands, laboratory instructor in chemistry

Alexis Cohen '19, Shi Ying Feng '19, Juliana Nguyen '18 and Delphine Zhu '19  ::  120
Reproductive Behavior in Heterozygous RELN Knock-out Zebrafish in Relation to Autism; poster session deriving from classwork with Mary Harrington, Tippit Professor in Life Sciences and professor of psychology and Narendra Pathak, laboratory instructor in neuroscience

Amelia Stapleton '19, Nikkiah Snoddy '19, Phuong Bui '20 and Nina Sajankila '19  ::  121
The Role of the Reelin Signaling Pathway in Autism; poster session deriving from classwork with Mary Harrington, Tippit Professor in Life Sciences and professor of psychology and Narendra Pathak, laboratory instructor in neuroscience

Aditi Balasubramanian '18  ::  122
Analysis of Androgen Receptor Characterization in Spinal Cords of Foot-Flagging Frogs; poster session deriving from special studies with Lisa Mangiamele, assistant professor of biological sciences and Judith Wopereis, laboratory instructor in biological sciences

Zoe Kohler-Boland '17  ::  123
Effects of G1 Administration on Social Proximity and c-Fos/Isotocin Colocalization in the Preoptic Area in Male Goldfish; poster session deriving from thesis work with Lisa Mangiamele, assistant professor of biological sciences

Book Studies Concentration Senior Capstone Projects :: Seelye 106

This session of presentations derives from Book Studies Concentration Senior Capstone Projects.

Tasha Binkowski '17
The Peacock at Home: A 19th-century Manuscript; presentation deriving from concentration project with Karen Kukil, associate curator of special collections

Quincy Dean-Slobod '17
Making Artist Books; presentation deriving from concentration project with Meredith Broberg, lecturer in art

Emily Hernandez '17
Artist Books from the Nancy Bloch Collection; presentation deriving from concentration project with Barbara Blumenthal, rare book specialist

Yoonha Hwang '17
The Development of Movable Metal Type in Korea; presentation deriving from concentration project with Sharon Domier, librarian in East Asian studies

Charlotte Kohlmann '17
Souvenirs of the War; presentation deriving from concentration project with Barry Moser,  Irwin and Pauline Alper Glass Professor of Art

Phoebe Metz '17
19th-century Printing and the Origins of Fantasy; presentation deriving from concentration project with William Oram, Helen Means Professor of English Language and Literature

Stories from First Gen Out Loud: A Leadership Development Experience :: Seelye 201

This session of presentations derives from research conducted in the Wurtele Center and Student Affairs Collaborative Pilot Project under the supervision of Tina Wildhagen, associate professor of sociology; Marnie Anderson, associate professor of history; Jennifer Guglielmo, associate professor of history;  Paramjeet Pati, Picker Professor of Practice in Engingeering;  Jessica Bacal, director of the Center for Work & Life; and Marge Litchford, assistant dean of students.

Kendall Futrell '20,
Jessica Aduwo '18
Stefany Alicea '20
Andrea Botello '20
Andrea Olivera '19J

Dionna Jenkins '20
Alexandra Eleazar '20
Destiny Wiley-Yancy '20
Madison Ramirez-Mazaheri '20
Jessely Enriquez '20

Stephanie Pinedo '18
Nadia Aman '20
Haven Sandoval '20
Karime Gutierrez '20
Shayla Bezjak '20

YomuYomu Short Stories: Exploring Diversity While Learning Japanese ::  Seelye 313

This session of presentations derives from classwork with Atsuko Takahashi, senior lecturer in East Asian languages & literatures

Marina Cheng '17
Jada Dickerson '19
Helen Edge '20
Lujun Jian '17
Sarah Kolick '19
Paula (Ariel) Martinez '19
Elissa Na '17
EvaMarie Olson '19
Rebecca White '19
Julia Xu '19

Dance and Emergent Dynamics  ::  Carroll Room, Campus Center Beginning @ 11 am

Alison Marsh '17
Emergent Dynamics: A Performance/Presentation on Hypermobility
Performance deriving from thesis research with Chris Aiken, assistant professor of dance, and Katie Martin, lecturer in dance

The following session of dance presentations derives from classwork with Lester Tomé, assistant professor of dance and Rodger Blum, professor of dance.

Amy Iwanowicz '18
Exposing New Dance Group’s Egalitarian - Communist Rhetoric Through Sophie Maslow's "Folksay"

Sarah Lass GS
"Letting Go" of the Traditional Dance Classroom: Klein Technique as Feminist Dance Pedagogy

Noli Rosen '19
Correspondence and Collaboration: A Study of the Combined Artistic Effort that was Appalachian Spring

Shayla-Vie Jenkins '18
The Strange Black Dancing Body: A Look at the Choreography of Andre M Zachery.

Taking the Archives Public: Presentations from the Archives Capstone Seminar  ::  Seelye 101

This session of presentation derives from archives concentration research under the supervision of Kelly Anderson, oral historian in libraries and special collections.

Becca Damante '17
The Equal Rights Amendment: But For Which Women?

Maggie Keane '17
The Future is Female: An Analysis of the Feminist Utopia

Jenna McCampbell '18
Viewing Northampton from the Ivory Tower: Early Smith College Students' Relationships with the Town

Jenny Park '18
Examining the Tactics of the American Women's Suffrage Movement in the Early 20th Century

Hanna Pennington '17
Dykes to Remember: The Archival Project of Alison Bechdel’s Dykes to Watch Out For

Sara Ramasastry '17
Ann M. Martin and the Legacy of The Baby-Sitters Club

Olivia Sayah '17
Activism for Economic Justice from the ’60s–Today

Global Flex Environmental Challenges in Israel  ::  Seelye 105

Colgan Powell '17, Rachel Moskowitz '18, Asia Littell '19 and Hunter Myers '19J
This session of presentations derives from research conducted as part of Global Flex with Justin Cammy, associate professor of Jewish studies and comparative literature.

Environmental and Biological Sciences  ::  Seelye 107

Tess Abbot '20, Naomi Forman-Katz '20 and Sophia Stouse '20
Arts Afield at MacLeish Field Station
Presentation deriving from STRIDE research with Reid Bertone-Johnson, MacLeish Field Station manager and lecturer in landscape studies and Paul Wetzel, Environmental Research Coordinator for the Center for the Environment, Ecological Design and Sustainability

Subashini Sridhar '18J and Erina Fukuda '18
Retrospective on a Decade of Research in IEEE Visualization for Cyber Security
Presentation deriving from in the Human Computation and Visualization Laboratory with R. Jordan Crowser, visiting assistant professor and Mass Mutual Fellow in Statistical and Data Science

Isabella Casini '17
Modeling Elemental Composition of Torrefied Biomass Product Using Proximate Analysis
Presentation deriving from thesis research with Denise McKahn, associate professor of engineering

Ellie Mainou '17
Incorporating Antibiotic Resistance in the Modeling of Tuberculosis in the United States
Presentation deriving from thesis work with Gwen Spencer, assistant professor of mathematics & statistics, and Robert Dorit, professor of biological sciences

Literature and Women's Lives  ::  Seelye 109

Pamela Larkin '19
From Ohio to India: The Political Psychology of Gloria Steinem's Young Adulthood
Presentation deriving from STRIDE research with Lauren Duncan, professor of psychology

Emily Ruppel '18
Disciplinary Currents in Women's and Gender Studies, 1980–2010
Presentation deriving from special studies with Rick Fantasia, B. Richmond 1940 Professor of Sociology

Raven Fowlkes-Witten '17
Fowlkes: A Case Study in Poetry and Prose
Presentation deriving from special studies with Cornelia Pearsall, professor of English language and literature

Emma Cairns Watson '17
Aesthetic Men, and Women: Gender Relations in the Work of Oscar Wilde
Presentation deriving from thesis with Cornelia Pearsall, professor of English language and literature

Kahn Liberal Arts Institute Student Fellows: Modes and Models of Making  ::  Seelye 110

This session of presentations derives from research conducted as part of the Kahn Liberal Arts Institute project "Modes and Models of Making" with Dana Leibsohn, PP Van der Poel Professor of Art and Alexandra Keller, professor of film studies.

Susannah Davis '18
When Whorls Collide: Hand Craft Influence on Textile Technology

Suroor Gandhi '18
Poetry, Printmaking and the Universe

Laura Krok-Horton '17
Making Public Space: Designing Parklets for Northampton, MA

History and Memory in the WPA “Ex-Slave” Interviews  ::  Seelye 202

This session of presentations derives from research conducted in HST 371, an advanced history seminar/workshop on slavery with Elizabeth Stordeur Pryor, assistant professor of history.

Emily Hamilton '18
"Dey Never Tole Us Nothin' About Jesus": Enslaver Christianity after the Nat Turner Rebellion 

Courtney Bloniasz '18
The Metalanguage of Disability

Erica Linderman AC
Bringing Their Stories to Light: Enslaved Men as Victims of Sexual Violence in the Antebellum South

Isabel Benincasa Reade '17
Reproductive Violence as a Means of Race and Gender Identity Formation in the Plantation Household

French Studies and Influences  ::  Seelye 206

Stefania Gheorghiu '17 and Anna Weston '17
From Past to Present: The Evolution of the Brand "Y'a Bon Banania"
Presentation deriving from classwork with Dawn Fulton, professor of French studies

Isabelle Eyman '17
Life Isn't Paris: How Nostalgia Informed Americans' Conception of French Food
Presentation deriving from thesis with Martine Gantrel-Ford, professor of French studies

Monica Swartz ‘17, Nikki Metzger ‘19, Meaghan Haff ‘19, Rachel Van Huizen ‘19 and Julia Smith ‘19
Le Rap Français: Collaborations, Controversies, and Reflections on Hip-Hop from Across the Atlantic
Panel presentation deriving from research conducted through President Kathleen McCartney’s Mellon Grant for Student Faculty Collaboration with Mehammed Mack, assistant professor of French studies.

Government  ::  Seelye 208

Maya McCann '17
Guerreras de la Cancha, Leveling the Playing Field: Exploring the Role of Government in Facilitating Equal Access to Soccer for Girls
Presentation deriving from thesis with Alice Hearst, professor of government

Alejandra Ruiz ‘17
Virtual Borders: Assessment of Technology Use in U.S.-Mexico Border Security presentation deriving from special studies with Velma García, professor of government

Mara Wolkoff ‘17
Litigation as Resistance: US Immigration Case Law and its Capacity for Social Change Velma García, professor of government

Veronica Torruco ‘17
Reason to Flee: Investigation and Analysis of Current Migration Crisis Out of Central America Velma García, professor of government

Economics, History and Community  ::  Seelye 211

Kelly Yoonji Choi '17
Youth Education and Family Structure in Post-Apartheid Cape Town
Presentation deriving from classwork with Simon Halliday, assistant professor of economics

Evelyn Mandel '17
An Analysis of Economic Metaphors in Literature and in Science
Presentation deriving from thesis research with Anna Botta, professor of Italian studies and comparative literature, and Simon Halliday, assistant professor of economics.

Beverly Lipsey '18J and Veronica Oberholzer '17
Supporting Community-Led Food Equity Initiatives in Holyoke
Presentation deriving from special studies with Philip Peake, professor of psychology in the Community Engagement and Social Change Concentration.

Translating Across Borders  ::  Seelye 301

This session of presentations derives from concentration projects with Janie Vanpée, professor of French studies, Reyes Lázaro, associate professor of Spanish and Portuguese, Sujane Wu, associate professor of East Asian languages and literatures, Silvia Berger, senior lecturer in Spanish and Portuguese and Estela Harretche, professor of Spanish and Portuguese.

Angela Acosta '17
Remembering the Fall: A Translation of Vicente Aleixandre's "Sombra del Paraíso"

Kayla Gaskin '17
Buzzfeed[ing] Lang Ying Tai's 1984 Feminist Theory

Célia Perez Lucet AMS '17
Preserving the Meaning of the Text in Literary Translation: A Translator's Duty

Sawnie Smith '17
Something in the Air: Explore the Translatability of Buenos Aires's Linguistic Soundscape

Lyn Watts '17
Inside a Dictator's Prison: The Experience of One Man through Translation

Tiffany Wilt '17
Pants to the Moon? The Progression of "Pantalones a la Luna" from Translation to Subtitling

Psychology and Religion  ::  Seelye 302

Mark Britton '17
The Interactive Effects of Adult Age and Executive Functions on Positive Emotion Reactivity and Recovery Following a Stressor
Presentation deriving from thesis research with Beth Powell, senior lecturer in psychology, and Rebecca Ready, associate professor of psychological and brain sciences, University of Massachusetts

Srabasti Sarker '17
Relating the Series of Blogger Killings in Bangladesh to the War of 1971
Presentation deriving from research in the South Asia Concentration with Andrew Rotman, professor of religion

The Atlas of Girl's Fiction:  Exploring the Landscape of Adventure Fiction  ::  Seelye 306

Haley Peterson '19, Lucy Hall '19, Sarah Vespa '20 and Jemma Stephenson '20
This session of presentations derives from STRIDE research with Margaret Bruzelius, Dean of the Senior Class and Associate Dean of the College

Ethnographic Design Lab  ::  Seelye 308

This session of presentations derives from classwork with Caroline Melly, associate professor of anthropology, and Suzanne Gottschang, associate professor of anthropology.

Yoon Roh '17
Reflection on the Process and Envisioning of the Future App and the Website

Geena Choo '17
Values of Ethnographic Methods

Danyi Zeng '17
How to Develop a Technology for Future Smith Students

Community-Based Research  ::  Seelye 311

Emily Bellanca '18 and Jillian Fanion AC
Presentation deriving from classwork with Ginetta Candelario, associate professor of sociology and Latin American studies

Mark Me: A Thesis Film  ::  Seelye 105

Erin Batchelder '17
Presentation deriving from thesis with Alexandra Keller, professor of film studies and Bernadine Mellis, Five College lecturer in film and video production

Asian Studies  ::  Seelye 107

Karin Honarvar '17
Fung Ping Shan: A Museum Building in Colonial Hong Kong
Presentation deriving from special studies and a research internship with Marnie Anderson, associate professor of history

Sarah Kolick '19 and Nancy Yun '19J
Exploring Korean Culture and Language through "Iyagi Cafe"
Presentation deriving from classwork with Suk Massey, lecturer in East Asian languages and literature

Alexa Ray '19, Xiaoqing Luo '19 and Mallory Strider AC
The Contentious Past and Present in East Asia: Remembering World War II
Presentation deriving from student-faculty working group funded by Mellon Foundation with Marnie Anderson, associate professor of history

Biology and Geosciences  ::  Seelye 109

Gina Cho '17
Studying Embryo-Environment Interactions: The Effect of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) on Craniofacial Development
Presentation deriving from thesis with Michael Barresi, associate professor of biological sciences

Anny Sainvil '17
Using Autonomous Phase Sensitive Radar to Analyze Polar Firn Densities in West Antarctica
Presentation deriving from special studies with Robert Newton, professor of geosciences and director of Center for the Environment, Ecological Design and Sustainability and Dr. Erin Pettit, associate professor of geology and geophysics

International Governments and History  ::  Seelye 202

Kinyaa Luka '18
When the World Went South: Rethinking the Global North-South Paradigm in Development Studies and Practice
Presentation deriving from research in the  Global Engagement Seminar and the School for International Training’s comparative Development Studies program under the supervision of Bozena Wellborne, assistant professor of government, and Jeffrey Ahlman, assistant professor of history

Chenjia Zhu '17
Let the Right One In: A Short Exploration of Chinese Development Assistance to the Arab World
Presentation deriving from special studies with Bozena Welborne, assistant professor of government

Education and Social Work  ::  Seelye 206

Molly Hurd '18, Caty Seger '17, Dana Vera '19, Miles Bond '19
Inclusivity in Education
Presentation deriving from classwork with Carol Berner, lecturer in education and child study

Rose Geiger '17
Centering the Client's Voice
Presentation deriving from classwork with Nnamdi Pole, professor of psychology and Seth Dunn, licensed independent social worker

Economics  ::  Seelye 208

Abigail Doctor '17
What Makes You Happier? An Empirical Study on the Economic Drivers of Happiness in the United States
Presentation deriving from classwork with Robert Buchele, professor of economics

Emily Bae '17
The Impact of Inequality on Social Capital and Trust in the United States
Presentation deriving from classwork with Robert Buchele, professor emeritus of economics

Yaqi Xiong '17
Declining Manufacturing Employment: Robots vs. Globalization
Presentation deriving from classwork with Robert Buchele, professor of economics

Study of Women and Gender  ::  Seelye 211

Sam Davis, '17
In Our Own Words: On Being a Trans at Smith
Film screening and presentation deriving from special studies with Alexandra Keller, professor of film studies; Elisabeth Armstrong, professor in the program for the study of women and gender; and Jennifer DeClue, assistant professor in the program for the study of women and gender

Philosophy and Poetry  ::  Seelye 308

Helen Mayer '17
Harming the Speaker: the Role of Audiences in Conversation
Presentation deriving from thesis research with Jay Garfield, Doris Silbert Professor of Philosophy;  Nalini Bhushan, professor of philosophy; and Susan Levin, Roe/Straut Professor of Philosophy

You Jeen Ha '20, Halley Haruta '20 and Emma Taussig '20 
David Hume Reinterpreted
The Concealed Influence of Custom: Hume’s Treatise from the Inside Out
Presentation deriving from STRIDE research with Jay Garfield, Doris Silbert Professor of Philosophy and professor of philosophy, logic and Buddhist studies

Food, Dress and Health  ::  Seelye 311

Sarah Shannon '17
Comida y Cubanidad: The Sociology of Cuban Food and its Relationship to Tourism
Presentation deriving from special studies with Leslie King, associate professor of sociology

Poorni Arunachalam '18
A Sociological Perspective of Vision Health in College Students
Presentation deriving from special studies with Leslie King, associate professor of sociology

Kaila Temple '18
Reading and Reconstructing a c. 1790 Gown
Presentation deriving from special studies with Catherine (Kiki) Smith, professor of theatre

Music and Poetry  ::  Seelye 312

Emily Duncan Wilson '17
The Making of Stages: A Musical Revue:
Presentation deriving from independent and collaborative work on an original musical theatre revue performed February 2017 with Raphael Atlas, professor of music.

Grainne Buchanan '17
For Four: An Exploration of Grief, Love, and Elegy Through Poetry and Collage
Presentation deriving from special studies with William Hagen, adjunct professor of English language and literature

Life, Language and Equity  ::  Seelye 107

Madeline Fraser '19 
Sex, Death, and the Law in Nineteenth Century Germany
Presentation deriving from STRIDE research with Ernest Benz, associate professor of history

Sydney Keen '17
Unpacking a Language Mystery: How Proto-Indo-European Evolved, Diversified, and Came to Dominate the Globe
Presentation deriving from special studies with Craig Davis, professor of English language and literature

Kelsey Conti '17, Katherine Mercado '19
The Smart After School: How Equitable Programs Encourage Equitable Access for Low Income Students and Students of Color
Presentation deriving from special studies with Samuel Intrator, professor of education and child study.

Anjali Kumar '17
Promoting Complementary Health
Presentation deriving from special studies with Benita Jackson, associate professor of psychology and Dr. Artemis Pavrati, doctor of naturopathic medicine

Bridging the Cultural and Linguistic Divide: Comparison of Cultural Texts in English and Japanese  ::  Seelye 109

This series of presentations derives from classwork with Yuri Kumagai, senior lecturer of East Asian languages & literatures.

Tomomi Chen '20 and Eunice Lee '18J
A Gadget Cat from the Future: A Comparative Analysis of “Doraemon” in English and Japanese

Cory Liang '17, Yijia Cui '19 and Xiaoqing Luo '18
The Impossibility of Finding the Truth: A Comparative Reading of Akutagawa's "In A Grove"

Aiko Dzikowski '19, Murong Li '17, Xueying Wang '17 and Mingrui Xu '17
The Gatekeeper of Life and Death: A Comparative Analysis of Takita Yujiro’s “Departure” in English and Japanese”

Future Professors Without Borders: Roundtable Discussions with Mellon Mays Undergraduate Research Fellows  ::  Seelye 101

This pair of roundtable presentations derives from Mellon Mays Undergraduate Research projects under the supervision of Dawn Fulton, professor of French Studies.

Angela Acosta '17
Beryl Ford '17
Gaïana Joseph '17
Jen Calabrese '17
Shanice Bailey '17J
Alina Wang '18
Hee Young Kim '18
Precious Musa '18
Suroor Gandhi '18
Tiara Austin '18

with Mellon Mays Fellows from Bowdoin College

Secret Histories: Object Biographies of Artifacts from the Ancient Mediterranean  ::  Seelye 106

This series of presentations derives from classwork with Rebecca Worsham, visiting assistant professor of archaeology.

Elizabeth Cole '19
Renee Klann '19
Isabella Levy '17
Katy Rose Sparks '20

Kahn Liberal Arts Institute Student Fellows: Shaping Perception  ::  Seelye 110

This session of presentations derives from research conducted as part of the Kahn Liberal Arts Institute project "Shaping Perception" with Daphne Lamothe, associate professor of Africana studies and Chris Aiken, associate professor of dance.

Marianna Apostolakis '18
Queering the Tempest: Exploring Structures of Time and Family in Postcolonial and Feminist Adaptation

Sushmitha Ram '18
Let's Slowly Boil Hot Tea: Exploring the Perceptions of Transcontinental South Asian Hindu Arranged Marriages from India to America in Debate, Love, and Oral Histories

Jessica Ryan '17J
A Sense of Love: How the Sense of Smell Is Connected to Love and Why It Matters

Rahma Haji '17
What Is The Afro In Afrofuturism?

Maria Wood '17
Considering the Social, Cultural, and Political Resonances of Hamilton: An American Musical

Poetry Concentration Research Capstone Projects  ::  Seelye 201

This session of poetry readings derives from the work for the Poetry Concentration Research Capstone Project with Ellen Dore Watson, director of the Poetry Center and lecturer in English language and literature.

Dariana Guerrero '17
Liza Jeswald  Ada '17
Darwin Pappas-Fernandes  '17
Kylie Power-Sullivan  '17
Emily Robidoux  '17
Emma Cairns Watson  '17

Diploma Program in American Studies  ::  Seelye 301

Filine Volkmann GS
Nudging as a Path to a More Sustainable Investing Practice
Presentation deriving from thesis with Gerald Epstein, professor of economics and co-director of Political Economy Research Institute and Lane Hall-Witt, lecturer and diploma program director in American studies

Daniel Molina de la Rubia GS
A Contemporary Analysis of Gay Portrayal in the Media
Presentation deriving from thesis with Lane Hall-Witt, lecturer and diploma program director in American studies

Vera Martel GS
Issues in Child Development and Education
Presentation deriving from thesis with Lane Hall-Witt, lecturer and diploma program director in American studies

Dana Madsen GS
The Eco-Civilization Project in China
Presentation deriving from thesis with Gregory White, Mary Huggins Gamble Professor in Government and Lane Hall-Witt, lecturer and diploma program director in American studies

Alice Cozzi GS
Interpreting Italian Fashion: America and the making of Italian style
Presentation deriving from thesis with Kiki Smith, professor of Costume Design and Lane Hall-Witt, lecturer and diploma program director in American studies.

Elsa Kamdem GS
Poor Whites Against Racism
Presentation deriving from thesis with Jennifer Guglielmo, associate professor of history and Lane Hall-Witt, lecturer and diploma program director in American studies

Words and Images in Chinese Culture  ::  Christ Gallery, Smith College Museum of Art

This session of presentations, to be presented in the Christ Gallery of the Smith College Museum of Art, derives from classwork with Sujane Wu, associate professor of East Asian languages & literatures.

Ava Busto Schiff '18
Diana Chen '17
Gloria Ningyuan Cheng '18
Ava Friedlander '20
Kela Harrington '19
Francesca Harrison '19
Beatrice Hesselbart '20
Yuxiao Meng '19
Molly Hurd '18
Lucy Liang '17
Sidney Lu '17
Xiaoqing Luo '18
Erin Sulla '19


Julia Graham '16, Grace Peralta '16 and Bryn Gingrich '16
Advancing the Mill River Greenway Initiative: Creating a Social and Ecological Space Along the Mill River; poster session deriving from classwork and environmental science and policy capstone project with Alexander Barron, assistant professor of environmental science and policy, Gaby Immerman, laboratory instructor in biological sciences and Gary Hartwell, project manager of facilities management

Jenny Banh '18 and Sarah Thalheimer '18
Force Chains in Granular Materials: Outcomes and Applications; poster session deriving from STRIDE and AEMES research with Nalini Easwar, professor of physics

Sarah Elghazoly '19 and Christina Kielczewska '19
Pulsed Power Supply for Powering a Magnetic Induction Ring Launcher; poster session deriving from AEMES research with Joyce Palmer-Fortune, lecturer and laboratory instructor of physics

Victoria Schein '16 and Yuqing Zhu '19
High-Precision Measurement of Mineral Refractive Indices Using a Laser Refractometer; poster session deriving from special studies with Doreen Weinberger, professor of physics and John Brady, Mary Elizabeth Moses Professor of Geosciences

Cathy Gu '18 and Lucy Liang '17
Measuring the Magnetic-Field-Orientation-Dependent Specific Heat of a Two-Dimensional Superconductor; poster session deriving from SURF research with Nathanael Fortune, professor of physics

Isabelle Bunge '18
Exploring Phase Change Materials to Improve Solar Energy Collection - Solar Water Heating and Other Novel Applications; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Joyce Palmer-Fortune, lecturer and laboratory instructor in physics

Tia Karapoulios '16
Predictors of Basketball Performance: Wing Span Versus Vertical Jump; poster session deriving from special studies with Karen Riska, lecturer of exercise and sport studies and Jim Johnson, professor of exercise and sport studies

Liza Halpin '16 and Rosangelica Perez '16
Modulatory Effects of Withania somnifera on the Human Glycine Receptor; poster session deriving from thesis work with Adam Hall, professor of biological sciences

Jennifer Christensen ‘GS
Oxytocin in the Central Nucleus of the Amygdala and Female Meadow Vole Seasonal Sociality; poster session deriving from graduate research with Annaliese Beery, assistant professor of psychology

Katherine Freitas '16
Species, Day Length, and Cohabitation: Differences in Aggression in the Microtine Model; poster session deriving from special studies with Annaliese Beery, assistant professor of psychology

Mariana Villalobos-Ortiz '16
Investigating the Neuroprotective Effects of Acetaminophen in a C. Elegans Animal Model of Parkinson's Disease; poster session deriving from special studies with Lisa Mangiamele, assistant professor of biological sciences and Mary Harrington, Tippit Professor in Life Sciences and professor of psychology

Emily Ohrtman '16 and Meri Millman '16
The Developmental Effects of Sibling Groups in Foster Care Children; poster session deriving from special studies with Mary Harrington, Tippit Professor in Life Sciences and professor of psychology

Emilie Jones '18, Linnea Hetland '18J, Shuqi Brenda Mao '18 and Susie Park '19
Effects of BPS on Zebrafish Behavior and Physiology; poster session deriving from classwork with Mary Harrington, Tippit Professor in Life Sciences and professor of psychology

Erin Walch '16 and Varsha Subramaniam '17
Modulation of Propofol-Enhanced GABAa Receptor Currents in the Presence of Novel Anesthetic Agents 2,6 Dimethylcyclohexanol and 2,6 Diisopropylcyclohexanol; poster session deriving from thesis work with Adam Hall, professor of biological sciences

Denicia Peterson '17, Jordan Isaacs '18, Zoe Rubinstein '18 and Alyson Daniels '17
Hippocampus Plasticity; poster session deriving from classwork with Mary Harrington, Tippit Professor in Life Sciences and professor of psychology

Sarah Smith '18, Ku-Nung Lin '18 and Brigit McDannell '18
Assessing the Toxicological Effects of Pyriproxyfen on Embryonic Zebrafish Brain Development and Behavior Related to Symptoms Characteristic of Microcephaly; poster session deriving from classwork with Mary Harrington, Tippit Professor in Life Sciences and professor of psychology

Reja Javed '18, Caroline Labriola '18, Ivana William '18 and Donna Mosley ‘AC
Effects of Circadian Disruption and a High Fat Diet on Fat Tissue Morphology; poster session deriving from special studies, AEMES and interterm research with Mary Harrington, Tippit Professor in Life Sciences and professor of psychology

Sarah Lopez '17 and Katrina Blandino '17
The Use of Operant Conditioning to Assess the Presence of Affiliation Between Peer Meadow Voles; poster session deriving from classwork with Annaliese Beery, assistant professor of psychology

Nicole Lee ‘GS
Peer Affiliation in a Promiscuous and a Monogamous Vole Species; poster session deriving from independent graduate research with Annaliese Beery, assistant professor of psychology

Erika Correll '16
The Role of the LOFC and MOFC in Alcohol Seeking in Adult Rats; poster session deriving from independent research at University of Massachusetts, Amherst with Mary Harrington, Tippit Professor in Life Sciences and professor of psychology and David Moorman, assistant professor of psychology at University of Massachusetts Amherst

Fortunate Chifamba '16, Wanqi Wang '17 and Marilyn Romero '17
Assessing the Effect of Voluntary Wheel Running on Glucose Tolerance in Circadian Disrupted Female Mice; poster session deriving from special studies with Mary Harrington, Tippit Professor in Life Sciences and professor of psychology and Polly Molyneux, research assistant of psychology

Olivia Mallari '16
The Role of the Orexin System in the Incubation of Alcohol Craving in Rats?; poster session deriving from thesis work with Mary Harrington, Tippit Professor in Life Sciences and professor of psychology and David Moorman, assistant professor of psychology at University of Massachusetts Amherst

Shelby Hall '18, Maya Salvio '18, Anja Nordstrom '18 and Farah Samawi '19
The Effect of Prallethrin on Zebrafish Morphology; poster session deriving from classwork with Mary Harrington, Tippit Professor in Life Sciences and professor of psychology

Heather Upin '16
A Study of the Geochemical and Geomorphologic Evidence for Prehistoric Floods from Paulina Lake in Newberry Crater, Central Oregon; poster session deriving from thesis work with Robert Newton, professor of geosciences

Hannah Francis '16
Experiments Investigating Retention of Sodium in Peatlands Affected by Road-Salt Pollution; poster session deriving from thesis work with Amy Rhodes, associate professor of geosciences

Emily DiPadova '16
Metamorphism and Assimilation of Xenoliths of the Cuillin Centre, Isle of Skye, Scotland; poster session deriving from thesis work with Mark Brandriss, senior lecturer of geosciences

Sydney Reyes Beattie '19
Archaeological Geology of Limestones used by the Pre-Columbian Maya People of the Yucatan Peninsula; poster session deriving from early research projects with Bosiljka Glumac, professor of geosciences

Naomi Jahan '18
Storm-Deposited Boulder Ridges on San Salvador Island, Bahamas in the Aftermath of Hurricane Joaquin; poster session deriving from special studies with Bosiljka Glumac, professor of geosciences and H. Allen Curran, William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor Emeritus of Geology

Sarah Dickson '16
Petrographic Analysis of Sandstones from the Cretaceous Nanushuk and Torok Formations, Slope Mountain, Alaska; poster session deriving from Keck Geology Consortium Project with Bosiljka Glumac, professor of geosciences

Eli Molitors Bergman '17
Investigating Impacts of Slow Slip Events on GPS Station Velocity and Subduction Zone Coupling in Cascadia; poster session deriving from special studies with John Loveless, assistant professor of geosciences

Sofia Johnson '19
Investigating Earthquake Hazard of the Cascadia Subduction Zone and Surrounding Faults; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with John Loveless, associate professor of geosciences

Kimberly Du '18
Microfossils from Arctic Alaska; poster session deriving from AEMES research with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences

Jessica Chang '17 and Kaitlyn Klema '16
Archaeocyathan Reefs of the Lower Cambrian Wood Canyon Formation, Death Valley, California; poster session deriving from classwork with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences and John Loveless, assistant professor of geosciences

Emma Roth '17
Ecological and Chemostratigraphic Analysis of Ordovician Coral Reefs; poster session deriving from special studies with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences

Claudia Deeg '17
The Effect of the Cretaceous-Paleogene Extinction on Calcium Carbonate Accumulation; poster session deriving from special studies with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences

Claudia Deeg '17 and Ziqiu Zhang '18
Unusual Fossil Preservation in the Lower Carrara Formation, Death Valley, NV; poster session deriving from classwork with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences and John Loveless, assistant professor of geosciences

Courcelle Stark '18
Modes of Preservation in the Lower Triassic Virgin Limestone Member of the Moenkopi Formation, Death Valley, California; poster session deriving from classwork with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences and John Loveless, assistant professor of geosciences

Helena Tatgenhorst '16 and Tessa Browne ‘AC
Investigating the Environmental Conditions that Fostered Oncoid Formation at the Lower-Middle Cambrian Transition, Carrara Formation, Death Valley, Nevada; poster session deriving from classowork with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences and John Loveless, assistant professor of geosciences

Chiza Mwinde '18
Unusual Seafloor-Precipitated Carbonate Fans of the Neoproterozoic Rainstorm Member, Johnnie Formation, Death Valley, California; poster session deriving from classwork with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences and John Loveless, assistant professor of geosciences

Sabrina Cordero '19
Silicified Fossils in the Lower Permian Kaibab Formation, Southern Nevada; poster session deriving from AEMES research with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences

Emma Schlam '16
Cambrian-Ordovician Carbon Isotopes; poster session deriving from special studies with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences

Lizzie Stephani '18
The Enigmatic Ediacaran Fossil Cloudina: Mineralogy and Preservation; poster session deriving from AEMES research with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences

Tessa McGann '16
New Archaeocyathan Reefs of the Lower Cambrian Wood Canyon Formation, Death Valley, USA; poster session deriving from thesis work with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences

Rhiannon Nolan '19
New Investigations of Lower Cambrian Fossils of Southwestern Mongolia; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Sara Pruss, associate professor of geosciences

Emily Volkmann '16 and Mandy Castro '17
Reef Composition of Belize Dive Site Mexico Rocks; poster session deriving from special studies with L. David Smith, professor of biological sciences and Denise Lello, coordinator of the Four College Biomathematics Consortium

Emily Volkmann '16 and Mandy Castro '17
Soft Coral Abundance and Diversity on Mexico Rocks in Belize; poster session deriving from special studies with L. David Smith, professor of biological sciences

Laura Henry '16
Effect of Purple Spot Disease on Spicule Form and Abundance in Soft Coral, Gorgonia flabellum; poster session deriving from special studies with L. David Smith, professor of biological sciences

Elena Karlsen-Ayala '16, Shabnam Kapur '16, Laura Henry '16, Mandy Castro '17 and Emily Volkmann '16
Coral Reef Ed-Ventures 2015: A Marine
Environmental Education Program in San Pedro, Belize; poster session deriving from summer internship with L. David Smith, professor of biological sciences and Denise Lello, coordinator of the Four College Biomathematics Consortium

Elena Karlsen-Ayala '16, Shabnam Kapur '16 and Sarita Chiu '18
Migration Versus Mutualism: Can the Small-Ranged Endemic Plant Rhododendron catwabiense Form Specialized Ericoid mycorrhizae with Soil Fungi North of Its Native Range?; poster session deriving from thesis work with Jesse Bellemare, assistant professor of biological sciences

Jane Weinstock '16
Tidal and Diel Vertical Migration of Blue Mussel (Mytilus edulis) Larvae in the Eastern Gulf of Maine; poster session deriving from special studies with L. David Smith, professor of biological sciences

Elizabeth Besozzi '16
Bottom-up and Top-down Controls on Red-backed Salamander (Plethodon cinereus) Distribution: A “Landscape of Fear” on the Forest Floor?; poster session deriving from SURF, special studies and thesis work with Jesse Bellemare, assistant professor of biological sciences and Lisa Mangiamele, assistant professor of biological sciences

Sam Goss '18 and Lisa Utzig '18
Hemlock Decline Due to Invasive Insect Attack Could Result in Net Carbon Release from the Forest Floor; poster session deriving from AEMES research with Jesse Bellemare, assistant professor of biological sciences

Natalie Smith '16
Protein Engineering for Transferrin Receptor-Mediated Drug Delivery Across the Blood-Brain Barrier; poster session deriving from thesis work with Sarah Moore, assistant professor of engineering

Gina Mantica '16
The Evolution of Androgen Receptor Distribution in the Spinal Cord to Support Specialized Sexual Displays: A Comparative Analysis Using Staurois parvus; poster session deriving from thesis work with Lisa Mangiamele, assistant professor of biological sciences

Gina Cho '17
How Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Impact Development of the Pharyngeal System; poster session deriving from special studies with Michael Barresi, associate professor of biological sciences

Zoe Brian '18J
Can Playgroups Reduce Stress Behaviors in Shelter Dogs?; poster session deriving from special studies with Virginia Hayssen, professor of biological sciences

Emma Becker '18, Ziqiu Zhang '18 and Dara Brena '17
Intertidal Bully: Interference competition by Littorina littorea on L. obtusata; poster session deriving from special studies with Paulette Peckol, Louise C. Harrington Professor of Biological Sciences

Abigail Bergman '18
Police Training Videos Applied to the Shooter Bias Phenomenon; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Fletcher Blanchard, professor of psychology

Leen Ajlouni '18, Abigail Bergman '18 and Autumn Mineo '19
Isolating and Characterizing Antibiotic Producing Bacteria from Soil from the MacLeish Field Station; poster session deriving from classwork with Jan Vriezen, laboratory instructor of biological sciences

Ria Deshpande '16 and Sahar Aftab '18
Investigating the Mechanism of Cytoplasmic Dynein by Comparing Microtubule Binding Domains; poster session deriving from thesis work with Nathan Derr, assistant professor of biological sciences

Sophie Dilek '17 and Siphokazi Kargbo '18
The Bioaccumulation of Mercury in Largemouth Bass from Northwest Missouri; poster session deriving from special studies with Robert Merritt, professor of biological sciences, Robert Newton, professor of geosciences, and Marc Anderson, laboratory instructor in chemistry

Liz Tan '16
The Trans-Atlantic Cactus: Rhipsalis baccifera; poster session deriving from thesis work with Robert Merritt, professor of biological sciences, Laura Katz, Elsie Damon Simonds Professor of Biological Sciences, Robert Nicholson, conservatory manager of Botanic Garden of Smith College and Richard Briggs, Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences

Erica Wan '17 and Daniela Deny '18
Investigating the Susceptibility of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli to Colicins; poster session deriving from special studies with Christine White-Ziegler, professor of biological sciences and Robert Dorit, professor of biological sciences

Caroline Keroack '16G, Kalani Williams '18, Kaela DeAngelis '16, Eirini Tsekitsidou '16, Xela Miller '18 and Kate Fessler '18
Assessing the Potential Spread of Seal Heartworm (Acanthocheilonema spirocauda) Using Molecular Techniques; poster session deriving from thesis work with Steven Williams, Gates Professor of Biological Sciences

Eirini Tsekitsidou '16, Caroline Keroack GS, Kalani Williams '18, Kaela DeAngelis '16, Kate Fessler '18 and Xela Miller '18
Investigating the Evolution of Wolbachia spp.-Derived Genes in the Genome of Wolbachia-Independent Filarial Nematodes; poster session deriving from thesis work and special studies with Steven Williams, Gates Professor of Biological Sciences

Meghna Purkayastha '16, Tiffani Chang '16 and Stephanie Capsuto '18
Neurolenin: Drug Development for Lymphatic Filariasis; poster session deriving from special studies work with Steven Williams, Gates Professor of Biological Sciences and Kevin Shea, professor of chemistry

Katie McGeough '16 and Megan Neubig '17
Extraction and Functionalization of Neurolenins from Neurolaena lobata; poster session deriving from thesis work with Kevin Shea, professor of chemistry

Melissa Torres GS
An Evaluation of Immunoinformatics Predictions and the Biological Relevance of These Predictions to Identify Putative T cell Epitopes Against the Causative Agents of Lymphatic Filariasis; poster session deriving from thesis work with Steven Williams, Gates Professor of Biological Sciences

Chalis Bird GS and Sofi Vergara '19
Gastrointestinal Nematodes in South African Wildlife; poster session deriving from thesis work with Steven Williams, Gates Professor of Biological Sciences

Amalia Sweet '17 and Yael Tsitohay '17J
Development of a Nuclear Extraction Protocol for Isolation of Filarial Nematode Transcription Factors; poster session deriving from special studies with Steven Williams, Gates Professor of Biological Sciences

Amalia Driller-Colangelo '18, Marina Cheng '17, Jessica Morgan '17 and Karen Chau '16
Investigating the Biophysical Mechanisms of Dynein Ensemble Motility using DNA Origami; poster session deriving from SURF research and special studies with Nathan Derr, assistant professor of biological sciences

Emmie Knobloch '17
Clocking Transgene Expression in Yeast; poster session deriving from special studies with Nathan Derr, assistant professor of biological sciences

Nicole DelRosso HC ‘16
Triggered Regeneration of Molecular Circuit Components to Impement Iterative DNA Strand Displacement Operations; poster session deriving from thesis work with Nathan Derr, assistant professor of biological science, Sarah Hews, assistant professor of mathematics at Hamsphire College, and Lee Spector, professor of computer science at Hampshire College

Sydney Walker '16
Isoflurane Impacts the Actin Cytoskeletal by Impacting Cofilin Phosphorylation in Neonatal Murine Cortical Neurons; poster session deriving from special studies with Adam Hall, professor of biological sciences

Arcadia Kratkiewicz '16
Analysis of Creatine Kinase Expression and Regulation Throughout C2C12 Myogenesis; poster session deriving from thesis work with Stylianos Scordilis, professor of biological sciences

Lauren Brunet '16, Alyson Daniels '17, Ghida El-Banna '17, Becky Kuzma '18, Carter Kyle '18, Megan Wancura '17 and Jinyi Yang '18
Serum Proteins Following Exercise - A Course Based Research Experience; poster session deriving from course laboratory research with Stylianos Scordilis, professor of biological sciences and Kalina Dimova, laboratory instructor in biological sciences

Anna Carroll '16, Isabella McNamara '16, Pooja Hindocha '16, Quinn Anex-Ries '17, Ana Paola Garcia '17 and Megan Wancura '17
Synthesis and Analysis of Multi-Functional Polymer Hydrogel Biomedical Materials; poster session deriving from thesis work with Maren Buck, assistant professor of chemistry

Isabella McNamara '16, Quinn Anex-Ries '17, Pooja Hindocha '16, Megan Wancura '17, Ana Garcia '17 and Anna Carroll '16
Synthetic Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine; science poster deriving from special studies with Maren Buck, assistant professor of chemistry

Sigal Eini '16
Post-Polymerization Modification of Reactive, Azlactone-Functionalized Block Copolymers: Rapid Synthesis of Polymeric Amphiphiles for the Assembly of Drug Delivery Vehicles; poster session deriving from thesis work with Maren Buck, assistant professor of chemistry

Naina Zaman '16 and Julia Yun '16
Synthesis and Purification of Stereoisomers in Cyclohexanol Analogs for Novel Anesthetic Properties; poster session deriving from special studies with Kevin Shea, professor of chemistry

Kelsey Mack '17, Charnice Charmant '16, Nomfuneko Mafunda '17 and Emily Byers '16
Nanoscale Topography of Si(100) Surfaces; poster session deriving from special studies with Kate Queeney, professor of chemistry

Clare Jacobson '16, Suzanne Abreu '17 and Mairead Bartlett '18
Copper Mediated Methylation of Aromatic C-H Bonds; poster session deriving from special studies with David Gorin, assistant professor of chemistry

Emilia Arguello '16, Sarah Krejci '18 and Yueyu Yao '18
DNA-Small Molecule Catalysts for Site-Selective Transformations; poster session deriving from thesis work and special studies with David Gorin, assistant professor of chemistry

Noelia Martinez-Munoz '16
O-Methylation Using Dimethyl Carbonate: Mechanistic Studies; poster session deriving from thesis work with David Gorin, assistant professor of chemistry

KC Chen '16
Ethylene Carbonate for Ethoxylation of Aromatic Nitrogen Nucleophiles; poster session deriving from thesis work with David Gorin, assistant professor of chemistry

Emily Boerger '16 and Luojun Dong '17
Effects of Cisplatin and Spiroiminodihydantoin Lesions on DNA Duplexes Investigated with NMR Methods; poster session deriving from thesis work with Elizabeth Jamieson, associate professor of chemistry and Cristina Suarez, professor of chemistry

Dominique Callahan '18, Jazmine Collins '17 and Sarah Tully '17
Playing Drinking Games as a Form of Prepartying Among Young Adults; poster session deriving from classwork with Byron Zamboanga, professor of psychology

Translation Studies Concentration: Translating Across Languages, Cultures, and Time: Seelye 101

This session of presentations derives from projects in the Translation Studies Concentration with Janie M. Vanpee, professor of French studies and comparative literature; Sujane Wu, associate professor of East Asian languages and literatures; Giovanna Bellesia, professor of Italian language and literature; Yuri Kumagai, senior lecturer of East Asian languages and literatures; Malcolm McKnight, associate professor of Spanish and Portuguese; Reyes Lázaro, associate professor of Spanish and Portuguese; Dawn Fulton, associate professor of French Studies; Judith Keyler-Meyer, senior lecture of German Studies; Laura Kalba, assistant professor of Art; Mohamed Hassan, senior lecturer in Arabic and Director of the Five College Arabic Program; and Massy Suk, lecturer in East Asian languages and literatures.

Nancy Martinez '16
Transparency in Density: Marginalia as the Translator's Narrative

Calais Harding '16
Early 20th Century Spanish Literature Today

Stephanie Pereira '16
Lusophone Identities and Disparities

Citally Delgado '16
Insubmissas lágrimas de mulheres

Gabrielle Zutrau '16
A Radical Voice in Chinese Feminism

Dinah Lensing-Sharp '16
Between Foreign and Familiar: Translating Gender, Sexuality, and Foreigness in Die Vielen und der Eine

Victoria Gilligan '16
Song of the People: Hidoe Levy's Kodumin no uta

Raphaela Tayvah '16
Collectif d'Art Sociologique

Eleana Thompson '16
The Fight for Feminism in 20th century Egypt (Memoirs of a Woman Doctor by Nawal El Sadawwi)

Caitlin Rosazza '16
l caffè--Tahar Lamri (Mondopentola)

Min Ji Kwon '16
Self Translation

Taking the Archives Public: Archives Concentration Capstone Presentations: Seelye 106

This session of presentations derives from concentration projects with Kelly Anderson, oral historian of special collections.

Alexandra Bush '16
Curating the Self: An Examination of Smith Scrapbooks

Kimberly Dildine MHC '16
Blanche Ames Ames

Emily Esten UMass '16
Historical Inquiry into Action: The Methods of Mary Sheldon Barnes

Kye Garcia '16
'But at What Cost to Smith College?': Students Protests Then and Now

Julia Greider '16
In Search of the Queer Reader: Lesbian Pulp Fiction in Mid-Century America

Erika Lively 'AC
A Well of Knowledge on the Dry: A Black Female Educator on the Colorado Plains

Katie Mikulka '16
Choreographing a History: Agnes de Mille's "Fall River Legend

Sarah Orsak '16
Girl Zines: Trauma/Disability/Illness in the Archive from Then to Now

Mallory Strider 'AC
Currents of Contention: Taming the Mill River

Madison White '16
Personally Attractive: Carrie Lee and the Housing Crisis of 1913

The Social Patterning of Psychology & Well-Being: Seelye 201

This panel presentation derives from laboratory work with Benita Jackson, associate professor of psychology.

Ayerin Gomez '17
Non-Traditional Measures of Socioeconomic Status and Health-Damaging Behaviors Among Latinas and Latinos

Kelly Nault 'PB
That Pose Becomes You: Effect of Body Postures on Self-Concept Size

Anne Regan 'PB, and Ty Ruwe '19
Student Voices in the Smith College Classroom

Biological Sciences: Seelye 105

Jiaqi Mei, '16
Lateral Gene Transfer in Fungal Taxa
Presentation deriving from a thesis work with Laura Katz, Elsie Damon Simonds Professor of Biological Sciences

Bethaney Gulla-Devaney '18 and Chip Sisson '16
Stramenopiles, Alveolates, and Rhizaria—Oh my! A Molecular Approach to Aquatic Microbial Communities
Presentation deriving from special studies with Laura Katz, Elsie Damon Simonds Professor of Biological Sciences

Zuliat Owoade '16
Predicting Lateral Gene Transfer in Plasmodium falciparum
Presentation deriving from thesis work with Laura Katz, Elsie Damon Simonds Professor of Biology

Global Financial Institutions Concentration: Seelye 107

Sneha Verma '18, Qinqin Xu '18 and Shuli Hu '18
Comparison of Foreign Investment Attractiveness: Peru and Colombia
Presentation deriving from class work for the Global Financial Institutions Concentration with Mahnaz Mahndavi, professor of economics

Leslie Hillsamer '16
Navigating the Repo Market: The Central Bank's Pursuit of Financial Stability
Presentation deriving from classwork and Global Financial Institutions concentration project with Roisin O'Sullivan, associate professor of economics, and Mahnaz Mahdavi, professor of economics and faculty director of Women & Financial Independence

Tiejin Zhang '16
The Potential for Foreign Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa
Presentation deriving from Global Financial Institute concentration project with Mahnaz Mahdavi, professor of economics and faculty director of Women & Financial Independence, Simon Halliday, assistant professor of economics, and Zaza Kabayadondo, co-director of Design Thinking Initiative

Elise Smith '16
The AIIB and Chinese Multilateralism
Presentation deriving for the Global Financial Institutions Concentration and classwork with Dennis Yasutomo, Esther Cloudman Dunn Professor of Government

Government: Seelye 109

Shannon Mulligan AC '17
Proprietary Dataset Use in the Study and Understanding of Women’s Movements in the MENA Region
Presentation deriving from special studies with Bozena Welborne, assistant professor of government

Victoria Yan '16
Ms. Independent? : A Global Survey on Female Agency in Political Participation
Presentation deriving from special studies with Bozena Welborne, assistant professor of government

Asaloy Ikromova '17J
Unequal Representation: A Study of the Politics of Gender Quotas in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan
Presentation deriving from special studies with Alice Hearst, professor of government, and Regine Spector, assistant professor of political science, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Kahn Liberal Arts Institute: Seelye 110

This session of presentations derives from research conducted by Student Fellows in the Kahn Liberal Arts Institute project titled Memory: Form, Function and Fallability with Dawn Fulton, professor of French studies and Adam Hall, professor of biological sciences.

Aisha Amin '17
Verbatim Theatre: The Intersection of Theatre and Memory

Claire Bowman '16
The Memory of Student Debt

Nikila Lakshmanan '17
Reincarnation 'Memories in Children': A Juxtaposition of Cases in the United States and India

Sarah Orsak '16
Disability Across the Archives

Jocelyn Proietti '16
Toward a Black Woman's Romantic Ideology: Theorizing Black Women's Cultural Production in the 1980s-90s

Social Change for Health Promotion: Interventions on Smith College Student Well-Being: Seelye 201

This panel presentation derives from classwork with Benita Jackson, associate professor of psychology.

Kenia Reyes '17, Chelsea Pimentel '17, Monika Reifenstein '16, Elizabeth Shaw '16, and Rosemary Song '17J
Health Your Way to the Top: Disseminating Information

Franny Eremin '16, Samantha Font '17, Samantha Giles '17, and Flora Fraga '17
After Hours: Dining Hours at Smith College

Jennifer Hsieh '16, Helen Kim '16, Brittany Kott 'AC, Paula Largacha '17J, and Kim Lawrence 'AC
Stress Busters: Cultivating Mindfulness by Finding Your Lily Pad

Gerraldine Tahere 'AC, Claudia Tanney '16, Eleana Thompson '16, Jesse Tibbits '17, and Sarabeth Upson '16J
De-Stress Kits: Too Blessed to Be Stressed

Human Interactions & Interrelationships: Seelye 207

Emily Ruppel '18
Online Maternity Information Seeking among Lesbian, Bisexual, and Queer Women
Presentation deriving from STRIDE research with Hannah Karpman, assistant professor, School for Social Work

Claire Vinson '19
From Japan to Manzanar: Examining Charlotte DeForest’s Time in Manzanar During World War II
Presentation deriving from STRIDE research with Marnie Anderson, associate professor of history

Miranda Riccardi '19
Visualizing a Human Network: Mapping Libanius's Connections
Presentation deriving from special studies with Scott Bradbury, professor of classics

Energy & Ingenuity: Seelye 208

Isabella Casini '17
Biomass Energy Conversion Processes
Presentation deriving from AEMES McKinley Fellowship project with Denise McKahn, associate professor of engineering

Leen Hayek '16
Investigating Renewable Energy Potentials in Jordan
Presentation deriving from special studies with Judith Cardell, professor of engineering

Weijia (Vega) Zhang '17 and Wencong (Priscilla) Li '18
Presentation deriving from special studies with Benjamin Baumer, assistant professor of statistics and data sciences

American Studies: Seelye 211

Alessio Zuri AMS '16
Affirmative Action - Special Issues in Human Resource Management
Presentation deriving from special studies with Lane Hall-Witt, professor of American studies and director of American Studies Diploma Program, and Melissa Woodward, associate professor of management at University of Massachusetts Amherst

Charlotte Jegou AMS '16
Technology and Events
Presentation deriving from special studies with Lane Hall-Witt, lecturer of American studies and director of American Studies Diploma Program, and Erin Tierney, lecturer of management at University of Massachusetts Amherst

Gaetane Krebs '16
Collecting Arts of Asia in the United States
Presentation deriving from special studies with Lane Hall-Witt, lecturer of American studies and director of American Studies Diploma Program, and Yao Wu, Carroll Curator of Asian Art in the Smith College Museum of Art

Stefanie M. Schuster AMS '16
"End[ing] an Outdated Approach" (President Obama, 12/17/14) —Why the United States "Normalized" Relations with Cuba
Presentation deriving from thesis work with Lane Hall-Witt, lecturer and director of American Studies Diploma Program, and Brent Durbin, assistant professor of government

Psychology: Seelye 301

Maggie Peebles-Dorin '16
An Analysis of Sleep Patterns in a College Sample
Presentation deriving from thesis work with Randy Frost, H.E. and E.S. Israel Professor of Psychology

Yiwen Zhu '16
Client Emotional Response and Psychotherapy Progress: A Case-Based Approach
Presentation deriving from thesis work with Nnamdi Pole, a professor of psychology

Sophia Deady '16, Kathryn Dernbach '16, Greta Guevara '16 and Maggie Peebles-Dorin '16
Exploration of Material Scrupulosity in Hoarding Disorder
Presentation deriving from special studies with Randy Frost, H.E. and E.S. Israel Professor of Psychology

Imaging Life Through Literature: Seelye 302

Tamara L Nehls AMS '16
Star-Spangled Flarf: Generated Poetry as Representation of Popular Opinion in the U.S.
Presentation deriving from thesis research with Ruth Ozeki, Elizabeth Drew Professor of English language & literature

Alexandra Ostrowski Schilling '18
Broken Bodies and Artificial Intelligence: An Examination of the Acousmêtre, Technology, and Embodiment in Marvel Films
Presentation deriving from classwork with Andrew Ritchey, lecturer of film and media studies

Madeleine Osorovitz GS AMS
Writing Our Way Home: Narratives by Jewish Women Writers Immigrating to the United States
Presentation deriving from AMS Diploma thesis work with Justin Cammy, associate professor of Jewish studies and comparative literature

Sasha Gayle-Schneider '16
Re-Imagining Conflict Through Story
Presentation deriving from special studies with Justin Cammy, associate professor in Jewish Studies and Comparative Literature

Employment & Public Policy: Seelye 306

Katharine Cooney '17
Paid Family Leave Policies in the United States: The Good, the Bad, and the Unimplemented
Presentation deriving from research in the Jean Picker Semester-in-Washington program with Brent Durbin, assistant professor of government

Laura Lubben '16
The Future of Baltimore: Taking Steps Toward a 21st Century Economy
Presentation deriving from Jean Picker Semester-in-Washing program and special studies with Randall Bartlett, professor of economics

Anna Morrison '16
Raising the Minimum Wage: Raising Up Women and Creating Equality
Presentation deriving from classwork with Robert Buchele, professor emeritus of economics

Women and Writing: Seelye 308

Eden Bonjo '16
“We Post to Give Inspiration to Other People”: Queer Young Adults of Color and Digital Spaces of Empowerment
Presentation deriving from thesis work with Jennifer Declue, assistant professor of the study of women and gender, and Elizabeth Armstrong, professor of the study of women and gender

Lucy Hall '19, Haley Peterson '19, and Ilana Shotkin '18
The Atlas of Women's Fiction: Mapping the Landscape of Girls' Adventures
Presentation deriving from STRIDE research with Margaret Bruzelius, Dean of the Senior Class and Associate Dean of the College

Education & Child Study: Seelye 311

Alexandra Singer '16
(Dis)Respect in Urban Schools
Presentation deriving from thesis work with Shannon Audley-Piotrowski, assistant professor of education and child study

Mary Patterson '16 and Karina Huang '18
A Review and Reformulation of Respect in Children's Social Development
Presentation deriving from special studies with Shannon Audley-Piotrowski, assistant professor of education and child study

Kayra Lopez '16 and Audrey Govea '17
Coaching, Community and Collaboration: Project Coach Academic Coaching & Smith Student Leadership
Presentation deriving from special studies with Sam Intrator, professor of education and child study and head of campus school, and Jo Glading-DiLorenzo, director of Project Coach and The Urban Education Initiative

Janine Hutter AMS '16
Pedagogy of Student-Centered Learning
Presentation deriving from AMS Diploma special studies work with Alan Rudnitsky, professor of education and child study

Asian Heritage: Seelye 312

Ayumi Akiyama '18, Hanae Miyake '16, Lisa Yamada '18, Sara Tallent '17, Victoria Ochoa '19, Bella Chou '18, and Amanda Lavond '18
Saving Smith’s Asian Heritage: The Japanese Garden on Paradise Pond
Presentation deriving from classwork with Jamie Hubbard, Jill Ker Conway Professor of Religion and East Asian Studies and Yehan Numata Professor of Buddhist Studies, and Reid Bertone-Johnson, lecturer of landscape studies and manager of the MacLeish Field Station

Spanish & Portuguese: Seelye 313

Angela Acosta '17
Through the Mind of a Generation: A Translation of Vicente Aleixandre’s "Sombra del Paraíso"
Presentation deriving from Mellon-Mays Undergraduate Fellowship research with Reyes Lázaro, associate professor of Spanish and Portuguese

Tiffany Wilt '17 and Abel Castaño '16
Pantalones a La Luna
Presentation deriving from special studies with Reyes Lázaro, associate professor of Spanish and Portuguese, and Lane Hall-Witt, lecturer of American studies and director of American Studies Diploma Program

Clara Rosebrock '16
Performing Memory: Spaces of Trauma, Invisibility, and Resistance
Presentation deriving from special studies with María Estela Harretche, professor of Spanish & Portuguese

Natassia Yahoub '17
Multilingualism and Language Policies in Lusophone Countries
Presentation deriving from work as research assistant for Malcolm McNee, associate professor of Spanish & Portuguese

Julia Franchi Scarselli '18 and Dianne Jester Wieland '16
Mill River Industries in Florence MA; poster session deriving from concentration project with Kelly Anderson, oral historian of special collections

Asriyanti Karma '16
La Mezquita-Catedral: A Walk-Through in Space and Time; poster session deriving from special studies with James Middlebrook, assistant professor of art

Alyssa Rooney '16
An Athletic Director’s Path to the Top: An Analysis of NEWMAC Athletic Directors; poster session deriving from special studies with Jim Johnson, professor of exercise and sports studies

Devi Dearmon-Moore '16
Nutrition and Sport Recovery in Smith Swimmers; science poster session deriving from special studies with Barbara Brehm-Curtis, professor of exercise and sports studies

Kendra Bonde '19, Carolyn Lee Lancaster '19, Claire Tepesch '19 and Maia Tooley '19
Global Stride and the World; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Nancy Sternbach, professor of Spanish and Portuguese

Dorean Collins '16 and Lally Delgado '16
Reflections on Heritage Language Community Engagement; science poster session deriving from special studies with Simone Gugliotta, lecturer of Spanish and Portuguese

Preetilata Hashemi '16
Third World Feminism; poster session deriving from special studies and concentration capstone with Andy Rotman, professor of religion

Shira Breen '18
Evaluating Kelly Strong's Pleasure Principles: Changes in Health Behaviors Before and After Her Course; poster deriving from STRIDE research with Hannah Karpman, assistant professor for the School for Social Work

Claire Clapp Adams '16 and Geneva Strauss-Wise '16
The Flash Pod: Designing and Building a Mobile Pop-Up Space for Smithies; poster session deriving from special studies with Borjana Mikic, R. B. Hewlett '40 Professor' of Engineering and Zaza Kabayadondo, design thinking initiative co-director of interdisciplinary studies

Sushmitha Ram '18 and Courtney Lowe '18
Where Are They Now? Representation of Marginalized Groups in STEM Trade Publications; poster session deriving from STRIDE and AEMES research with Lauren Duncan, professor of psychology and Kate Queeney, professor of chemistry

Kavita Bhandari '16
Stigmatization and Psychopathology in Ethnic Minorities in the USA: The Mediating Role of Perfectionism; poster session deriving from SURF research with Alexandra Burgess, postdoctoral fellow and lecturer in psychology

Maria Lidia Ortiz '17
Everyday Discrimination, Family Context, Mood Disorders Among Latina/os: Does Gender Matter?; poster session deriving from summer research with Patricia DiBartolo, Caroline L. Wall '27 Professor of Psychology

Jessamine Griewahn-Okita '17
A Comparison of Romani Acquisition in Macedonian, Serbian, and Swedish Populations; poster session deriving from research with Jill de Villiers, Sophia & Austin Smith Professor of Psychology and professor of philosophy

Cynthia Gomez '16, Cara Tomaso '16, Kyla Wingrove-Haugland '16, Martha Azu '16, Karlena Henry AC, Gennifer Hegarty AC and Emily Jackson '18
An Eyetracker Study: Are Language Faculties Involved in Identifying Relational Categories?; poster session deriving from seminar work with Jill de Villiers, Sophia & Austin Smith Professor of Psychology and professor of philosophy

Gail Clarke '18 and Halimat Ipesa-Balogun '17
Recognition of Homes: A Study of Concept Formation with Prototype Variation and Relational Spatial Reasoning; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Jill de Villiers, Sophia & Austin Smith Professor of Psychology and professor of philosophy

Dominique Denbow '16
Oxytocin and Vasopressin: Relationship to Autism; science poster session deriving from special studies with Peter de Villiers, Sophia & Austin Smith Professor of Psychology

Victoria Torres '17, Lissandra Camacho '19 and Chelsea Pimentel '17
Quality Rather than Quantity Matters: The Importance of the Richness of Caregivers’ Conversation with their Preschool Children; science poster session deriving from AEMES research with Peter de Villiers, Sophia & Austin Smith Professor of Psychology

Gabriella Zutrau '16 and Evelyn Parker '18
Determinants and Outcomes of African American Vernacular English Bidialectalism; poster session deriving from STRIDE research and special studies with Peter de Villiers, Sophia & Austin Smith Professor of Psychology

Alexis Smith '16 and Alanna Lynch '17
Language Delay, Poverty, and Their Effects on Literacy; science poster session deriving from special studies with Peter de Villiers, Sophia & Austin Smith Professor of Psychology

Xiaozhou Wang '16 and Madeline Klein '16J
Adults' and Children's Interpretation of Antonym Pairs and Their Negation;poster session deriving from thesis work with Jill de Villiers, Sophia & Austin Smith Professor of Psychology and professor of philosophy and Peter de Villiers, Sophia & Austin Smith Professor of Psychology

Jessica Kotfila '18 and Madeline Klein '16J
How Do Children Answer When, Why, and Where?; science poster session deriving from J-term research with Jill de Villiers, Sophia & Austin Smith Professor of Psychology and professor of philosophy

Mariya Germash '18
A Case Study of a Child's Acquisition of English Complements; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Jill de Villiers, Sophia & Austin Smith Professor of Psychology and professor of philosophy

Paloma Wiggins '17, Sara Tallent '17 and Tia Karapoulios '16
Drinking Game Behaviors Among Young Adults: Does Gender Matter?; poster session deriving from classwork with Byron Zamboanga, professor of psychology

Abigail Bergman '18
Police Training Videos applied to the Shooter Bias Phenomenon; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Fletcher Blanchard, professor of psychology

Kelcie Grenier '16
Young Adult Women’s Perceived Reasons for Being Targeted to Drink When Playing Drinking Games; poster session deriving from classwork with Byron Zamboanga, professor of psychology

Kelcie Grenier '16 and Alexandra Singer '16
“and I kikked her back”: Pre-Adolescent’s Responses and Resolutions in the Face of Perceived Injustice; poster session deriving from independent research with Shannon Audley-Piotrowski, assistant professor of education and child study

Alexandra Singer '16 and Karina Huang '18
Teachers are Disrespectful Too:  Urban Youth’s Experiences of Teacher Disrespect; poster session deriving from thesis work with Shannon Audley-Piotrowski, assistant professor of education and child study

Emily Carroll '16 and Geneva Strauss-Wise '16
Interdisciplinary Conversations : Nationalism | Violence | Discard/Waste | Memory | Geography; poster deriving from special studies with Paul Wetzel, environmental research coordinator and environmental monitoring coordinator at the Center for the Environment, and Ann Leone, professor of French studies

Elizabeth Freeman '19 and Emmely Rogers '19
Interactive Models of Spiral and Cylinder Lattices; science poster session deriving from STRIDE and AEMES research with Christopher Golé, professor of mathematics and statistics and Denise Lello, coordinator of the Four College Biomathematics Consortium

Quinn Anex-Ries '17
The Development of a Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Polymeric Micelles; poster session deriving from concentration project with Ileana Streinu, Charles N. Clark Professor of Computer Science

Karen Chau '16
Modeling Dynein Motor Ensembles Motility with Cargo; science poster session deriving from thesis work with Nathan Derr, assistant professor of biological sciences and Ileana Streinu, Charles N. Clark Professor of Computer Science

Victoria Wolf '16
In Silico Protein Surgery; poster session deriving from thesis work with Ileana Streinu, Charles N. Clark Professor of Computer Science

Serena Hansraj '19 and Rebecca Rohrlich '19
Developing Computational Tools for Processing Crystal Data from the Crystallography Open Database (COD); poster session deriving from AEMES research with Ileana Streinu, Charles N. Clark Professor of Computer Science

Marina Cheng '17
Object-Oriented Domain Decomposition for Proteomics Studies; poster session deriving from special studies with Ileana Streinu, Charles N. Clark Professor of Computer Science

Minnal Abbasi '16
Rigidity Analysis on Viral Structures; poster session deriving from thesis work with Ileana Streinu, Charles N. Clark Professor of Computer Science

Vladislava Paskova '17
Rigidity of DNA; poster session deriving from concentration project with Ileana Streinu, Charles N. Clark Professor of Computer Science

Tam Nguyen '16 and Elysia Wang '18
Computer Recognition and Dating of Ancient Scripts; science poster session deriving from Five College Digital Humanities grant with Nicholas Howe, professor of computer science

Mariem Ayadi '16 and Alice Yang '17
"Sentimentaly" (Web application): A Facebook Page Sentiment Analyzer; poster session deriving from classwork with Jordan Crouser, Visiting Assistant Professor MassMutual Fellow in Statistical and Data Sciences

Martha Miller AC
Interactive Data Visualization in Tableau: Exploring Degree Trends of Women in STEM; poster session deriving from classwork with Jordan Crouser, Visiting Assistant Professor MassMutual Fellow in Statistical and Data Sciences

Hee Jin '16
Multiple Object Tracking Using Convolutional Neural Network in Wireless Sensor Networks; poster session deriving from thesis work with Judith Cardell, professor of engineering

Ning Zhu '17
Precision of Electric Load Forecasting in Demand Response Programs; poster session deriving from special studies with Judith Cardell, professor of engineering

Victoria Schein '16
Four-Wheel-Steering (4WS) Mechatronic Control System Design Using Linear Quadratic Control Theory to Enhance Automotive Vehicle Lane-Keeping Performance; poster session deriving from thesis work with Judith Cardell, professor of engineering

Yijin Wei '16
Electric Power System Design for Miniature PEM Fuel Cells; science poster session deriving from thesis work with Denise McKahn, associate professor of engineering

Zoe Zandbergen '18
Ramshackle!: A Collaborative Building Game; poster session deriving from special studies with Borjana Mikic, R. B. Hewlett '40 Professor' of Engineering

Yezhezi Zhang '16, Lu Xia '17, Annie Murillo '16 and Audrey Ong '16
Wideband Acoustic Immittance Measures; poster session deriving from thesis work with Susan Voss, professor of engineering

Melody Cao '16, Sara Loric '16, Annie Murillo '16, Audrey Ong '16, Chelsea Orefice '16 and Emma Rocco '16
Design of a Hand-Held Data Acquisition Device For Flowmeter Voltage Data; poster session deriving from classwork sponsored by Schneider Electric with Susannah Howe, director of the design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering

Jessica Innis '17
Mundo: An Immersive Language Learning Application; poster session deriving from classwork with Susannah Howe, director of design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering, Mahnaz Mahdavi, professor of economics and faculty director of women and financial independence and Hélène Visentin, professor of French studies

Bianca Arevalo '16 and Ava Sharma '17J
iNetFlow: A Solution Finder; poster session deriving from classwork with Susannah Howe, director of design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering, Mahnaz Mahdavi, professor of economics and faculty director of women and financial independence and Jordan Crouser, Visiting Assistant Professor MassMutual Fellow of Statistical and Data Sciences

Carolyn Brown '16
Best Face Forward: A Professional Headshot Business; poster session deriving from classwork with Susannah Howe, director of design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering and Mahnaz Mahdavi, professor of economics and faculty director of women and financial independence

Aimee Rong '19 and Tasbiha Chowdhury '19
Tutor Town: An Online Community Promoting Academic Excellence; poster session deriving from classwork with Susannah Howe, director of design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering, Mahnaz Mahdavi, professor of economics and faculty director of women and financial independence and Alan Rudnitsky, professor of education and child study

Angela Upreti '16
A Decentralized Approach to Privacy in the Smart Grid; poster session deriving from thesis work with Judith Cardell, professor of engineering

Lujun Jian '17, Ayesha Khan '16, Emily Ohrtman '16, Youyou Tian '17 and Angela Upreti '16
Design of a System to Facilitate Screening For Pediatric Patients; poster session deriving from classwork sponsored by Baystate Health, with support from the Design Thinking Initiative with Susannah Howe, director of the design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering, Suzanne Gottschang, associate professor of anthropology, and Dominique Thiebaut, professor of computer science

Darpan Bohara '18 and Yashna Sureka '17J
Paysa: A Fingerprint Authorization System for Payment; poster session deriving from classwork with Susannah Howe, director of design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering, Mahnaz Mahdavi, professor of economics and faculty director of women and financial independence, Sarah Moore, assistant professor of engineering and Nicholas Howe, professor of computer science

Brea Dutt '16
Symbiosis: a Platform Connecting Nonprofits, Donors, and Volunteers; poster session deriving from classwork with Susannah Howe, director of design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering and Mahnaz Mahdavi, professor of economics and faculty director of women and financial independence

Leslie Hillsamer '16 and Josephine Surer '19
Green Guru: An Eco-Friendly Lifestyle; poster session deriving from classwork with Susannah Howe, director of design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering, Mahnaz Mahdavi, professor of economics and L.David Smith, professor of biological sciences

Malia Charter '16, Cecely Ogren '16 and Emi Rabe '16
Design of a Novel FIFA-Approved Soccer Ball; poster session deriving from classwork sponsored by UnderArmour and PSI 91 with Susannah Howe, director of design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering

Brittany Bennett '16, Christine Hart '16, Leen Hayek '16 and Katie Pritchard '16
Elm Street Dam Removal Design, Kingston MA; poster session deriving from classwork sponsored by Stantec with Susannah Howe, director of the design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering

Joanna Kenneally '16, Eliana Perlmutter '16, Sophia Poulos '16 and Jin Rui Yap '16
Design of Mass Central Rail Trail Extension into Haydenville, MA; poster session deriving from classwork sponsored by Mill River Greenway Initiative, HyGround Engineering, the Northampton Office of Planning and Sustainability, and the Northampton Department of Public Works with Susannah Howe, director of the design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering

Marina Biggio '17J, Bethany Claps '16 and Dakota Murray '16
Design of a Veress Needle Indicator For Minimally Invasive Surgery; poster session deriving from classwork sponsored by Medtronic with Susannah Howe, director of the design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering

Claire Dudek '16, Julieanna Niu '16 and Bailey Vaillancourt '16
Design of a Movable Inlet Guide Vane System for Centrifugal Compressors; poster session deriving from classwork sponsored by Dresser-Rand, A Siemens Business with Susannah Howe, director of the design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering

Laura Rosenbauer '18 and Sophia Poulos '16
An Inside Look at Engineering Capstone Design Programs Across the Country, poster session deriving from STRIDE research and CFCD-funded student research with Susannah Howe, director of the design clinic and senior lecturer in engineering

Jordan Menter '16
Models of Random Graphs; poster session deriving from special studies with Benjamin Baumer, assistant professor of statistical and data sciences

Meredith Wilde '16
Bases of Splines: Not So Basic; poster session deriving from classwork with Julianna Tymoczko, associate professor of mathematics and statistics

Alexandra Dupey '18
Data Wrangling to Examine Federal Support for Faculty Research and Programming at Smith and Peers; poster session deriving from STRIDE research with Kathryn Aloisio, Institutional Research Analyst and Minh Ly, Associate Director for Assessment

Chris Murray '16 and Michaela Chinn '16
Women Who Create: Writers, Artists, and Photographers of Voices and Visions; poster session deriving from creation of Voices and Visions, an online women's journal with Rosetta Cohen, Sylvia Dlugasch Bauman Professor of Education and Child Study

Government: Seelye 107

Sarah Cassidy-Seyoum, '16
French Islam in the Public Sphere: The Media, Official Rhetoric and Radicalization
Presentation deriving from thesis work with Gregory White, Mary Huggins Gamble Professor of Government

Ke (Coco) Zhang '16
The Cambodian Crisis at the End of the 1970s: International Humanitarian Aid and Documentary Representation
Presentation deriving from classwork with Mlada Bukovansky, professor of government

Kaitlyn Marasi '16
What is a Camp? What is a City? An Examination of Refugee Camp "Permanentization"
Presentation deriving from classwork with Mlada Bukovansky, professor of government

Health & Wellness: Seelye 202

Megan Baker '16, Clare Jacobson '16, and Rebecca Ratusnik '16
Investigating the Reproductive Health Literacy and Healthcare Access Among Tibetan Students Living in India
Presentation deriving from special studies and research trip to India with Leslie Jaffe, college physician and director of health services

Ella Ansell '16
The Challenges of Micro Health Insurance and the Benefits that Arise from Combining It with Microfinance: A Case Study of Parvati Swayamrojgar Yojana (Pune, India)
Presentation deriving from internship work for South Asia concentration with Andy Rotman, professor of religion

Kahn Liberal Arts Institute: Seelye 204

This session of presentations derives from research conducted by Student Fellows in the Kahn Liberal Arts Institute project titled Play with Michael Thurston, Wiliam R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of English Language & Literature.

Bree Currier '16
Play and Innovation

Lucy Gouvin '16
Encouraging Play Through Interface Design

Katie Mikulka '16
Moving Through Play, Playing Through Movement: Locations of Play in Dance Making, Performance, and Practice

Liz Tan '16
Learning Through Play with Synthetic and Biological Substrates

Diverse Literatures: Seelye 208

Dinah Lensing-Sharp '16
Sensational Internationals: Gender, Sexuality, and Foreignness in Ruth Landshoff-Yorck's Die Vielen und der Eine
Presentation deriving from thesis research with Dawn Fulton, professor of French studies, and Jocelyne Kolb, professor of German studies

Katie Welles '16
The Authenticity of Rachid Djaïdani's Work as Presented by the Media
Presentation deriving from classwork with Dawn Fulton, professor of French studies

Evelyn Mandel '17
Deconstructionism Applied to e. e. cummings
Presentation deriving from classwork with Anna Botta, professor of Italian and comparative literature

Economics & Philosophy: Seelye 211

Nadezhda Chotreva '16
Behavioral Economics of Principal-Agent Relations
Presentation deriving from special studies with Simon Halliday, assistant professor of economics

Marianna V. Mapes '16
Plato and Social Determinants of Health: Towards an Ethical Framework for Priority-Setting
Presentation deriving from thesis work with Susan B. Levin, professor of philosophy

English Language & Literature: Seelye 308

Erin Halling '16
Agency Against the (Super)Natural in Coleridge & Shelley
Presentation deriving from special studies with Cornelia Pearsall, professor of English language and literature

Julia Greider '16
The Peril of Audience in Sarah Waters' Victorian Novels
Presentation deriving from special studies with Cornelia Pearsall, professor of English language and literature

Emily (Mia) Council '16
The Floating Cities—Excerpt from a First Novel
Presentation deriving from special studies with Gillian Kendall, professor of English language & literature

Film Studies: Seelye 311

Yinan Song '16
Presentation deriving from independent research with Bernadine Mellis, Five College Lecturer in Film & Video Production

Elizabeth Walber '16
CAM GIRLS: A Thesis Film
Presentation deriving from thesis work with Alexandrea Keller, professor of film studies, and Bernadine Mellis, five-college lecturer in film and video production

InnovativeEducational Approaches: Seelye 312

Eleana Thompson '16
Translating Arabic into Psychology: Language Development in Saudi Arabian Children
Presentation deriving from Translation Studies Concentration project with Jill de Villiers, Sophia & Austin Smith Professor in Psychology

Tracie Benally '17
Beyond Grit: Self-Determination in Indigenous Education
Presentation deriving from classwork with Carol Berner, lecturer of education and child study

Brittany Collins '18
The Power of Presence: Integrating Mindfulness Practices into Physical Education
Presentation deriving from classwork with Carol Berner, a lecturer in education and child study

Bess Hepner '16
Unpacking Restaurant Worker Identities in Northampton: Community-Based Learning with PVWC
Presentation deriving from special studies work with Michelle Joffroy, associate professor of Spanish and Portuguese

Status, Livelihood, and Agency: Latinx Immigration in the U.S.: Seelye 313

This session of presentations derives from special studies with Velma Garcia, professor of government

Catherine Cain '16
Food, Livelihood, and Survival: Latinxs in Environmental Justice

Janette Oseguera '16
Gaining a Voice: DACAmented Latino/a Youth at the Center of Social Activism

Celia Meredith '16
Status and Benefits: Legal Frameworks of Access to Public Benefits for Undocumented Folks in Massachusetts

Poetry Concentration Capstone Research Projects: Seelye 101

This session of poetry readings derives from work for the Poetry Concentration Research Capstone project with Ellen Doré Watson, director of the Poetry Center and lecturer in English language and literature.

Sophia Deady '16, Elizabeth McCormack '16, Madison Chafin '17J, Marney Rathbun '16, Gabrielle Wolinksy '16, Shira Burns '16

Mellon-Mays Undergraduate Student Fellowships: Seelye 105

Beryl Ford '17, Jocelyn Proietti '16, Angela Acosta '17, Alyssa Flores '16, Miari Stephens '16, Sydney Brown '16, Shanice Bailey '17J, and Gabrielle Peterson '16
Future Professors Without Borders: A Roundtable Discussion with Mellon Mays Undergraduate Research Fellows
Panel presentation deriving from MMUF research with Naomi Miller, professor of English language and literature

Blackness in the Americas: Resistance, Rebellion, Revolution, Rights: Seelye 106

This session of presentations derives from classwork in history and sociology and special studies in digital education in history with Jennifer Guglielmo, associate professor in history, Ginetta Candelario, associate professor of sociology and of Latin American Studies, and Miriam Neptune, digital scholarship librarian.

Kayla Bernier-Sontag '16, Celine Rosak '16, Melanie Kennedy '16, Liz Curran-Groome '18, Zoraida Colon '18J, Aleah Robinson '17, Joanna Brinker Pennock '16, Nybria Acklin '18, Adriana Valerio AC, Maya Bonner '18, N'dea Drayton '16, Tyahra Angus '16, Makayla Wright '16, Tiara Austin '18

Africana Studies: Seelye 201

This session of presentations readings derives from special studies and classwork with Kevin Quashie, professor of Africana Studies, and Katwiwa Mule, associate professor of comparative literature.

Taina Bey '16
Movement's Time: Experiences of a Black Moving Body
Performance deriving from special studies with Kevin Quashie, professor of Africana Studies

Micah Collins-Sibley '16
"I Awoke from the Sound of My Own Voice": Practicing (Re)memory and Healing through Poetry
Performance deriving from classwork with Kevin Quashie, professor of Africana studies

Rahma Haji '17
Motherhood in African Literature
Presentation deriving from special studies with Katwiwa Mule, associate professor of comparative literature

Miranda Hanrahan-Beach '19
Mother/Whore: Womanhood in Athol Fugard's Tsotsi
Presentation deriving from classwork with Katwiwa Mule, associate professor of comparative literature

Book Studies Concentration: Seelye 207

This session of presentations derives from work for the Book Students Concentration with Martin Antonetti, curator of rare books and director of the Book Studies Concentration, and Barbara Blumenthal, rare book specialist.

Evanleigh Davis '16
'Skykid': An Illustrated Novel
Presentation deriving from a concentration project with Martin Antonetti, Rare Books and Marketing Outreach Director, and Barry Moser, Irwin & Pauline Alper Glass Professor of Art

Flannery Wiest, '16
"We are not now Gentlewomen of England:" Transcribing the Travel Diary of Lady Sarah Spencer Lyttelton
Presentation deriving from a concentration project with Martin Antonetti, Rare Books and Marketing Outreach Director

Nora Demick '16
Japanese Matchboxes and the Influence of the Avant-Garde
Presentation deriving from a concentration project with Martin Antonetti, Rare Books and Marketing Outreach Director

"Radical" Approach: An Interactive Exploration of Chinese Learning at Four Levels: Seelye 301

Kimberly Zhang '19, Ji Won Chung '19, Regina Wu '18, Nina Xue '18, Molly Hurd '18, Suyoung Moon '17J, Ellen Sulser '18, Sarah Porter '17J, and Paola Sanchez '16
Presentation deriving from classwork with Yalin Chen, lecturer of East Asian languages and literature, Ling Zhao, lecturer of East Asian languages and literature, and Marsha Liaw

Exploring Inner & Outer Space: Seelye 107

Pooja Somasundaram '16
Athletic Involvement and Exercise Habits Moderating the Relationship between Perfectionism and Disordered Eating Behavior
Presentation deriving from special studies with Alexandra Burgess, postdoctoral fellow & lecturer in psychology

Heather Kurtz '16
Peas in a Pod: Environment and Ionization in Green Pea Galaxies
Presentation deriving from thesis work with Anne Jaskot, research fellow & lecturer in astronomy

Sally Carttar '18
Hydrochemical Response of Avery Brook to a Fall Rain Event: The Role of Flowpath
Presentation deriving from special studies with Robert Newton, professor of geological science

Higher Education: Seelye 109

Kelsey Conti '17
The Crisis in the Inequality of Higher Education
Presentation deriving from special studies with Samuel Intrator, Director, Smith College Campus School

Saikun Shi '16
Student Debt as Indicator of Expected Future Earnings
Presentation deriving from classwork with Roger Kaufman, professor of economics

Community Engagement and Social Change Concentration: Seelye 206

This session of presentations derives from work for the Community Engagement and Social Change Concentration with Lucy Mule, associate professor of education & child study.

Cordelia Fuller '15, Megan Baker '16, Elizabeth Mata Santana '15, and Ana Ibarra '16
An Asset-Based Support System for New Volunteers in the JUNTOS Collaborative in Holyoke

Tziona Breitbart '16 and Serene Shi '16
A Guide for Implementing the MotherWoman Mother Support Model (MMSM) Among Low-Income Latin@ and African American Communities in Holyoke and Springfield

Hannah Sachs '16, Mary Inge '16, and Sasha Gayle-Schneider '16
A Skill-Sharing and Culturally Appropriate Model for Connecting Newly Arriving Refugees with Local Businesses and Organizations

Visualization, Food & Wardrobe: Seelye 208

Alexandra Asal '16
Kosher in Edom: Jewish Food Under Greco-Roman Rule
Presentation deriving from classwork with Lois Dubin, professor of religion

Kaila Temple '18
Researching Women's Wardrobes in 18th Century New England
Presentation deriving from special studies with Kiki Smith, professor of theatre

Li-Li Wu '16 and Alex Symeonides-Tsatsos '16
Visualizing Alice in Wonderland
Presentation deriving from special studies with Michael Thurston, William R Kenan, Jr. Professor of English Language & Literature, Barry Moser, Irwin & Pauline Alpers Glass Professor of Art and Printer to the College, and Kiki Smith, professor of theater