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Endowed Funds

The Lanning Fountain on the Smith College campus

Smith’s endowment is one of the smartest investments because it has such powerful returns: lives changed through education.

The Power of Endowed Funds

Endowed gifts exist in perpetuity. The gift is invested, the principal value remains untouched, and an established percentage of the income is distributed annually for Smith’s use. Behind each endowment gift is a personal motivation—to repay a debt of gratitude for the donor’s own education, to honor a loved one or teacher, or to make a positive impact on society.

Endowed professorships, scholarships, academic and research programs and facility funds provide permanent support for our faculty’s teaching and research and for our students’ educational experience. Beyond the specific uses of the income from these funds, however, the endowment is fundamental to the college’s ability to plan for the future and to manage the ups and downs of the economy. As a whole, it provides a steady and significant source of income to support our most critical operations. Investment returns from Smith’s endowment account for roughly one-third of the college’s annual operating revenue. And, with an Aa1 bond rating from Moody’s Investors Service, Smith remains in a strong financial position.

Smith has more than 2,290 endowed funds supporting:

  • scholarships
  • professorships
  • student internships
  • student-faculty research
  • facilities
  • and more

Endowment Activity

July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022

Smith’s endowment as of June 30, 2022 $2.5 billion
Endowment per student $826,000
Operating revenue funded by investment and endowment income 43 percent

Giving Opportunities

Opportunities for establishing endowed funds begin at $150,000. Donors receive annual reports on their endowed fund’s performance. You can learn more about these opportunities here or by contacting Betsy Carpenter ’93, associate vice president for development, at or 413-585-2052.


Alumnae Relations & Development
Alumnae House
33 Elm Street
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063
Phone: 800-526-2023 or 413-585-2020
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