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Career Development


Smith’s bold reimagining of career development has the goal of increasing career success and satisfaction for every alum. We envision a dynamic, cross-institutional process in which students benefit from career services that are individualized, developmentally staged and infused into their daily lives.

Our vision is closely linked with our commitment to equity and inclusion. Career programming will equalize the student experience by broadening the networks and resources accessible to first-generation and low-income students who may lack established networks to support their career goals.


“We are closing the gap between learning and work so that all students know that career exploration and skill-building is not peripheral, but central, to each of their four years at Smith.”
—Faith McClellan, Dean of Career Development

At the core of the new strategy are career communities, clusters that students select based on their career interests and strengths. Each community provides specialized programming, overseen by intensive coaching.

Students engage with networks of employers, alums, industry experts, faculty and staff, making important connections as they determine their internship and career readiness needs.

Here’s how a current student and two recent graduates are benefiting from Smith’s career development infrastructure as it deploys in phases:

Margaret Parks ’24 is learning everything she can about inclusive design, both on campus and through internships (including one at Boeing), as she aims for a career in engineering.

Isabelle Stevens ’22 is advancing her playwriting skills, gained at Smith and during college internships, in a MFA program at Boston University while simultaneously working in theater management.

Hannah Henson AC ’22 is breaking down barriers to education as a counselor for applicants to the Cornell MBA program, particularly women and candidates from marginalized communities.

Philanthropic Opportunities

Priority areas for philanthropic support include:

Endowed Program Fund: $250,000+

This fund provides the greatest flexibility to the program and will allow it to use funds where they are most needed.

Endowed Career Communities Fund: $250,000+

Endowed funds are needed to expand the career communities that power the new programming.

Endowed Technology Fund: $250,000+

Endowed funds will support leading edge technology to explore strengths, provide access to content experts, and connect employers, alums, faculty and students.

Endowed Internship Fund: $150,000+

Internship funding offers students the opportunity to receive a stipend for unpaid internships and supports experiential learning.

To learn more and to make a gift, contact Betsy Carpenter ’93, Associate Vice President for Development at 413-585-2052 or
