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Position Management

Position management at Smith is a process by which college leadership monitors FTE growth and headcounts, ensuring the workforce is appropriately balanced and focused on achieving the mission and strategy of the college. The college has implemented a systematic approach to position management requests allowing for consistent, fair and equitable responses to how requests are identified, evaluated, and approved. All positions are reviewed monthly by human resources and the budget office. Please work with your HR partner to discuss specifics of your workforce.

Process Based on Type of Action

The following types of position-related activities go through the position management process:

  • Replacing an existing position*
  • Hiring a new fixed-term position*
  • Hiring a centrally-funded temp or grant-funded role
  • Extending an existing fixed-term position or expanding hours for an existing position

* If hiring a new position or modifying an existing position by more than 25%, your HR partner will engage the Total Rewards team to complete a job evaluation.

  • Please allow up to two weeks for this analysis to be completed.
  • If there are no or minor changes (less than 25%) to an existing role, a job evaluation by the Total Rewards team is not needed.

Position Management Process

The position management process begins when an existing position becomes vacant or a new fixed-term position is created. As roles open, managers should assess whether roles can be refined, consolidated, etc. Please work with your HR partner to discuss the specifics of your workforce. Any changes to current staffing should go through the process as outlined in the table that follows. All requests for additions to staff need to go through the annual strategic initiatives process.

Steps to follow when you have a vacancy:

  1. Review the position request with your respective cabinet member and secure their approval to proceed
  2. Ensure the job description is accurate and up-to-date
    Note: if this is a new position or if material changes are being made to an existing position that change the role by 25% or more, it must be reviewed by your HR Partner and then the Total Rewards team prior to submission. Please allow up to two weeks for this review. 
  3. Fill out the Position Management Google Form to submit your request for approval. 
    The Position Management Committee generally meets during the first week of every month. The position management form should be submitted at least one week prior. 
  4. Generally about one week after the PMC meeting, your Recruiting Specialist will let you know if the position has been approved, and how to begin the recruitment process. For questions on the hiring process, please contact your Recruiting Specialist at

Use this table to navigate the steps for position approvals

Scenario Action
Straight replacement of staff
No or minor changes to current job
Submit position management form for approval.
Ensure job description is up to date. If there are minor changes to the description, note as such when you share it with your recruiting specialist or HR partner.
Repurpose open staff role
Proposal to change job materially e.g. changing the essential functions by greater than 25% or change in reporting relationship. Contact your HR Partner to discuss.
Submit position management form for approval.
Ensure job description is complete and has been reviewed by your HR partner and Total Rewards prior to submission (allow up to two weeks for Total Rewards review).
Extension of fixed-term staff
Use this category to request to extend the planned end date for a fixed-term role. Note that fixed-term positions are not part of the regular budgeted staff of the department.
Submit position management form with justification for extension and information regarding funding.
Change to regular hours
Select this category to request a modification of the standard hours for a job.
Submit position management form with justification for change to hours and information regarding funding.
Ensure job description is up to date and send it to your HR partner.
Addition of regular staff
Regularization of fixed-term to regular staff
Requests for additions to staff or regularization of fixed-term should go through the strategic initiative process. Please see your HR partner and cabinet member to discuss.
Addition of fixed-term staff, department funded Departments with funding may request a new fixed-term role through the position management process. Ensure the job description is complete and has been reviewed by your HR partner and Total Rewards prior to submission.
Addition or extension to grant-funded roles Grant-funded roles should go through the position management submission process for approval by the Office of Grants & Sponsored Research and your HR partner.
Temporary or casual position Approval for casual and agency temporary employees should be approved by your cabinet member and HR partner.
If the temporary employee is slated to cover a vacant position, or employee on leave, please complete the appropriate process as described under Hiring Temporary or Casual Workers (immediately following) to apply for central funding.


Hiring Temporary or Casual Workers

Step 1 

Hiring managers requesting to hire casual or temporary agency workers to provide short-term coverage during an employee’s leave of absence should complete the Request for Centrally-Funded Temporary Work.  

Please keep in mind the following:
  • The temporary worker’s responsibilities must fall within the job responsibilities of the employee on leave.
  • The temporary work generally should not last longer than the period of leave.
  • Temporary worker hours should not exceed 910 hours in a calendar year.

Step 2

The HR partner for the area will notify the manager if the temporary work is approved for central funding or if more information is needed before a final decision is granted.

  • Approved casual employee compensation/temporary agency invoices will be charged to central salary for the time period indicated on the form. 
  • Temporary work not approved for central funding will be charged to the department’s operating budget. 
  • The hiring manager should reach out to their HR partner if the employee’s leave of absence is extended.  The HR partner will update the temporary work end date and notify the budget office. Otherwise, central funding will end as of the date indicated on Request for Centrally-Funded Temporary Work.

Step 1

When a position becomes vacant, hiring managers should refer to Steps for Staff Recruitment & Hiring.  

Step 2

Hiring managers wishing to hire casual or temporary agency workers to provide short-term coverage following an employee termination should discuss their operational workforce needs with their HR partner and complete Request for Centrally-Funded Temporary Work. The temporary worker’s responsibilities must fall within the job responsibilities of the position.

Step 3

After reviewing the Request for Centrally-Funded Temporary Work, the hiring manager’s HR partner will notify the manager if the temporary work is approved for central funding or reach out with further questions. Approved casual employee compensation/temporary agency invoices will be charged to central salary for the period of time indicated on the form (generally about three months to cover the recruiting process). Temporary work not approved for central funding will be charged to the department’s operating budget. 

Step 4

Central funding for temporary work will end when the vacant position is filled. The hiring manager should reach out to their HR partner if it takes longer than 12 weeks to fill the position.

Casual employees are individuals paid by Smith and:

  • work fewer than 64 hours per month, or
  • work more than 64 hours per month, up to three months, or
  • work part-time more than three months ongoing (fewer than 17.5 hours per week) or full-time up to five months

Do you have approval from the cabinet or from senior staff? Do you have the budget? 

  • If yes - proceed to steps below
  • If no - work with the cabinet or senior staff for approval before moving forward

Email the following when you are ready for hire:

  • Name of worker
  • Personal email address
  • Job title
  • Brief Description of the job
  • Hourly rate
  • Name of Supervisor
  • Fund/Organization/Account to paid from
    If this causal role is being hired to cover for a full-time employee who is on an approved leave of absence, or to cover the work of an employee who has exited the job while you recruit for a replacement, you may qualify for central funding for a certain amount of time. Please refer to the Request for Centrally-Funded Temporary Work
  • Have they or do they currently work for Smith (include as contingents and retirees)?

After the HR operations team gets your casual employee setup in Workday, the system will initiate the hire process. Major milestones in the hiring and onboarding process are outlined as follows:

  • Network access is established after the employees’ Workday account and Smith email have been configured 
  • OneCards can be attained as soon as the employee Workday account is set up. A “99” employee number and picture ID are required. Stoddard Hall, room 24C
  • Everyone will need an I-9 and Cori. This happens towards the end of the hiring/onboarding process, after Smith email is established, government IDs and payment election tasks are completed in Workday

Please note: managers should inform casual employees to check Workday tasks daily to ensure the timely completion of the onboarding process. If days have gone by and they have not seen a “Complete I-9” event, we advise them to email human resources or call our offices.