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The Interactive Style Guide is the source for standards related to the style, navigation and maintenance of your website. By following these standards, you can ensure that your site remains attractive and well organized. Use the navigation to find guidelines and samples.

Home Page Images

Image Specifications

Block one (Empower)
1170 x 465 px

Block two (Academic)
746 x 355 px

Block three (Living at Smith)
746 x 322 px

Block four (Global Reach)
423 x 614 px

Block five (History)
1170 x 306 px

Block six (Northampton)
505 x 386 px

Block seven (Success Stories)
664 x 386 px

Homepage module

Featured Content Block

All content for the Featured Content Block module, used on the home page for the Smith in the Moment feature, is created and chosen by the content author, and does not feed in automatically.

Featured Content Block items have a category taxonomy (News, Profile, Exhibition, etc.) The items are interchangeable; they can appear as the featured item on the left, or as one of the three items on the right. The CMS will size the images appropriately.

Alternate View
An separate build mode displays Featured Content Block Items in a horizontal row of four. In this view, the display titles and categories do not appear.

504 x 310 px

Content Type
Featured Content Block
Featured Content Block Inline

Featured Content Block Item

Build Mode
Featured Content Block (grid)
Featured Content Block Inline (horizontal row)

Smith, in the Moment module


The Events module will diplay the next four Event elements of the proper taxonomy by calendar date; past events are removed automatically at midnight on the day the event took place, and the next event in sequence is added.

Event items show the date, a title, the location and time, and a brief description. Items can link out to more information.

Important events can be tagged by the admin and will display with a "Notable Event" icon. This feature is usually reserved for major all-college events.

Content Type
Event Block


Build Mode
Event Block

Screen shot of the events calendar module

footer call out module

Footer Call-Out

The footer call-outs are organized into "campaigns" (e.g., reasons to visit Smith, reasons to give) so they can be tailored to different areas of the site. The image and "reason," and the corresponding link to other content, load randomly with each page refresh.

The footer call-out is added to a page as a view. Select the appropriate argument number for the campaign you wish to display.

1170 x 353 px

Content Type
Footer Call Out Item

Tier 1 Hero Images

Tier 1 (T1) Banner

T1 banners are intended for use on landing pages for the top sections of the site (Admission, About Smith, etc.) and the six Topic pages (Smith's Global Reach, The Academic Program, etc.)

970 x 424 px (16x7)

Content Type
Banner Content

Build Mode
Wide Banner

Tier 2 hero images

Tier 2 (T2) Banner

T2 banners are intended for use on major content areas below the site's top landing pages (Courses of Study, College Events, etc.) These pages will typically have an in-page nav module or may be single-page sites.

970 x 303 px (16x5)

Content Type
Banner Content

Build Mode
T2 Banner

Tier 3 (T3) Banner

Tier 3 banners are similar to T1 banners but use a grey gradient background instead of a section color. They are intended for landing pages of high-level content areas or single-page sites, such as academic departments.

970 x 424 px (16x7)

Content Type
Banner Content

Build Mode
T3 Banner

Example of a T3 Banner image

Tier 4 (T4) Banner

Tier 4 banners are similar in size to the T2 banner, but use a grey gradient background instead of a section color.

970 x 303 px (16x5)

Content Type
Banner Content

Build Mode
T3 Banner

Example of a T4 Banner image



The one column layout supports separate blocks of rich text content via the CMS' rich text editor.

Topical Navigation

On topic landing pages, the Topic Navigation module is used so users can keep exploring the other five Smith topics. The topic that you are on should not appear in this module.

Content Call Out Item

186 x 344 px

Content Type
Content Block

Build Mode
Topical Navigation

topical navigation

Content Call Out

The Content Call Out displays a title, brief description and link for each Content Call Out Item. It is used for in-page navigation, callouts and access to related content. This callout module uses the same format and functionality as the In-Page Navigation module, but does not display the image or link text for the callout item items. 

This module is commonly used at the bottom of a page to link to additional or related content, and encourages the visitor to "keep exploring." The highlight color for this module follows the section color.

Content Type
Content Block

Content Call Out Item

Build Mode
Content Call Out

Content Call Out module

Promo Content

This three-column promo content module includes three promotional areas with description text, header and images. The content appears side-by-side on desktop and tablet and stacks on mobile.

678 x 423 px

Content Type
Three Column Promo

Content Call Out Item

Build Mode
Three Column Callout

Promo Content

In Page Navigation

This module uses Content Call Out Items as navigation links to children of the current page, and is used mainly on Tier 1 landing pages. An image and title provide a link. Content Call Out Items fill left to right, in three columns.

The accent color for this module follows the section color. The color cannot be customized.

696 x 391 px

Content Type
Content Block

Content Call Out Item

Build Mode
In Page Navigation

In Page Navigation

Tabs & Accordions

The tabs module is utilized on the Degrees & Programs landing page to display all majors, minors, concentrations, departments and graduate programs. The tabs module can be used on regular content landing pages and enables users to browse through different content topics one tab at a time. Each tab consists of a header and body. The body for each tab can be freeform content including formatted text, images and links. This module will support up to four tabs. Tabs can be used only as tier (wide) content.

An alternate view provides stacked accordions which open and close when clicked. This version has no limit on the number of tab items and can be used as tier (wide) and right-rail content.

Content Type

Tab Item

Build Modes
WYSIWYG Tabs (tab group)
WYSIWYG Accordion (stacked accordions)


Anchor List

On a single wide page, it may be convenient for users to provide links to the content sections they will find on that page. The anchor list provides direct links to any point on the page you specify. A "Back to Top" link appears when a visitor clicks any of the links, taking them back to the anchor list.

The anchor list links to ID tags (ex: <a id="anchor"> ) you must manually add to your content areas. 

Content Type
Anchor List

Build Modes
Full Content

Screen shot of the anchor list module


Video content is added to the video library and can then be displayed as tier (wide) content or on right-rail pages.

Video content includes an option to show in the library listing, and includes a taxonomy to show related videos. A 16x9 image should be uploaded for the library thumbnail; the video poster image is drawn from the video itself. Video pages include a caption and a time stamp. The module will integrate with Bits on the Run and YouTube embed codes. 

When shown as tier or right-rail content, the caption and time stamp do not display.

Content Type

Build Modes
Video Wide Page
Video in Right Rail Page


Photo Gallery

A photo gallery consists of a set of photos, each of which might have a caption. The photo gallery (and its set of photos) may be reused on multiple pages as desired. Individual photos can appear in more than one gallery.

The user may click the arrows to view a particular slide, but the gallery does not rotate automatically. Each slide can have a link to a different page.

There are two build modes for the gallery; one displays the photos at the full 1170-pixel width, and the other shows the same content at a maximum width of 970 pixels.

Image Specifications
1170 x 561 px

Content Type
Photo Gallery

Build Modes
Photo Gallery Wide (1170 px)
Photo Gallery 970 (970 px)

Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery Narrow

This photo gallery variant includes text and one or more associated images. It can be used as a smaller version of the photo galleries if there is no need for individual captions; the content on the left remains the same for all images if there is more than one. Slide-show controls are visible only if there are multiple images. 

Image Specifications
647 x 398 px

Content Type
Photo Gallery

Build Mode
Photo Gallery Narrow

Promo Content Wide

social media

Social Media

The social media module includes the latest posts from Smith’s Instagram and Twitter channels, and includes a listing of social media channel links.