2023 Passover
Wednesday Evening, April 5–Thursday Evening, April 13
Smith kosher dining follows orthodox dietary laws for the High Holidays. The meat kitchen is kashered under supervision and only food approved for Passover is prepared and served.
Please note: All Kosher lunches and dinners during Passover require reservations. Any student wishing to reserve meals at the Cutter/Ziskind Kosher line MUST fill out the reservation form. It is important to note that making a reservation commits you to a meal, as our chef prepares food based on reservations.
More information can be found in the Passover Letter from Pat Mahar, Dining Manager, and Maureen Raucher, Center for Religious and Spiritual Life.
If you find you are unable to attend a meal you have reserved, please give the dining staff at least 24 hours notice by emailing Pat Mahar at Monday through Friday, or Chef Hilary Mikucki at or ext. 2099.
For further information, please contact one of the references below.
Pat Mahar,
Cutter/Ziskind Kosher Kitchen x2099
Kosher Co-op Kitchen x5074
Maureen Raucher, Center for Religious and Spiritual Life, x2754
Center for Religious and Spiritual Life
Helen Hills Hills Chapel
Smith College
Northampton, Massachusetts 01063
(413) 585-2750 F (413) 585-2794
From: Pat Mahar, Dining Manager
Rabbi Noam Lerman
Joe Laur, Mashgiach
Chef Hilary Mikucki
To: Smith Students
The Jewish holiday of Passover is a holiday that celebrates and yearns for collective liberation. This year, Passover will take place from the evening of Wednesday, April 5 through the evening of Thursday, April 13. The Smith College Passover Seder will take place at 5:30 p.m. on the evening of Wednesday, April 5 in the Helen Hills Hills Chapel.
Kosher for Passover meals will be available from our Kosher dining line located in Cutter/Ziskind. There will be meat meals and parve alternatives offered to all students who sign up. Meals will be served on disposable dishes, and meal hours are posted on the Passover page.
IMPORTANT: These meals will be provided only to those who register in advance. It is not possible to increase food orders once the holiday begins. Please be mindful when you reserve meals. Meals that are made and unclaimed cause food waste and unnecessary added work for the staff. If you are unable to attend a meal that you had reserved, you must contact Pat Mahar and Hilary Mikcuki. The kitchen extension is 2099.
The Kosher line in Cutter/Ziskind will provide lunch and dinner for the eight days of Passover to all students who reserve meals.Registration for meals can only be done online on the Dining website. Please use this link to reserve meals. Reservations must be made by Friday, March 31, 2023. Breakfast does not require reservations.
Break fast, when people traditionally eat foods that were prohibited during Passover, will take place on Thursday, April 13 from 5–8:30 p.m. in the Helen Hills Hills Chapel Sanctuary.
On Wednesday, April 5 at 5:30 p.m., a First Night Seder will be sponsored by the Center for Religious and Spiritual life, and co-led by Rabbi Noam Lerman along with Smith students at the Helen Hills Hills Chapel. Please reserve a meal, prepared by Smith College Dining Services, on the online reservation form. Gluten-free matzah will be provided. Guests of Smith students are welcome to attend, but must register using the online reservation form.
All college dining halls will have matzah and hard boiled eggs available during all meals, and gluten-free matzah will be available at Chase/Duckett and Cutter/Ziskind. Kosher macaroons will be available for all teas.
Please call or email if you have any questions regarding Passover:
- Pat Mahar, Dining manager:, ext. 2318
- Rabbi Noam Lerman:
- Hilary Mikucki, Chef:, ext. 2099