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Student Staff Selection

The application and selection process for house community advisers (HCAs), house coordinators (HCs) and apartment managers (AMs) usually begins in early January, with an application deadline in March.


How to Apply (HCA, HC, AM)

We are glad you are thinking of applying to be a ResLife staff member! Applications for the 2023-2024 academic year are due on February 20, 2023.

To apply for a HCA, HC or AM leadership position, please use this link on the Smith Social Network to submit your application:


You will fill out or upload the following on the Social Network:

  • Application
  • Copy of your unofficial transcript (from BannerWeb)
  • Résumé

To apply, you will need to submit everything on the Smith Social Network; we do not accept paper applications. Your reference forms should be filled out online and submitted. More detailed instructions can be found on the Social Network.

To apply for the Coordinator of House Events (CHE) position please scroll down to the position description where you can find the application materials.

Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling and as needed basis.

Job Descriptions


The house community adviser (HCA) is a member of the administrative staff of the college via the Department of Residence Life and reports to an area director or assistant director of residence life for their assigned area. The HCA’s responsibilities require a combination of managerial and interpersonal skills aimed at developing a house environment in which individual responsibility and respect for differences are fostered and valued. The HCA is expected to act as a liaison between the residents of the house and the various service departments of the college; to work cooperatively with other house leadership; to coordinate with the house council on matters of internal governance, if applicable; and to be available regularly to students as a source of information, advice and help.

The HCA’s most direct link to the Department of Residence Life is their supervisor, who meets regularly with the HCA to provide information and support. Additionally, the assistant directors and the director of residence life are available to the HCA, as needed. The HCA will have the additional resource of a head resident who will be assigned leadership responsibilities related to a subgroup of HCAs/HCs/AMs and their houses. The HCA is encouraged to be involved in other campus activities but may not hold a major college office (e.g. president of the Student Government Association, chair of the Conduct Board, Bridge leader, ISP leader, orientation leader), nor make any commitments to student activities or organizations that would conflict with the responsibilities and time commands of the position. After personal and academic needs, an HCA’s primary commitment is to their house.

The HCA is expected to fulfill the following responsibilities (as well as other tasks assigned by their supervisors):

Community Development

  • Make a strong effort to get to know and develop a positive rapport with each resident and maintain a positive attitude.
  • Be available as the initial contact person for residents with any problems or concerns and respond or make referrals as appropriate.
  • Support house governance and attend house council meetings when applicable.
  • Meet with the house president (HP) and other residence life staff to discuss house issues and concerns (minimally once a month).
  • Play a strong role in the day-to-day interactions of residents. Make intentional and informal connections with residents both individually and collectively.
  • Serve as a leader and role model for the house community.
  • Facilitate peer mediation—using skills gained through social justice mediation training—in times of conflict.
  • Assess and research the needs of the community and implement appropriate data driven programming.

Educational Strategies

  • Each HCA will be responsible for supporting, implementing, facilitating and assessing the residence life curriculum. There are three strategies that each HCA will be responsible for implementing as part of the requirements of their position.
    • Self Directed Learning (Bulletin Boards)
    • Community/House meetings
    • Intentional Conversations
  • In addition to the educational strategies listed above, HCAs will facilitate community conversations utilizing SLACK or another application for community engagement for their house.
  • Consult with their coworkers and supervisor when planning and executing their educational strategies.
  • Help disseminate information on campus-wide events and promote involvement in inclusion and equity programs and other educational opportunities at the college.
  • Assist with the delivery of knowledge and referral resources provided by Smith to students regarding campus and national resources related to well-being and academic success.

Training, Supervision and Education

  • Attend residence life training in August—a two-week orientation/training program before new student orientation and the start of classes—and participate in monthly in-service trainings.
  • Attend a January training to take place at the end of interterm before spring classes begin.
  • Attend regular staff meetings as arranged by their supervisor (typically weekly, two-hour meetings on Tuesday evenings).
  • Meet for regularly scheduled supervisory/one-on-one meetings with their supervisor.
  • Participate in a formal HCA and supervisor evaluation process.
  • Submit weekly reports to your supervisor.
  • File community reports and other administrative paperwork as assigned by your supervisor in a timely manner.

House Responsibilites

  • Be accessible in the house often, especially during evening hours, house teas, and have meals with residents when possible.
  • Schedule two open hours a week (either in your room or in a house common space) where you are available to residents.
  • Learn the procedure for emergencies established by the college; communicate and disseminate these procedures to all members of the house.
  • Nights away should be taken with the permission of your supervisor. For each night away you must coordinate with your other house staff to confirm there is adequate coverage for the house.
  • Extended time away (two or more nights) should be arranged in advance with your supervisor.
  • Be in residence, working with the house (see social system expectations) on the nights the house has a registered event scheduled. This includes Winter Weekend, Spring Weekend and Senior Banquet events. It is expected that the house coordinates all events with HCAs and includes HCAs in selecting dates and times for events.
Maintain Community Standards
  • Know, understand and follow college policies and help other students understand their rights and responsibilities as members of the community.
  • Ensure that, as a student staff member, you uphold the policies of the college.
  • Address violations of college policy and complete the required documentation.
  • When necessary utilize campus safety as a resource.
House Administration
  • Communicate regularly with the other residence life staff members and HP and work with the house council on matters of internal governance. This may involve attending additional meetings. It is expected that these dates and times will be discussed in advance.
  • Serve as a communication link between students and the administration by posting and announcing information.
  • Meet biweekly with your fellow house HCA.
  • Assist with the housing assignments processes and other assigned tasks.
  • Support building services by reporting house damages and helping educate residents on how to place work orders.
  • Complete Health and Safety room inspections as directed by the department.
  • HCAs receive an annual programming allowance. HCAs must either work with their supervisor to make programming purchases or submit receipts for reimbursement. Receipts and paperwork for reimbursements should be submitted to their supervisor no more than two business days after the purchase is made.
  • Work with the other residence life house staff (including your assigned HR) to identify, publicize and staff five hours of house trunk room duty during the last week of spring classes and finals.
  • Provide access to the trunk room for residents who request access at least 24 hours in advance.
  • HCAs are responsible for house trunk room keys and neighborhood office keys.

Campus Breaks

  • Complete tasks associated with fall opening (including checking students in, identifying “no shows,” etc.), winter closing, and spring closing. HCAs must stay in their house until the day after the conclusion of the final exam period in the winter and the day after Commencement in the spring in order to complete closing duties.
  • Communicate early with their supervisor about when you are planning on leaving for Thanksgiving recess and Spring Break.
  • Staff who are working Thanksgiving recess or Spring Break are responsible for closing their assigned break houses.
  • Remain in residence during the full duration Senior Week. If time away is needed you are required to discuss this in advance with your supervisor and secure a contact person for the house.
  • Staff that are on campus for the full duration of interterm and have no other significant commitments during this time will be financially compensated for staffing houses. Houses will be staffed on a “first come, first serve” basis as there is limited funding for compensation.


  • Manage written requests and call in any emergencies for Facilities Management assistance.
  • Collaborate and utilize other college departments that support students.
  • Assist in educating your house about the room selection process and help answer resident questions.
  • Publicize and attend programs sponsored by the Department of Residence Life.
  • Participate in Cromwell Day events and encourage resident participation.
  • And other duties assigned by the college.


  • Display confidentiality, discretion, and good judgment in relationship to knowledge of information in the following specific areas:
  • Personal information about specific individuals; including pertinent identification data ( student ID numbers, addresses, etc.) and information about personal circumstances.
  • Any and all information pertaining to the College or conduct cases; including students involved, the existence of community reports, discussion of existing cases, or outcomes of conduct cases.
  • Any and all additional information that is deemed confidential as determined by your supervisor.


HCAs will receive the following stipend based on the number of years they have been on staff which will be disbursed via bi-weekly checks and is considered taxable wages.

First year on staff $5140
Second year on staff $5640
Third year on staff $6140

The HCA’s compensation will be prorated if their start or end date differs from the standard contract dates.

If the staff member agrees to work during interterm they will be compensated an additional $320 (approx.) for the year. 

The HCA may not hold a second campus job, regardless of whether or not they receive financial aid. The HCA may supplement their earnings with spot jobs and off-campus positions, after discussion with their supervisor.

The HCA must file I-9 and W-4 forms with the Student Payroll Office prior to employment. The HCA’s paychecks will not be issued if these forms are not completed.


The HCA must sign the Contract for Employment for Residence Life Student Staff Members.

The HCA must be a full-time matriculated student at Smith College throughout the period of employment and must maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA and not be on academic probation.

The HCA will be terminated (removed from their positions) at any time as a result of:

  • Violating the college’s alcohol or drug policies
  • Harming, endangering or threatening to harm another person.

The HCA’s employment may be terminated at any time as a result of the following conditions:

  • Violation of college policy,
  • Failure to comply with the conditions of a warning or probation as issued by their supervisor,
  • Failure to meet basic job expectations,
  • An unsatisfactory job evaluation,
  • Withdrawal from the college.

Resignation should be discussed with their supervisor. In the event of resignation or termination, the HCA will vacate their assigned room and return all keys to their supervisor or Clark Hall within 72 hours. Staff members who leave their position mid-year may not continue to live in the same house in which they were a staff member at the discretion of their supervisor. The assistant director will re-assign the former HCA to a new room.

Continuation of the appointment, remuneration, and benefits of the job is dependent upon satisfactory job performance and student status with the college.

Important Financial Note

These stipends may affect the HCA’s financial aid allotment. Because financial aid packages differ from student to student, any student interested in the HCA position should contact Student Financial Services for information about how the financial aid package may be affected. No student—whether on aid or not—may hold more than one “permanent” job on campus. This means that you cannot hold a second campus job; however, you may supplement your primary earnings with spot job earnings. The limitation of one primary job per student is to insure equity and opportunity among all students at Smith and has no bearing on whether you are on financial aid or not.

CO-OP (Tenney and Hopkins Houses)


The house coordinator (HC) is a member of the administrative staff of the college via the Department of Residence Life and reports to an area director or assistant director of residence life for their assigned area. The HC’s responsibilities require a combination of managerial and interpersonal skills aimed at developing a house environment in which individual responsibility and respect for differences are fostered and valued. The HC is expected to act as a liaison between the residents of the house and the various service departments of the college; to work cooperatively with other house leadership; to coordinate with the house council on matters of internal governance, if applicable; and to be available regularly to students as a source of information, advice, and help.

The HC’s most direct link to the Department of Residence Life is their supervisor, who meets regularly with the HC to provide information and support. Additionally, the assistant directors and the director of residence life are available to the HC, as needed. The HC will have the additional resource of a head resident who will be assigned leadership responsibilities related to a subgroup of HCAs/HCs/AMs and their houses.The HC is encouraged to be involved in other campus activities but may not hold a major college office (e.g. president of the Student Government Association, chair of the Conduct Board, Bridge leader, ISP leader, orientation leader), nor make any commitments to student activities or organizations that would conflict with the responsibilities and time commands of the position. After personal and academic needs, an HC’s primary commitment is to their house.

The HC is expected to fulfill the following responsibilities (as well as other tasks assigned by their supervisor):

Community Development

  • Make a strong effort to get to know and develop a positive rapport with each resident and maintain a positive attitude.
  • Be available as the initial contact person for residents with any problems or concerns and respond or make referrals as appropriate.
  • Support house governance and attend house meetings. 
  • Meet regularly with the elected house leaders.
  • Play a strong role in the day-to-day interactions of residents. Make intentional and informal connections with residents both individually and collectively.
  • Serve as a leader and role model for the house community.
  • Facilitate peer mediation using skills gained through social justice mediation training in times of conflict.
  • Connect at least once a month with your assigned HR either in a group or individual setting (for example: have a meal, go to an event on campus). 
  • Assess and research the needs of the community and implement appropriate data driven programming.

Educational Strategies

  • Each HC will be responsible for supporting, implementing, facilitating, and assessing the residence life curriculum. There are three strategies that each HC will be responsible for implementing as part of the requirements of their position.
    • Self Directed Learning (Bulletin Boards)
    • Community/House meetings
    • Intentional Conversations
  • In addition to the educational strategies listed above, HCs will facilitate community conversations utilizing SLACK or another application for community engagement for their house. 
  • Consult with their coworkers and supervisor when planning and executing their educational strategies. 
  • Help disseminate information on campus-wide events and promote involvement in inclusion and equity programs and other educational opportunities at the college.
  • Assist with the delivery of knowledge and referral resources provided by Smith to students regarding campus and national resources related to well-being and academic success.

Training, Supervision and Education

  • Attend residence life training in August—a two-week orientation/training program before new student orientation and the start of classes—and participate in monthly in-service trainings.
  • Attend a January training to take place at the end of interterm before spring classes begin.
  • Attend regular staff meetings as arranged by their supervisor (typically weekly, two-hour meetings on Tuesday evenings).
  • Meet for regularly scheduled supervisory/one-on-one meetings with their supervisor.
  • Participate in a formal HC and supervisor evaluation processes.
  • Submit weekly reports to your supervisor.
  • File community reports and other administrative paperwork as assigned by your supervisor in a timely manner.

House Responsibilities

  • Be accessible in the house often, especially during evening hours, house teas, and have meals with residents when possible. 
  • Schedule two open hours a week (either in your room or in a house common space) where you are available to residents.
  • Learn the procedure for emergencies established by the college, communicate and disseminate these procedures to all members of the house.
  • Nights away should be taken with the permission of the supervisor. For each night away you must arrange for another HR/HCA/HC to be a contact person for that evening. Leave contact and emergency information for residents.
  • Extended time away (two or more nights) should be arranged in advance with your supervisor.
  • Be in residence, working with the house (see social system expectations) on the nights the house has a registered event scheduled. This includes Winter Weekend, Spring Weekend and Senior Banquet events. It is expected that the house coordinates all events with HCs and includes HCs in selecting dates and times for events.
Maintain Community Standards
  • Know, understand and follow college policies and help other students understand their rights and responsibilities as members of the community.
  • Ensure that, as a student staff member, you uphold the policies of the college.
  • Address violations of college policy and complete the required documentation.
  • When necessary utilize campus safety as a resource.
House Administration
  • Communicate regularly with the other elected house leaders on matters of internal governance. This may involve attending additional meetings. It is expected that these dates and times will be discussed in advance.
  • Serve as a communication link between students and the administration by posting and announcing information.
  • Assist with the housing assignments processes and other assigned tasks.
  • Support building services by reporting house damages and helping educate residents on how to place work orders.
  • Complete Health and Safety room inspections as directed by the department.
  • HCs receive an annual programming allowance. HCs must either work with their supervisor to make programming purchases or submit receipts for reimbursement. Receipts and paperwork for reimbursements should be submitted to their supervisor no more than two business days after the purchase is made.
  • Work with the other residence life house staff (including your assigned HR) to identify, publicize and staff five hours of house trunk room duty during the last week of spring classes and finals.
  • Provide access to the trunk room for residents who request access at least 24 hours in advance.
  • HCs are responsible for house trunk keys and neighborhood office keys.

Campus Breaks

  • Complete tasks associated with fall opening (including checking students in, identifying “no shows,” etc.), winter closing, and spring closing. HCs must stay in their house until the day after the conclusion of final exam period the winter and the day after Commencement in the spring in order to complete closing duties.
  • Communicate early with your supervisor about when you are planning on leaving for autumn and Thanksgiving recesses, and Spring Break.
  • Staff who are working Thanksgiving recess or Spring Break are responsible for closing their assigned break houses.
  • Remain in residence during the full duration Senior Week. If time away is needed you are required to discuss this in advance with your AC and secure a contact person for the house.
  • Staff that are on campus for the full duration of interterm and have no other significant commitments during this time will be financially compensated for staffing houses. Houses will be staffed on a “first come, first serve” basis as there is limited funding for compensation.


  • Manage written requests and call in any emergencies for Facilities Management assistance.
  • Collaborate and utilize other college departments that support students.
  • Assist in educating your house about the room selection process and help answer resident questions.
  • Publicize and attend programs sponsored by the Department of Residence Life.
  • Participate in Cromwell Day events and encourage resident participation.
  • And other duties assigned by the college.

Co-op Specific Responsibilities

  • Assess and research the needs of the community and implement appropriate data driven programming.
  • Establish a chore wheel and hold residents accountable for completing assigned tasks.
  • Collaborate with food and finance coordinators and all residents to ensure healthy, safe and economical management of the cooperative kitchen.
  • Meet regularly with the food coordinator, finance coordinator and area coordinator about the general management of the house.
  • Facilitate community discussions about the responsibilities of living in a cooperative community.
  • Communicate with their supervisor about residents who are not adhering to house community standards.


Display confidentiality, discretion, and good judgment in relationship to knowledge of information in the following specific areas:

  • Personal information about specific individuals; including pertinent identification data ( student ID numbers, addresses, etc.) and information about personal circumstances.
  • Any and all information pertaining to the college or conduct cases; including students involved, the existence of community reports, discussion of existing cases, or outcomes of conduct cases.
  • Any and all additional information that is deemed confidential as determined by your supervisor.


HCs will receive the following stipend based on the number of years they have been on staff which will  disbursed via bi-weekly checks and is considered taxable wages. 

First year on staff $5140
Second year on staff $5640
Third year on staff $6140

The HC’s compensation will be prorated if their start or end date differs from the standard contract dates. 

If the staff member agrees to work during interterm they will be compensated an additional $320 (approx.) for the year.

The HC may not hold a second campus job, regardless of whether or not they receive financial aid. The HC may supplement their earnings with spot jobs and off-campus positions, after discussion with their supervisor.

The HC must file I-9 and W-4 forms with the Student Payroll Office prior to employment. The HC’s paychecks will not be issued if these forms are not completed.


The HC must sign the Contract for Employment for Residence Life Student Staff Members.

The HC must be a full-time matriculated student at Smith College throughout the period of employment and must maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA and not be on academic probation.

The HC will be terminated (removed from their positions) at any time as a result of:

  • Violating the college’s alcohol or drug policies
  • Harming, endangering or threatening to harm another person.

The HC’s employment may be terminated at any time as a result of the following conditions:

  • Violation of college policy,
  • Failure to comply with the conditions of a warning or probation as issued by their supervisor,
  • Failure to meet basic job expectations,
  • An unsatisfactory job evaluation,
  • Withdrawal from the college.

Resignation should be discussed with their supervisor. In the event of resignation or termination, the HC will vacate their assigned room and return all keys to their supervisor or Clark Hall within 72 hours.  Staff members who leave their position mid-year may not continue to live in the same house in which they were a staff member at the discretion of their supervisor. The assistant director will re-assign the former HC to a new room.

Continuation of the appointment, and the remuneration and benefits, is dependent upon satisfactory job performance and student status with the college.

Important Financial Note

These stipends may affect the HC’s financial aid allotment. Because financial aid packages differ from student to student, any student interested in the HC position should contact Student Financial Services for information about how the financial aid package may be affected. No student whether on aid or not may hold more than one “permanent” job on campus. This means that you cannot hold a second campus job; however, you may supplement your primary earnings with spot job earnings. The limitation of one primary job per student is to insure equity and opportunity among all students at Smith and has no bearing on whether you are on financial aid or not.

Ada Comstock—150 Elm Street and 44/54 Green Street 


The house coordinator (HC) is a member of the administrative staff of the college via the Department of Residence Life and reports to an area director or assistant director of residence life of assigned area. The HC’s responsibilities require a combination of managerial and interpersonal skills aimed at developing a house environment in which individual responsibility and respect for differences are fostered and valued. The HC is expected to act as a liaison between the residents of the house and the various service departments of the college; to work cooperatively with other house leadership; to coordinate with the house council on matters of internal governance, if applicable; and to be available regularly to students as a source of information, advice, and help.

The HC’s most direct link to the Department of Residence Life is their supervisor, who meets regularly with the HC to provide information and support. Additionally, the assistant directors and the director of residence life are available to the HC, as needed. The HC is encouraged to be involved in other campus activities but may not hold a major college office (e.g. president of the Student Government Association, chair of the Conduct Board, Bridge leader, ISP leader, orientation leader), nor make any commitments to student activities or organizations that would conflict with the responsibilities and time commands of the position. After personal and academic needs, an HC’s primary commitment is to their house.

The HC is expected to fulfill the following responsibilities (as well as other tasks assigned by their supervisor):

Community Development

  • Make a strong effort to get to know and develop a positive rapport with each resident and maintain a positive attitude.
  • Be available as the initial contact person for residents with any problems or concerns and respond or make referrals as appropriate.
  • Support house governance and attend house meetings.
  • Meet regularly with the elected house leaders.
  • Play a strong role in the day-to-day interactions of residents. Make intentional and informal connections with residents both individually and collectively.
  • Serve as a leader and role model for the house community.
  • Facilitate peer mediation using skills gained through social justice mediation training in times of conflict.
  • Assess and research the needs of the community and implement appropriate data driven programming.

Educational Strategies

  • Each HC will be responsible for supporting, implementing, facilitating, and assessing the Residence Life curriculum. There are three strategies that each HC will be responsible for implementing as part of the requirements of their position.
    • Self Directed Learning (Bulletin Boards)
    • Community/House meetings
    • Intentional Conversations
  • In addition to the educational strategies listed above, HCs will facilitate community conversations utilizing SLACK or another application for community engagement for their house.
  • Consult with their coworkers and supervisor when planning and executing their educational strategies.
  • Help disseminate information on campus-wide events and promote involvement in inclusion and equity programs and other educational opportunities at the college.
  • Assist with the delivery of knowledge and referral resources provided by Smith to students regarding campus and national resources related to well-being and academic success.

Training, Supervision and Education

  • Attend residence life training in August—a two-week orientation/training program before new student orientation and the start of classes—and participate in monthly in-service trainings.
  • Attend a January training to take place at the end of interterm before spring classes begin.
  • Attend regular staff meetings as arranged by their supervisor (typically weekly, two-hour meetings on Tuesday evenings).
  • Meet for regularly scheduled supervisory/one-on-one meetings with their supervisor.
  • Participate in a formal HC and supervisor evaluation processes.
  • Submit weekly reports to your supervisor.
  • File community reports and other administrative paperwork as assigned by your supervisor in a timely manner.

House Responsibilities

  • Be accessible in the house often, especially during evening hours, house teas, and have meals with residents when possible.
  • Schedule two open hours a week (either in your room or in a house common space) where you are available to residents.
  • Learn the procedure for emergencies established by the college, communicate and disseminate these procedures to all members of the house.
  • Nights away should be taken with the permission of the supervisor. For each night away you must arrange for another HR/HCA/HC to be a contact person for that evening. Leave contact and emergency information for residents.
  • Extended time away (two or more nights) should be arranged in advance with your supervisor.
  • Be in residence, working with the house (see social system expectations) on the nights the house has a registered event scheduled. This includes Winter Weekend, Spring Weekend and Senior Banquet events. It is expected that the house coordinates all events with HCs and includes HCs in selecting dates and times for events.
Maintain Community Standards
  • Know, understand and follow college policies and help other students understand their rights and responsibilities as members of the community.
  • Ensure that, as a student staff member, you uphold the policies of the college.
  • Address violations of college policy and complete the required documentation.
  • When necessary utilize campus safety as a resource.
House Administration
  • Assist with the housing assignments processes and other assigned tasks.
  • Support building services by reporting house damages and helping educate residents on how to place work orders.
  • Complete Health and Safety room inspections as directed by the department.
  • HCs receive an annual programming allowance. HCs must either work with their supervisor to make programming purchases or submit receipts for reimbursement. Receipts and paperwork for reimbursements should be submitted to their supervisor no more than two business days after the purchase is made.
  • Work with the other residence life house staff (including your assigned HR) to identify, publicize and staff five hours of house trunk room duty during the last week of spring classes and finals.
  • Provide access to the trunk room for residents who request access at least 24 hours in advance.
  • HCs are responsible for house trunk keys and neighborhood office keys.

Campus Breaks

  • Complete tasks associated with fall opening (including checking students in, identifying “no shows,” etc.), winter closing, and spring closing. HCs must stay in their house until the day after the conclusion of final exam period the winter and the day after Commencement in the spring in order to complete closing duties.
  • Communicate early with your supervisor about when you are planning on leaving for autumn and Thanksgiving recess, and Spring Break.
  • Staff who are working Thanksgiving recess or Spring Break are responsible for closing their assigned break houses.
  • Remain in residence during the full duration Senior Week. If time away is needed you are required to discuss this in advance with your AC and secure a contact person for the house.
  • Staff that are on campus for the full duration of interterm and have no other significant commitments during this time will be financially compensated for staffing houses. Houses will be staffed on a “first come, first serve” basis as there is limited funding for compensation.


  • Manage written requests and call in any emergencies for Facilities Management assistance.
  • Collaborate and utilize other college departments that support students.
  • Assist in educating your house about the room selection process and help answer resident questions.
  • Publicize and attend programs sponsored by the Department of Residence Life.
  • Participate in Cromwell Day events and encourage resident participation.
  • And other duties assigned by the college.

150 Elm and 44/54 Green Street Specific Responisibilities

  • Be informed of events and activities that specifically impact Ada Comstock students.
  • Work with their supervisor to collaborate with other staff members who are working with Ada Comstock students.


Display confidentiality, discretion, and good judgment in relationship to knowledge of information in the following specific areas:

  • Personal information about specific individuals; including pertinent identification data (student ID numbers, addresses, etc.) and information about personal circumstances.
  • Any and all information pertaining to the college or conduct cases; including students involved, the existence of community reports, discussion of existing cases, or outcomes of conduct cases.
  • Any and all additional information that is deemed confidential as determined by your supervisor.


HCs will receive the following stipend based on the number of years they have been on staff which will be disbursed via bi-weekly checks and is considered taxable wages. 

First year on staff $5140
Second year on staff $5640
Third year on staff $6140

The HC’s compensation will be prorated if their  start or end date differs from the standard contract dates. 

If the staff member agrees to work during interterm they will be compensated an additional $320 (approx.) for the year.

The HC may not hold a second campus job, regardless of whether or not they receive financial aid. The HC may supplement their earnings with spot jobs and off-campus positions, after discussion with the AD.

The HC must file I-9 and W-4 forms with the Student Payroll Office prior to employment. The HC’s paychecks will not be issued if these forms are not completed.


The HC must sign the Contract for Employment for Residence Life Student Staff Members.

The HC must be a full-time matriculated student at Smith College throughout the period of employment and must maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA and not be on academic probation.

The HC will be terminated (removed from their positions) at any time as a result of:

  • Violating the college’s alcohol or drug policies
  • Harming, endangering or threatening to harm another person.

The HC’s employment may be terminated at any time as a result of the following conditions:

  • Violation of college policy,
  • Failure to comply with the conditions of a warning or probation as issued by their supervisor,
  • Failure to meet basic job expectations,
  • An unsatisfactory job evaluation,
  • Withdrawal from the college.

Resignation should be discussed with their supervisor. In the event of resignation or termination, the HC will vacate their assigned room and return all keys to their supervisor or Clark Hall within 72 hours. Staff members who leave their position mid-year may not continue to live in the same house in which they were a staff member at the discretion of their supervisor. The assistant director will re-assign the former HC to a new room.

Continuation of the appointment, and the remuneration and benefits, is dependent upon satisfactory job performance and student status with the college.

Important Financial Note

These stipends may affect the HC’s financial aid allotment. Because financial aid packages differ from student to student, any student interested in the HC position should contact the Student Financial Services for information about how the financial aid package may be affected. No student whether on aid or not may hold more than one “permanent” job on campus. This means that you cannot hold a second campus job; however, you may supplement your primary earnings with spot job earnings. The limitation of one primary job per student is to insure equity and opportunity among all students at Smith and has not bearing on whether you are on financial aid or not.

Affinity House (Park Annex and Parsons Annex)


The house coordinator (HC) is a member of the administrative staff of the college via the Department of Residence Life and reports to an area director or assistant director of residence life for their assigned area. The HC’s responsibilities require a combination of managerial and interpersonal skills aimed at developing a house environment in which individual responsibility and respect for differences are fostered and valued. The HC is expected to act as a liaison between the residents of the house and the various service departments of the college; to work cooperatively with other house leadership; to coordinate with the house council on matters of internal governance, if applicable; and to be available regularly to students as a source of information, advice and help.

The HC’s most direct link to the Department of Residence Life is their supervisor, who meets regularly with the HC to provide information and support. Additionally, the assistant directors and the director of residence life are available to the HC, as needed. The HC will have the additional resource of a head resident who will be assigned leadership responsibilities related to a subgroup of HCAs/HCs/AMs and their houses. The HC is encouraged to be involved in other campus activities but may not hold a major college office (e.g. president of the Student Government Association, chair of the Conduct Board, Bridge leader, ISP leader, orientation leader), nor make any commitments to student activities or organizations that would conflict with the responsibilities and time commands of the position. After personal and academic needs, an HC’s primary commitment is to their house.

The HC is expected to fulfill the following responsibilities (as well as other tasks assigned by their supervisor):

Community Development

  • Make a strong effort to get to know and develop a positive rapport with each resident and maintain a positive attitude.
  • Be available as the initial contact person for residents with any problems or concerns and respond or make referrals as appropriate.
  • Support house governance and attend house council meetings when applicable.
  • Meet regularly with the elected house leaders.
  • Play a strong role in the day-to-day interactions of residents. Make intentional and informal connections with residents both individually and collectively.
  • Serve as a leader and role model for the house community.
  • Facilitate peer mediation using skills gained through social justice mediation training in times of conflict.
  • Connect at least once a month with your assigned HR either in a group or individual setting (for example: have a meal, go to an event on campus).
  • Assess and research the needs of the community and implement appropriate data driven programming.

Educational Strategies

  • Each HC will be responsible for supporting, implementing, facilitating, and assessing the residence life curriculum. There are three strategies that each HC will be responsible for implementing as part of the requirements of their position.
    • Self Directed Learning (Bulletin Boards)
    • Community/House meetings
    • Intentional Conversations
  • In addition to the educational strategies listed above, HCs will facilitate community conversations utilizing SLACK or another application for community engagement for their house.
  • Consult with their coworkers and supervisor when planning and executing their educational strategies.
  • Help disseminate information on campus-wide events and promote involvement in inclusion and equity programs and other educational opportunities at the college.
  • Assist with the delivery of knowledge and referral resources provided by Smith to students regarding campus and national resources related to well-being and academic success.

Training, Supervision and Education

  • Attend residence life training in August—a two-week orientation/training program before
  • new student orientation and the start of classes—and participate in monthly in-service trainings.
  • Attend a January training to take place at the end of interterm before spring classes begin.
  • Attend regular staff meetings as arranged by their supervisor (typically weekly, two-hour meetings on Tuesday evenings).
  • Meet for regularly scheduled supervisory/one-on-one meetings with their supervisor.
  • Participate in a formal HC and supervisor evaluation processes.
  • Submit weekly reports to your supervisor.
  • File community reports and other administrative paperwork as assigned by your supervisor in a timely manner.

House Responsibilities

  • Be accessible in the house often, especially during evening hours, house teas, and have meals with residents when possible.
  • Schedule two open hours a week (either in your room or in a house common space) where you are available to residents.
  • Learn the procedure for emergencies established by the college, communicate and disseminate these procedures to all members of the house.
  • Nights away should be taken with the permission of the supervisor. For each night away you must arrange for another HR/HCA/HC to be a contact person for that evening. Leave contact and emergency information for residents.
  • Extended time away (two or more nights) should be arranged in advance with your supervisor.
  • Be in residence, working with the house (see social system expectations) on the nights the house has a registered event scheduled. This includes Winter Weekend, Spring Weekend and Senior Banquet events. It is expected that the house coordinates all events with HCs and includes HCs in selecting dates and times for events.
Maintain Community Standards
  • Know, understand and follow college policies and help other students understand their rights and responsibilities as members of the community.
  • Ensure that, as a student staff member, you uphold the policies of the college.
  • Address violations of college policy and complete the required documentation.
  • When necessary utilize campus safety as a resource.
House Administration
  • Communicate regularly with the other elected house leaders on matters of internal governance. This may involve attending additional meetings. It is expected that these dates and times will be discussed in advance.
  • Serve as a communication link between students and the administration by posting and announcing information.
  • Assist with the housing assignments processes and other assigned tasks.
  • Support building services by reporting house damages and helping educate residents on how to place work orders.
  • Complete Health and Safety room inspections as directed by the department.
  • HCs receive an annual programming allowance. HCs must either work with their supervisor to make programming purchases or submit receipts for reimbursement. Receipts and paperwork for reimbursements should be submitted to their supervisor no more than two business days after the purchase is made.
  • Work with the other residence life house staff (including your assigned HR) to identify, publicize and staff five hours of house trunk room duty during the last week of spring classes and finals.
  • Provide access to the trunk room for residents who request access at least 24 hours in advance.
  • HCs are responsible for house trunk keys and neighborhood office keys.

Campus Breaks

  • Complete tasks associated with fall opening (including checking students in, identifying “no shows,” etc.), winter closing, and spring closing. HCs must stay in their house until the day after the conclusion of final exam period the winter and the day after Commencement in the spring in order to complete closing duties.
  • Communicate early with your supervisor about when you are planning on leaving for autumn and Thanksgiving recesses, and Spring Break.
  • Staff who are working Thanksgiving recess or Spring Break are responsible for closing their assigned break houses.
  • Remain in residence during the full duration Senior Week. If time away is needed you are required to discuss this in advance with your AC and secure a contact person for the house.
  • Staff that are on campus for the full duration of interterm and have no other significant commitments during this time will be financially compensated for staffing houses. Houses will be staffed on a “first come, first serve” basis as there is limited funding for compensation.


  • Manage written requests and call in any emergencies for Facilities Management assistance.
  • Collaborate and utilize other college departments that support students.
  • Assist in educating your house about the room selection process and help answer resident questions.
  • Publicize and attend programs sponsored by the Department of Residence Life.
  • Participate in Cromwell Day events and encourage resident participation.
  • And other duties assigned by the college.


Display confidentiality, discretion, and good judgment in relationship to knowledge of information in the following specific areas:

  • Personal information about specific individuals; including pertinent identification data (student ID numbers, addresses, etc.) and information about personal circumstances.
  • Any and all information pertaining to the college or conduct cases; including students involved, the existence of community reports, discussion of existing cases, or outcomes of conduct cases.
  • Any and all additional information that is deemed confidential as determined by your supervisor.


HCs will receive the following stipend based on the number of years they have been on staff which will  disbursed via bi-weekly checks and is considered taxable wages. 

First year on staff $5140
Second year on staff $5640
Third year on staff $6140

The HC’s compensation will be prorated if their start or end date differs from the standard contract dates. 

If the staff member agrees to work during interterm they will be compensated an additional $230 (approx.) for the year.

The HC may not hold a second campus job, regardless of whether or not they receive financial aid. The HC may supplement their earnings with spot jobs and off-campus positions, after discussion with their supervisor.

The HC must file I-9 and W-4 forms with the Student Payroll Office prior to employment. The HC’s paychecks will not be issued if these forms are not completed.


The HC must sign the Contract for Employment for Residence Life Student Staff Members.

The HC must be a full-time matriculated student at Smith College throughout the period of employment and must maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA and not be on academic probation.

The HC will be terminated (removed from their positions) at any time as a result of:

  • Violating the college’s alcohol or drug policies
  • Harming, endangering or threatening to harm another person.

The HC’s employment may be terminated at any time as a result of the following conditions:

  • Violation of college policy,
  • Failure to comply with the conditions of a warning or probation as issued by their supervisor,
  • Failure to meet basic job expectations,
  • An unsatisfactory job evaluation,
  • Withdrawal from the college.

Resignation should be discussed with their supervisor. In the event of resignation or termination, the HC will vacate their assigned room and return all keys to their supervisor or Clark Hall within 72 hours. Staff members who leave their position mid-year may not continue to live in the same house in which they were a staff member at the discretion of their supervisor. The assistant director will re-assign the former HC to a new room.

Continuation of the appointment, and the remuneration and benefits, is dependent upon satisfactory job performance and student status with the college.

Important Financial Note

These stipends may affect the HC’s financial aid allotment. Because financial aid packages differ from student to student, any student interested in the HC position should contact Student Financial Services for information about how the financial aid package may be affected. No student whether on aid or not may hold more than one “permanent” job on campus. This means that you cannot hold a second campus job; however, you may supplement your primary earnings with spot job earnings. The limitation of one primary job per student is to insure equity and opportunity among all students at Smith and has no bearing on whether you are on financial aid or not.

Friedman and  Conway Apartments


The Apartment Manager (AM) is a member of the administrative staff of the college via the Department of Residence Life and reports to an area director or assistant director of residence life for their assigned area. The AM is expected to act as a liaison between the residents of the house and the various service departments of the college and to be available regularly to students as a source of information, advice, and help.
The AM’s most direct link to the Department of Residence Life is their supervisor, who meets regularly with the AM to provide information and support.  Additionally, the assistant directors and the director of residence life are available to the AM, as needed. The AM is encouraged to be involved in other campus activities but may not hold a major college office (e.g. president of the Student Government Association, chair of the Conduct Board, Bridge leader, ISP leader, orientation leader), nor make any commitments to student activities or organizations that would conflict with the responsibilities and time commands of the position. After personal and academic needs, an AM’s primary commitment is to their apartment complex.
There are two AMs for the Friedman apartments and one for Conway House.
The AM is expected to fulfill the following responsibilities:

Training, Supervision and Education

  • Attend residence life training in August—a two-week orientation/training program before new student orientation and the start of classes—and participate in monthly in-service trainings.
  • Attend a January training to take place at the end of interterm before spring classes begin.
  • Attend regular staff meetings as arranged by their supervisor (typically weekly, two-hour meetings on Tuesday evenings).
  • Meet for regularly scheduled supervisory/one-on-one meetings with their supervisor.
  • Participate in a formal AM and supervisor evaluation processes.
  • Submit weekly reports to your supervisor.
  • File community reports and other administrative paperwork as assigned by your supervisor in a timely manner.

Apartment Responsibilites

  • Be accessible in the apartment complex often.
  • Be available for two apartment hours per week when you are accessible to house members. These hours should be widely posted in the complex with some of that time spent walking around the apartments to see residents and note facilities concerns.
  • Learn the procedure for emergencies established by the college, communicate and disseminate these procedures to all members of the house.
  • Nights away should be taken within reason and with the permission of their supervisor. For each night away you must arrange for another AM/HR/HCA/HC to be a contact person for that evening. Leave contact and emergency information for residents.
  • Extended time away (two or more nights) should be discussed in advance with your supervisor.
Maintain Community Standards
  • Know, understand and follow college policies and help other students understand their rights and responsibilities as members of the community.
  • Ensure that, as a student staff member, you uphold the policies of the college.
  • Address violations of college policy and complete the required documentation.
  • When necessary utilize campus safety as a resource.
House Administration
  • Serve as a communication link between students and the administration by posting and announcing information.
  • Assist with the housing assignments processes and other assigned tasks.
  • Support building services by reporting house damages and helping educate residents on how to place work orders.
  • Complete Health and Safety room inspections as directed by the department.
  • AMs are responsible for neighborhood office keys.

House Specific Responsibilities 

  • Manage house funds and social dues.
  • Be aware of the issues and needs of families living together with children.
  • Help with apartment party registration/explain party registration process to residents.
  • Monitor condition of complex laundry room.
  • Manage social dues.

Campus Breaks

  • Complete tasks associated with fall opening (including checking students in, identifying “no shows,” etc.), winter closing, and spring closing. AMs must stay in their house until the day after the conclusion of final exam period in the winter and the day after Commencement in the spring in order to complete closing duties.
  • Communicate early with their supervisor about when you are planning on leaving for Thanksgiving recess and Spring Break.
  • Staff who are working Thanksgiving recess or Spring Break are responsible for closing their assigned break houses.
  • Remain in residence during the full duration Senior Week. If time away is needed you are required to discuss this in advance with your supervisor and secure a contact person for the house.
  • Staff that are on campus for the full duration of interterm and have no other significant commitments during this time will be financially compensated for staffing houses. Houses will be staffed on a “first come, first serve” basis as there is limited funding for compensation.


  • Manage written requests and call in any emergencies for Facilities Management assistance.
  • Collaborate and utilize other college departments that support students.
  • Assist in educating your house about the room selection process and help answer resident questions.
  • Publicize and attend programs sponsored by the Department of Residence Life.
  • Participate in Cromwell Day events and encourage resident participation.
  • And other duties assigned by the college.


Display confidentiality, discretion, and good judgment in relationship to knowledge of information in the following specific areas:

  • Personal information about specific individuals; including pertinent identification data ( student ID numbers, addresses, etc.) and information about personal circumstances.
  • Any and all information pertaining to the college or conduct cases; including students involved, the existence of community reports, discussion of existing cases, or outcomes of conduct cases.
  • Any and all additional information that is deemed confidential as determined by your supervisor.


The Apartment Manager (AM) receives an hourly wage of the MA state minimum wage for five hours. This is disbursed via bi-weekly checks and is considered taxable wages. AMs will have first priority to work in one of the area directors’ offices as an office assistant, or can apply to other work study positions on or off campus for five additional hours. AM’s will receive an additional stipend for fall training.

If the staff member agrees to work during interterm they will be compensated an additional $320 (approx.) for the year. 
The AM must file I-9 and W-4 forms with the Student Payroll Office prior to employment.  The AM’s paychecks will not be issued if these forms are not completed.


The AM must sign the Contract for Employment for Residence Life Student Staff Members.

The AM must be a full-time matriculated student at Smith College throughout the period of employment and must maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA. 
The AM will be terminated (removed from their positions) at any time as a result of:

  • Violating the college’s alcohol or drug policies
  • Harming, endangering or threatening to harm another person.

The AM’s employment may be terminated at any time as a result of the following conditions:

  • Violation of college policy,
  • Failure to comply with the conditions of a warning or probation as issued by their supervisor,
  • Failure to meet basic job expectations,
  • An unsatisfactory job evaluation,
  • Withdrawal from the college.

Resignation should be discussed with their supervisor In the event of resignation or termination, the AM and roommates (in the Friedmans) will vacate their assigned room/apartment and return all keys to their supervisor or the assistant director of residence life within 72 hours. Staff members who leave their position mid-year may not continue to live in the same house in which they were a staff member. The assistant director will reassign the former AM to a new room.
Continuation of the appointment, and the remuneration and benefits, is dependent upon satisfactory job performance and student status with the college.

Important Financial Note

The compensation may affect the AM’s financial aid allotment. Because financial aid packages differ from student to student, any student interested in the AM position should contact the financial aid office for information about how the financial aid package may be affected.   

The student staff position manages the house social system in collaboration with the Director of Residence Life. A successful candidate will be able to work well independently, ask questions as needed, support the College's mission around Equity and Inclusion and take initiative as appropriate. Please review the application materials and the full job description. Questions about this position should be directed to

Summer Staff Positions

During the summer the Office of Residence Life hires five student staff members to assist with operations in the houses and office. These positions are two Head Residents (HRs), two House Coordinators (HCs) and one residence life intern. All positions cover room and board during the summer and the HR and intern position also have hourly office work for 20-35 hours a week. Applications are due by April 20. If you have questions, please email


To apply, you will need to submit everything on the Smith Social Network; we do not accept paper applications. Your reference forms should be filled out online and submitted. More detailed instructions can be found on the Social Network.

Job Descriptions

The summer head resident position begins on Sunday, May 23, 2021 and ends Sunday, August 15, 2021.


Room and Board
Office Work (approx. $13.50 an hour)

The Office of Residence Life will follow the Culture of Care COVID-19 protocols. Students applying to work in-person need to understand the risk and adhere to all COVID-19 precautions put in place by Smith College.

Precautions include

  • Face masks must be worn, covering nose and mouth, at all times while on Smith College campus
  • Social distancing must be maintained at all times.
  • When appropriate, all surfaces must be wiped down with a disinfectant wipe upon arrival and departure from the workstation and workstations must be sprayed with cleaner at the end of all shifts

Job Responsibilities:

  • Working in the Clark Hall front office for 20 hours a week.
  • Weekly reports.
  • Key check-in and check-out on Sundays. 
  • Confirm that students vacate residential assignments on a specified date.
  • Work cooperatively with the other summer residence life staff.
  • Be available as the initial contact person for residents with any problems or concerns, and respond or make referrals as appropriate.
  • Be accessible in the house often, especially during evening hours.  Leave the door open when appropriate.
  • Hold four (4) suite hours per week, during which residents may come in for all manners of conversation (post suite hours).
  • Provide programming in your house and collaboratively with other summer staff.
  • Weekly supervision and staff meetings.
  • Any time away needs to be cleared through the assistant director of residence life for residential education and the student affairs program coordinator. You must also arrange for another staff member to serve as the house contact during this time. At least two of the four summer staff must be on campus during the weekend.
  • No more than one week away is permitted during the contracted period.
  • Know, understand, follow and uphold all college policies and help other students understand their rights and responsibilities as members of the community.
  • Address violations of college policy appropriately.  Report violations to the assistant director by submitting a Community Report by the next day.
  • Assist campus safety in conducting well-being checks, responding to students in need, investigating complaints, and resolving other matters.
  • Attend a training session in April/May before the summer begins.
  • Other tasks as assigned.
  • Uphold community safety by following and enforcing COVID-19 Culture of Care protocol for all on-campus programs.

The summer house coordinator position begins on Sunday, May 23, 2021 and ends Sunday, August 15, 2021.  


Room and Board    

The Office of Residence Life will follow the Culture of Care COVID-19 protocols. Students applying to work in-person need to understand the risk and adhere to all COVID-19 precautions put in place by Smith College. 

Precautions include:

  • Face masks must be worn, covering nose and mouth, at all times while on Smith College campus
  • Social distancing must be maintained at all times. 
  • When appropriate, all surfaces must be wiped down with a disinfectant wipe upon arrival and departure from the workstation and workstations must be sprayed with cleaner at the end of all shifts        

Job Responsibilities:

  • Weekly reports 
  • Key check-in and check-out on Sundays
  • Confirm that students vacate residential assignments on a specified date.
  • Work cooperatively with the other summer residence life staff.
  • Be available as the initial contact person for residents with any problems or concerns, and respond or make referrals as appropriate.
  • Be accessible in the house often, especially during evening hours. Leave door open when appropriate.
  • Hold four (4) suite hours per week, during which residents may come in for all manners of conversation.  
  • Provide programming in your house and collaboratively with other summer staff.
  • Weekly supervision and staff meetings.
  • Clear nights and weekends away from the house with the assistant director of residence life for residential education. Arrange for another staff member to serve as the contact person for the house. At least two of the four summer staff must be on campus during the weekend.
  • No more than one week away is permitted during the contracted period.
  • Know, understand, follow and uphold all college policies and help other students understand their rights and responsibilities as members of the community.
  • Address violations of college policy appropriately.  Report violations to the assistant director by submitting a Community Report by the next day.
  • Assist campus safety in conducting well-being checks, responding to students in need, investigating complaints, and resolving other matters.
  • Attend a training session in April/May before the summer begins.
  • Other duties as assigned.
  • Uphold community safety by following and enforcing COVID-19 Culture of Care protocol for all on-campus programs.

The summer residence life intern position begins Monday, May 17, 2021 and ends Sunday, August 15, 2021. Candidates who can work until September 1, 2021 are strongly encouraged to apply.


Room and Board
Office Work ($13.50/hour for 35 hours per week)

The Office of Residence Life will follow the Culture of Care COVID-19 protocols. Students applying to work in-person need to understand the risk and adhere to all COVID-19 precautions put in place by Smith College.

Precautions include:

  • Face masks must be worn, covering nose and mouth, at all times while on Smith College campus
  • Social distancing must be maintained at all times
  • When appropriate, all surfaces must be wiped down with a disinfectant wipe upon arrival and departure from the workstation and workstations must be sprayed with cleaner at the end of all shifts

Job Responsibilities:

General Job Expectations
  • Meet weekly with assistant director of residence life operations and/or student support coordinator
  • Develop a consistent work schedule with assistant director of residence life operations
  • Assist with Clark Hall front desk coverage, as needed
  • Assist with and support house programming efforts of summer HR and HC
  • Cover for summer HRs and HCs, when needed
  • Inventory all academic year keys
  • Coordinate lock changes and key billing with lockshop
  • Uphold community safety by following and enforcing COVID-19 Culture of Care protocol for all on-campus programs
Housing Assignments in The Housing Director program
  • Organize and manage first-year student housing preferences from Residence Life Information Form
  • Coordinate roommate matching for entering students
  • Assist with Post Room Draw Change Form assignments
  • Create assignments for new transfers, readmits, visiting students and Ada Comstock Scholars
Phone/Email Correspondence
  • Handle phone calls and respond to emails from account
  • Correspond with new and returning students and families via email and phone, with an emphasis on good customer service and professional etiquette
Summer Housing Assignments and Responsibilities
  • Assist with coordination of assignments for current and incoming students each term
  • Handle updates and custom reports in The Housing Director
  • Send email updates to students moving in and moving out
  • Keep up-to-date with new summer housing applications and dates of occupancy
  • Coordinate staffing of summer housing key pick-up/return with Summer HRs/HCs
  • Communicate with summer HRs/HCs regarding students arrivals and departures
  • Help coordinate key and OneCard access for all summer housing
  • Maintain records for billing of lost keys
  • Assistance with key kiosk distribution and collection of keys
  • Administer OneCard access


  • Good understanding of Smith College housing culture
  • Working knowledge of Google Suite software
  • Working knowledge of Excel spreadsheets
  • Working knowledge (or willingness to learn) The Housing Director software
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Ability to work independently
  • Maintain confidentiality with student information and records
  • Willingness to work hours in the evenings, on weekends and holidays, as needed
  • Work may be required on Memorial Day, May 31, and Independence Day, July 4