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House/Room Change Requests

The Room Change Request Form can be found on your Residence Life Self-Service page (via the Smith Portal) under the “Application” tab.


Before submitting a Room Change Request Form, please consider following these steps:

  1. If you hope to move from a room with a roommate, try to first communicate directly with your roommate about your shared space and what you both need to establish a positive living environment. Consider the items you discussed when completing your Roommate Contract.
  2. Consult with your house's student Residence Life staff. They can offer you additional support and facilitate a roommate mediation (if necessary).
  3. You may also wish to consult with your area director to confirm the process and discuss next steps.

When you submit your Room Change Request Form, your name will be added to a room change waiting list. The assistant director of housing operations maintains this list. She will reach out to you when a room in a house you requested becomes available (and you are next on the waiting list for that particular house). 

The length of time between your form submission date and when/if you receive a room change offer varies according to the individual's needs and the requested house. Room availability is constantly in flux. If you'd like to receive a room change offer as soon as possible, you should list on your request form every house that you would be willing to relocate to.

  • You do not forfeit your room by completing a Room Change Form. You can always elect to stay in your room, even if you are offered a change. If you deny a room change offer, your place on the room change waiting list is relinquished and you will need to complete another room change form if you wish to move. Thus, please only list houses on the form that you would actually consider moving to!
  • If you wish to swap rooms with someone, you both still need to complete a Room Change Form (indicating the specific swap request in the "notes" section) and set up a consultation meeting with your ResLife staff. Students may not simply change rooms by trading keys. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action.